ChristineSeo – Project 07 – Curves


// Christine Seo
// Section C
// Project-07

var leftColor;
var rightColor; 
var inBetweenColor;
var scaledVal;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(450, 450);
  rightColor = color(249, 185, 226); 
  leftColor = color(226, 213, 248); 
  inBetweenColor = color(182, 115, 138);
  scaledVal = 0; 
  strokeColor = 0;


function draw() {
  translate(width / 2, height / 2); //drawing is place to the center of canvas

function Hypotrochoid() {
    scaledVal = map(mouseX, 0, width, 0,1);  //color of the strokes change from left to right
    inBetweenColor = lerpColor(leftColor, rightColor, scaledVal);
     if (mouseX < (width / 1.5)) {
      strokeColor = map(mouseX, 0, width, 0, 255);

    var x;
    var y;
    var x2;
    var y2;
    var c = constrain(mouseX, 50, 10, width); //constrained distance of the radius of the circles 
    var r = 175; //radius of outter circle
    var r2 = 5; //radius of inner circle 
    var b = r / constrain(mouseY, 50, height);  //constrained radius of small circles

     for (var i = 0; i < r; i ++) {

     var t = map(i, 10, r, 10, 360);

     var x = (r + b) * cos(t) - c * cos (((r + b) / b) * t); //Hypotrochoid equation (outter circle)
     var y = (r + b) * sin(t) - c * sin (((r + b) / b) * t);
     var x2 = (r2 + b) * cos(t) - c * cos (((r2 + b) / b) * t); //inner circle
     var y2 = (r2 + b) * sin(t) - c * sin (((r2 + b) / b) * t);
     vertex(x, y); //outter circle
     vertex(x2, y2); //inner circle


For this project, I loved exploring all the variety of shapes and forms that the Hypotrochoid function could make. Although the mathematical equations seemed difficult at first, I was able to successfully make intriguing shapes that I wanted to create. I also explored to make colors of the strokes change using the mouse. I have two different sets of Hypotrchnoid in the project, that gives the overall product to have a “core” in the middle of the canvas. If you move the mouse more slowly, you are able to see that there are a lot of different shapes that can be made through your mouse. I found out that the constrain function is very useful in this project and for future projects as well. It is really interesting how it looks like the shapes are rotating consistently; I definitely want to explore more functions such as Hypotrochoid and epitrochoid.

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