SooA Kim: Project-05-Wallpaper



function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 600);
function draw() {

    //white rectangle
    for (var px = 0; px < height; px += 300) {
        for (var py = 0; py < height; py += 200) {
            fill (255);
            rect(px + 100, py, 200, 100);
//lavender square
    for (var rx = 0; rx < height; rx+= 200) {
        for (var ry = 100; ry < height; ry += 200) {
            fill(184, 186, 215); 
            rect(rx, ry, 100, 100);

    for (var ty = 50; ty < height + 50; ty += 200) {
        for (var tx = 50; tx < height + 50; tx += 200) {
            fill(45, 44, 119); //blue circle
            arc(tx, ty, 100, 100, HALF_PI, PI + HALF_PI);
            fill(225, 99, 58); //oraange circle
            arc(tx, ty + 100, 100, 100, PI + HALF_PI, HALF_PI);
            fill(255); //white circle
            arc(tx + 100, ty + 50, 100, 100, TWO_PI, PI);
    //two squares
    for (var ox = 50; ox < height; ox += 400) {
        for (var oy = 50; oy < height; oy += 200) {
            rect(ox + 50, oy, 50, 50);
            rect(ox + 100,oy - 50, 50, 50);


For this project, I tried to make a wallpaper based on this minimalist pattern from the Bauhaus movement.

Claire Yoon -Looking Outwards 05 – 3D Computer Graphics

Model after the color is fully applied
Model before the color is applied

From the start the concept of this art piece by Jan Reeh really intrigued me because of the mix of objects and objects shaped as letters. This image explains the word “creative” in a literal way. Close up there are objects surrounding the each letter and people interacting it and seems to tell a story.

Watching the video of the color helps me further understand the author’s intention of explaining the word in a literal way. As the colors slowly fills the page it mimics the way one would read a word and gives “life” to the word as the objects surrounding it move as well. This work was created was made in 3ds max and rendered in Vray.

William Su – Looking Outwards – 05

Justin Maller – Australian Digital Artist based in LA.

Justin Maller’s body of work is something i’ve always admired since high school. He is most well known for creating intricate digital 3d pieces of art that just look stunning and sophisticated in any setting like a wallpaper or profile picture. In short, his stuff just looks cool as hell. One of his projects, “Facets”, was a yearlong body of work where he makes one of these pieces of art everyday. I’m not exactly sure how he’s able to make such intricate pieces of art but I know he goes back in and touches them up in photoshop or other photo editing tools to give it a bit more flare. His work is very diverse but also very uniform as well. Some of his pieces are for products, athletes, or companies like Microsoft, LG, Steph Curry, and Nike. Others might have a nature theme or a twisted but awesome view of reality.

Fanjie Jin – Looking Outwards – 05

Phillips Exeter Academy Library Vray Render by Alex Roman

This image is rendered by Vray which is a computer based rendering software. The level of details and nuances rendered in this picture has made it just like a realistic photo. Alex Roman is really interested in using computer based render software to create some atmosphere in a building that we can’t really perceive by eyes in the real world. For example in this image, the lighting beam has casted a really dramatic light to the corner of the building and yet in the real world, this type of lighting condition can never really occurs. I really admire him in that he has used the computer based render software to portrait and visualize some dramatic and illusional lighting quality. In the rendered image, the boundary between real and unreal is blurred., I am incredibly impressed by the realistic attributes of this piece and as an architecture student, I wish I can create some renders as astonishing as this.

Lanna Lang – Project 06 – Abstract Clock


//Lanna Lang
//Section D
//Project-06-Abstract CLock

function setup() {
    createCanvas(470, 430);
    background(154, 233, 250);

function draw() {
    h = hour();
    //the radius changes depending on the hour
    var hRadius = map(h%12, 0, 12, 250, 350);
    //the circle color changes
    //as the hour changes
    var hPink = map(h%12, 0, 12, 0, 230);
    fill(255, 183, hPink);
    ellipse(180, 215, hRadius);
    //white reflection arc
    arc(240, 170, 60, 60, 300, 360);

    m = minute();
    //the radius changes depending on the minute
    var mRadius = map(m, 0, 60, 100, 170);
    //the circle color changes
    //as the minute changes
    var mGreen = map(m, 0, 60, 0, 150);
    fill(mGreen, 205, 180);
    ellipse(180, 215, mRadius); 
    s = second();
    //the radius changes depending on the second
    var sRadius = map(s, 0, 60, 0, 70);
    //the circle color changes
    //as the second changes
    var sGreen = map(s, 0, 60, 0, 255);
    ellipse(180, 215, sRadius);
    //light grey circle
    ellipse(400, 120, 70, 70);
    //dark grey circle
    ellipse(400, 120, 40, 40);
    //record player tone arm
    stroke(250, 235, 154); //yellow
    line(430, 80, 410, 100);
    line(410, 100, 310, 240);
    line(310, 240, 290, 250);
    line(290, 250, 250, 260);
    //buttons on the bottom
    stroke(247, 115, 125); //red
    line(20, 410, 40, 410);
    stroke(71, 171, 88); //green
    line(60, 410, 80, 410);
    stroke(47); //dark grey
    line(100, 410, 120, 410);
    //volume control
    stroke(127); //dark grey
    line(400, 270, 400, 390);
    fill(220); //light grey
    rect(380, 300, 40, 20);

My process behind making this clock/record player was simple, but I wanted to familiarize myself with the map() function so I based my whole clock off the map() function. Each ellipse represents the seconds, minutes, or hours, and as time goes on, the circles enlarge and the colors lighten for the minutes and hours. I had fun creating this image and playing with colors.

