SooA Kim: Project-03-Dynamic-Drawing


   SooA Kim
   Section D
   Project 3 - Dynamic Drawing 

var c1 = 100;
var c2 = 120;
var c3 = 210;
var angle = 0;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 460);

function draw() {
    background(c1, c2, c3);

    //background color
    if (mouseX > width/3) {
    //pink circles and rectangles with symmetry
    fill(255, 100, 100);
    var m = max(min(mouseX, 640),0);
    var size = m * 320.0 / 640.0;
    rect(10 + m * 100.0 / 640.0, 230, size, size);
    rect(width - m * 100.0 / 640.0, 230, size, size);
    ellipse(10 + m * 320.0 / 640.0, 100, size + 50, size);
    ellipse(width - m * 320.0 / 640.0, 100, size + 50, size);

    //blue rectangle with rotation in the middle
    fill(0, 0, 255);
    var x1 = max(min(mouseX, 100), 0);
    translate (340, 230);
    rect(x1, m , 100, 100);
    angle = angle + 1

    //circle green
    fill(100, 255, c3);
    var y = min(100, mouseY); 
    ellipse (mouseX, y + 100, 50, 200);

The assignment was pretty challenging for me this week. I wish that I had more time to understand and be comfortable using min()/max ()and constraint(). I mainly focused on understanding how each shape is made by different application of motion functions.

Hyejo Seo – Project-03: Dynamic Art


Hyejo Seo
Section A
Project-03- Dynamic Art

var circleY = 250;  
var cSpeed = 1; 
var sunDia = 350;

function setup() {

function draw() {
    background(180, mouseY + 70, mouseY + 100);
fill(255, 100, 147);

if(mouseY >= 150){
  sunDia = 350; 
} else {
  sunDia = mouseY /2;
circle(225, 290, sunDia); 
    circleY = circleY - cSpeed; 
    fill(198, 207, 220);
    circle(220, circleY, 100);
    if(circleY >= height){
      circleY = -cSpeed;
    circle(250, circleY, 90);
    if(circleY > height){  
      cSpeed = cSpeed;
    circle(200, circleY + 70, 80);
    if(circleY + 70 > height){    
      cSpeed = cSpeed;
    circle(250, circleY + 60, 100);
    if(circleY + 50 > height){    
      cSpeed = cSpeed;
    circle(210, circleY - 50, 90);
    circle(260, circleY - 50, 100);
    if(circleY - 50 > height){
      cSpeed = cSpeed;
    circle(210, circleY - 100, 80);
    circle(250, circleY - 100, 90);
    if(circleY - 100 > height){
      cSpeed = cSpeed;
    circle(210, circleY - 80, 100);
    if(circleY - 50 > height){
      cSpeed = cSpeed;

    if(circleY <= -100){
      circleY = height;
fill(234, 51, 28);
if(mouseY <= 150){
  curveVertex(170, 500);
  curveVertex(170, 500);
  curveVertex(170, 280);
  curveVertex(90, 150);
  curveVertex(130, 150);
  curveVertex(150, 120);
  curveVertex(180, 145);
  curveVertex(220, 80);
  curveVertex(250, 150);
  curveVertex(280, 130);
  curveVertex(280, 170);
  curveVertex(290, 165);
  curveVertex(320, 150);
  curveVertex(380, 145);
  curveVertex(310, 250);
  curveVertex(330, 500);
  curveVertex(330, 500);
} else {
    curveVertex(170, 500);
    curveVertex(170, 500);
    curveVertex(170, 280);
    curveVertex(310, 280);
    curveVertex(200, 500);
    curveVertex(200, 500);
// mountain
    fill (170, 140, 99);
    quad(0, 500, 450, 500, 350, 350, 100, 350); 
// mountain peak
    fill(170, 140, 99);
    curveVertex(100, 350);
    curveVertex(100, 350);
    curveVertex(140, 280);
    curveVertex(170, 250);
    curveVertex(210, 270);
    curveVertex(240, 260);
    curveVertex(270, 290);
    curveVertex(310, 250);
    curveVertex(350, 350);
    curveVertex(350, 350);

// mountain body detail 
    stroke(67,42, 29);
    line(50, 500, 150, 300);
    line(140, 450, 190, 310);
    line(200, 490, 230, 300);
    line(250, 450, 245, 300);
    line(300, 500, 280, 320);
    line(350, 500, 300, 300);

For this project, I have created an interactive piece of a volcano explosion – from the moment of the lava boiling, which was depicted by the smoke to the explosion. I had fun and learned a lot experimenting with interactive/conditional functions. 

