John Legelis – Project 09 Portrait


// John Legelis
// Section D

var imgH = 480
var pR = 10
var colorList = []
var cWidth = 360
var cHeight = 480
var sourceimg = ""
var pimg = ""
var Ploaded
var Sloaded;

function preload() {
    Sloaded = loadImage(sourceimg)
    Ploaded = loadImage(pimg)
function setup() {
    createCanvas(360, 480);
function draw() {
    for (x=0; x < cWidth/pR; x++){
        colorList[x] = []
        for (y=0; y < cHeight/pR; y++){
            colorList[x][y] = Sloaded.get(x*pR, y*pR)
            image(Ploaded, x*pR, y*pR, pR, pR)

This week’s project seemed at first a bit intimidating but after thinking about it, I decided creating a mosaic representation of a portrait using “tiles” of another image would be an approachable yet interesting approach. The portrait photo this project is based on is a photo I took of my friend in a car holding her small dog named Rocky. The tile photo I used for the mosaic was a close up of Rocky’s face.

The Tile Image
Screenshot of mosaic with tile size 40 pixels.
Screenshot of mosaic with tile size 4 pixels.

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