My sketch

William Su – Project 05 – Wallpaper

I made a grid of circles with randomly sized and colored circles sprinkled in.


// William Su
// Section E
// Project 05

function setup() { 
  createCanvas(400, 400);
  count = 1;

function draw() { 

  for (var M = 0; M <= width; M += 20){
    for (var N = 0; N <= height; N += 20) {

      if (count == 8) { 
        r = random(3, 12);
        fill(random(0, 255), random(0, 255), random(0, 255)); // Random color
        line(M - 10, N - 10, M + 10, N + 10);
        ellipse(M,N,r,r); // Random size
        count = 1;// Count resets after every 6 dots.

      } else { // Draw regular dots and lines
        line(M + 10, N + 10, M - 10, N - 10);
        count += 1;


Shariq M. Shah – Looking Outwards – 05

Aldo Martinez Calzadilla is a 3D Computer Graphics Artist who works in highly detailed and lifelike three dimensional models. These computational techniques allow Martinez to explore other worldly ventures and develop methodologies that surpass what may be conceived as possible. Various modeling and processing techniques are used to produce highly articulated, vastly emotional, and intriguing images. Unlike many other artists, the mathematics and computation behind these processes produce a controlled and orchestrated image whereas some other computational artists take a generative approach to the design. In contrast, this process produces high resolution images that have an extreme level of planned detail. This work is highly resolved and its use of computational techniques is evident in its minute details.

Images by Aldo Martinez made from high resolution 3D Models

CJ Walsh – Looking Outwards 05 – 3D Computer Graphics

For this week’s Looking Outwards I decided to focus on a series of works by Mark Kirkpatrick, a digital artist and designer. What really caught my attention in these pieces was the cohesion of the color palettes. Each piece has a really unique and calming vibe that comes from the combination of the scenery and the color palette. In creating this series of works, he stated that he enjoyed the idea of solitude within the image of the barren landscape.

This series of works is produced using Cinema4D and ZBrush, and then was rendered in Octance Render. He also goes in and adds details after rendering using Photoshop.

I think that an interesting part of his work is that almost all of his professional design and artistic knowledge is self-taught. He went to school for business so he received no formal training with these mediums and practices. He states that as he continues to gain knowledge within these programs, he can create more interesting and complicated works. His practice seems to work well in this environment, the process of experimenting with the software and rendering enables him to create images that have a sense of being both planned and unplanned.



Ellan Suder – Project – 05

I used the code I wrote for the hexagonal grid as a base for the wallpaper’s tiling pattern. I drew a custom shape in its own function (called ‘flame’) and made it repeat. The triangle/sparks are generated randomly.

flame wallpaper

Ellan Suder
15104 1 D

var magentaColor;
var greenColor;
//var blueColor;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(500, 500);
    magentaColor = color(238,116,217);
    greenColor = color(156, 255, 209);
    //blueColor = color(104,142,243);

function draw() {
    var tw = 100;
    var th = 100;
    var oy = 0;
    var ox = 0;
    for (var y = 0; y < 8; y++) {
        for (var x = 0; x < 8; x++) {
          if (y%2 === 0) {
            var px = ox + x * tw;
          } else if (y%2 !== 0 & x < 9) {
            var px = ox +tw/2 + x * tw;
            var py = oy + y * th;
            flame(px,py,20); //outer flame
            fill(magentaColor); //inner flame
function flame(x,y,size) {
    vertex (x,y-4*size/3);     //1
      vertex (x+size/4,y-size);     //2
        vertex (x+size/3,y-size/3);     //3
      vertex (x+2*size/3,y-3*size/4);     //4
    vertex (x+size,y-size);     //5
      vertex (x+3*size/4,y+size/3);     //6
        vertex (x+size/2,y+3*size/4);     //7
          vertex (x,y+size);     //8
        vertex (x-size/2,y+3*size/4);     //9
      vertex (x-3*size/4,y+size/3);     //10
    vertex (x-size,y-size);     //11
      vertex (x-2*size/3,y-3*size/4);     //12
      vertex (x-size/3,y-size/3);     //13
        vertex (x-size/4,y-size);     //14
    endShape(CLOSE);     //back to 1  

function sparks(x,y,size) {
    a = size*random(-1,1);
    b = random(.9,1.1);
    c = size*random(-1,1);
    d = random(.9,1.1);
    e = size*random(-1,1);
    f = random(.9,1.1);

Angela Lee – Looking Outwards – 05

A part of his Ghost in the Shell inspired 3D artwork, can be found:
Another angle of the same subject inspired by Ghost in the Shell. Again, found this at:

His images were unable to be embedded, so I screenshotted them and pasted the link below.

I have always been intrigued by Hayden Zezula, @zolloc on Instagram, whose work often warps humanoid figures with 3D abstract objects. On his portfolio, I particularly enjoyed his work inspired by the famous manga “Ghost in the Shell.” In this project, I admire his use of a minimal color palette—every hue he uses is very intentional and creates a thoughtful contrast against other objects. Additionally, his humanoid forms are recognizable and relatable as a human, but also not specific enough to alienate viewers. In general, I think that his graphic style is very thought-provoking and allows viewers to use their imagination to build a story around his work. While I’m not sure about the algorithms used to generate his work, I think that he must have used some centering functions and loops to create the circular formation of the humanoids.