Claire Yoon – Project 03 – Dynamic Drawing


/*Claire Yoon
  Section E

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 640);
function draw() {
    // sky from night to day
    background (138 - mouseY, 225 - mouseY, 255 - mouseY)

// pulling up blinds
    noStroke ();
    fill(237,236, 230);
    rect(0, 60 - mouseY, 480, 50 + mouseY / 50);
    rect(0, 120 - mouseY, 480, 50 + mouseY / 50);
    rect(0, 180 - mouseY, 480, 50 + mouseY / 50);
    rect(0, 240 - mouseY, 480, 50 + mouseY / 50);
    rect(0, 300 - mouseY, 480, 50 + mouseY / 50);
    rect(0, 360 - mouseY, 480, 50 + mouseY / 50);
    rect(0, 420 - mouseY, 480, 50 + mouseY / 50);
    rect(0, 480 - mouseY, 480, 50 + mouseY / 50);
    fill(216,213, 195);
    rect(0, 0, 480, 55);
// counter

I really enjoyed playing around with all the different types of elements we learned so far such as position, translating, rotating, and use of color.

Mari Kubota- Project- 03- Dynamic-Drawing


/*  Mari Kubota
    49-104 Section D 
    Assignment 3
var x = 300;
var y = 300;
var diameter = 8;
var diffx = 0;
var diffy = 0;
var targetX = 300;
var targetY = 300;
var angle = 0;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);
//following mouse
let value = 0;
function mouseMoved() {
    value = value + 5;
    if (value > 255) {
    value = 0;

function draw(){
    background (200-mouseY,220-mouseY,250);

    translate(100 - mouseX/2, 0);
    rect (-100, 400,1050,80);

    rect (30,200,20,200);
    triangle (40,150,80,350,0,350);

    rect (180,200,20,200);
    triangle (190,150,100,350,280,350);

    rect (330,200,20,200);
    triangle (340,150,380,350,300,350);

    rect (530,200,20,200);
    triangle (530,100,640,350,440,350);

    rect (750,200,20,200);
    triangle (750,100,860,350,660,350);

    fill(value-100, value, value-200);
    diffx = mouseX - x;
    diffy = mouseY - y;
    x = x + 0.1*diffx;
    y = y + 0.1*diffy;
    ellipse(x, y, diameter, diameter);


In this project, I created a drawing of a firefly flying through the forest. The color of the sky, the movement of the trees, and the movement of the firefly are all controlled by the mouse.

Project 03 – Dynamic Drawing


// Deklin Versace Section E
var eyeX = 700;
var eyeY = 250;
var diameter = 75;
var r = 100;
var g = 50;
var b = 50;
var handY = 500;
var handX = 375;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(900, 900);
    r = random(0, 255);
    g = random(0, 255);
    b = random(0, 255);

function draw() {
  background(r, g, b);
  fill(r - 60, g - 60, b - 60);
  quad(width / 2 - 150, eyeY, width / 2 + 150, eyeY, 485, 900, 415, 900);
  fill(r - 60, g - 60 ,b - 60);
  ellipse(width / 2, eyeY, eyeX + abs(700 - eyeX), abs(450 - eyeX / 3));
  headH = abs(450 - eyeX / 3);
  headW = eyeX + abs(700 - eyeX);
  ellipse(eyeX, eyeY, diameter, diameter);
  ellipse(width - eyeX, eyeY, diameter, diameter);
  if(mouseX > 650 || mouseX < 250 || (mouseX > 400 & mouseX < 500)){
    eyeX = eyeX;
  }   else{
      eyeX = mouseX;

  fill(r - 100, g - 100, b - 100);
  bezier((width / 2) - (headW / 5), eyeY + 50, (width / 2) - (headW / 5), eyeY + (headH / 2) - 50, (width / 2) + (headW / 5), eyeY + (headH / 2) - 50, (width / 2) + (headW / 5), eyeY + 50);

  stroke(r - 50, g - 50, b - 50);
  line(width / 2 - 100, 420, width / 2 - 250, 420 + ((handY - 420) / 2));
  line(width / 2 + 100, 420, width / 2 + 250, 420 + ((handY - 420) / 2));
  stroke(r - 40, g - 40, b - 40);
  line(width / 2 - 250, 420 + ((handY - 420) / 2), handX, handY);
  line(width / 2 + 250, 420 + ((handY - 420) / 2), 900 - handX, handY);
  if(mouseX > 100 & mouseX < 410)
  handX = mouseX;
  handX = handX;
  if(mouseY < 700){
    handY = mouseY;
  } else{
  handY = 700;
function mousePressed() {
  r = random(0, 255);
  g = random(0, 255);
  b = random(0, 255);

Looking Outwards – 03

A piece of digital fabrication that interests me is the FIBERBOTS program at MIT. Given that I am new to the world of coding and have had little exposure to it prior to this year, my view of its possibilities were more limited to the digital scale. As this semester first challenged what I thought code was possible of doing in the 2D scale, reading about FIBERBOTS. What this tool is capable of is shocking to me, and seeing the artful, yet practical forms they are designed to create opens me up to possibilities and functions in programming that I had never applied to art or design before.

Minjae Jeong – Project 03 – Dynamic Drawing


// Minjae Jeong
// Section B
// Project -03

var angleX = 0;
var angleY = 0;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);

function draw() {
    background((mouseX - mouseY) / 2, mouseX - mouseY, mouseY + 17); // change colors
    r = mouseX - 300;
    g = mouseY - 200;
    b = mouseX - mouseY;

    fill(mouseX / 3, 163, 223);
    translate(mouseX / 3, mouseY / 2);
    rect(130, 30, mouseX / 3, 50);
    angleX = angleX + 1;

    fill(r, g, b);
    translate(mouseX / 3, mouseY / 2);
    rect(140, 50, mouseX - 200, mouseY / 3);

    fill(81, mouseX / 2, 223);
    translate(mouseX, mouseY);
    ellipse(300, 250, 50, mouseY / 2);
    angleY = angleY - 1;

    fill(81, mouseX / 2, 223);
    translate(mouseX / 6, mouseY / 4);
    ellipse(300, 250, 50, mouseY);

This project, I wanted to create what randomness in order would look like. It started from a thought that what if what we see everyday that seems random is actually not random?

CJ Walsh – Project 3 – Dynamic Drawing


var radLarge = 37.797;
var radSmall = 20.643;

function setup() {
	createCanvas(640, 480);
	colorMode(HSB, 480);

function draw() {
	// color changes as mouse moves in vertical directions
	//controls the reverse of my mouse movement
	var reverseX = width - mouseX

// background circles to create changing backdrop
	ellipse(320, 240, mouseX, mouseY);
	ellipse(480, 240, mouseX, mouseY);
	ellipse(150, 240, mouseX, mouseY);

// left larger circles
	ellipse(mouseX, 33, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(mouseX, 108, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(mouseX, 184, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(mouseX, 260, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(mouseX, 335, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(mouseX, 410, radLarge, radLarge);

// left small circles 
	ellipse(mouseX, 449, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(mouseX, 373, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(mouseX, 298, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(mouseX, 222, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(mouseX, 146, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(mouseX, 70, radSmall, radSmall);

// right large circles
	ellipse(reverseX, 449, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(reverseX, 373, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(reverseX, 298, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(reverseX, 222, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(reverseX, 146, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(reverseX, 70, radLarge, radLarge);

// right smaller circles 
	ellipse(reverseX, 33, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(reverseX, 108, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(reverseX, 184, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(reverseX, 260, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(reverseX, 335, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(reverseX, 410, radSmall, radSmall);

// far left larger 
	ellipse(mouseX - 100, 33, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(mouseX - 100, 108, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(mouseX - 100, 184, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(mouseX - 100, 260, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(mouseX - 100, 335, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(mouseX - 100, 410, radLarge, radLarge);

	ellipse(mouseX - 300, 33, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(mouseX - 300, 108, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(mouseX - 300, 184, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(mouseX - 300, 260, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(mouseX - 300, 335, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(mouseX - 300, 410, radLarge, radLarge);

// far left smaller
	ellipse(mouseX - 200, 449, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(mouseX - 200, 373, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(mouseX - 200, 298, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(mouseX - 200, 222, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(mouseX - 200, 146, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(mouseX - 200, 70, radSmall, radSmall);

	ellipse(mouseX - 400, 449, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(mouseX - 400, 373, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(mouseX - 400, 298, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(mouseX - 400, 222, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(mouseX - 400, 146, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(mouseX - 400, 70, radSmall, radSmall);

// far right larger 
	ellipse(reverseX + 100, 449, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(reverseX + 100, 373, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(reverseX + 100, 298, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(reverseX + 100, 222, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(reverseX + 100, 146, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(reverseX + 100, 70, radLarge, radLarge);

	ellipse(reverseX + 300, 449, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(reverseX + 300, 373, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(reverseX + 300, 298, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(reverseX + 300, 222, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(reverseX + 300, 146, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(reverseX + 300, 70, radLarge, radLarge);

// far right smaller
	ellipse(reverseX + 200, 33, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(reverseX + 200, 108, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(reverseX + 200, 184, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(reverseX + 200, 260, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(reverseX + 200, 335, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(reverseX + 200, 410, radSmall, radSmall);

	ellipse(reverseX + 400, 33, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(reverseX + 400, 108, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(reverseX + 400, 184, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(reverseX + 400, 260, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(reverseX + 400, 335, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(reverseX + 400, 410, radSmall, radSmall);

// more right large
	ellipse(reverseX - 100, 449, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(reverseX - 100, 373, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(reverseX - 100, 298, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(reverseX - 100, 222, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(reverseX - 100, 146, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(reverseX - 100, 70, radLarge, radLarge);

	ellipse(reverseX - 300, 449, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(reverseX - 300, 373, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(reverseX - 300, 298, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(reverseX - 300, 222, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(reverseX - 300, 146, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(reverseX - 300, 70, radLarge, radLarge);

// more right small 
	ellipse(reverseX - 200, 33, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(reverseX - 200, 108, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(reverseX - 200, 184, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(reverseX - 200, 260, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(reverseX - 200, 335, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(reverseX - 200, 410, radSmall, radSmall);

	ellipse(reverseX - 400, 33, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(reverseX - 400, 108, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(reverseX - 400, 184, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(reverseX - 400, 260, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(reverseX - 400, 335, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(reverseX - 400, 410, radSmall, radSmall);

// more left larger 
	ellipse(mouseX + 100, 33, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(mouseX + 100, 108, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(mouseX + 100, 184, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(mouseX + 100, 260, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(mouseX + 100, 335, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(mouseX + 100, 410, radLarge, radLarge);

	ellipse(mouseX + 300, 33, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(mouseX + 300, 108, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(mouseX + 300, 184, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(mouseX + 300, 260, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(mouseX + 300, 335, radLarge, radLarge);
	ellipse(mouseX + 300, 410, radLarge, radLarge);

// more left smaller
	ellipse(mouseX + 200, 449, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(mouseX + 200, 373, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(mouseX + 200, 298, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(mouseX + 200, 222, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(mouseX + 200, 146, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(mouseX + 200, 70, radSmall, radSmall);

	ellipse(mouseX + 400, 449, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(mouseX + 400, 373, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(mouseX + 400, 298, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(mouseX + 400, 222, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(mouseX + 400, 146, radSmall, radSmall);
	ellipse(mouseX + 400, 70, radSmall, radSmall);

For my dynamic drawing I wanted to play with the creation of patterns. As you move the mouse in the x plane you can create different textures by positioning the circles. Additionally, you can use both x and y mouse movements to change the background circles, which I though added a nice element to help create more combinations of the image. This assignment was a little difficult to figure out at first, and I definitely want to keep playing with my code on this image to see what else I could do.

Angela Lee – Project – 03


 * Angela Lee
 * Section E
 * Assignment-03

// variables for x & y position of circle following cursor
var x = 300;
var y = 300;
var diffx = 0;
var diffy = 0;

function setup(){
	createCanvas(640, 480);

function draw(){
    // defining variable for distance from mouse position to center
    mouseDist = dist(mouseX, mouseY, width/2, height/2);
    // width and height of the circles
    circle = 80 + mouseDist/6;

    // small white circle following the mouse
    diffx = mouseX - x;
    diffy = mouseY - y;
    x = x + 0.2 * diffx;
    y = y + 0.2 * diffy;
    fill ("white");
    ellipse(x, y, 20, 20);

    // middle square
    translate(320, 240);
    rectMode (CENTER);
    fill(mouseX, mouseY, 100);
    rect(0, 0, 15, 15);

    // red, yellow values change based on mouse's x and y position
    fill(mouseX, mouseY, 150);
    // ellipse goes top based on mouse's distance from center
    ellipse(320, 114 - mouseDist/2, circle,

    // green, blue values change based on mouse's x and y position
    fill(242, mouseX, mouseY);
    // ellipse goes right based on mouse's distance from center
    // ellipse gets bigger as mouseDist gets bigger
    ellipse(445 + mouseDist/2, 240, circle,

    // red, green values change based on mouse's x and y position
    fill(mouseX, mouseY, 40);
    // ellipse goes bottom based on mouse's distance from center
    // ellipse gets bigger as mouseDist gets bigger
    ellipse(320, 365 + mouseDist/2, circle,

    // red value changes based on mouse's x position
    fill(mouseX, 13, 174);
    // ellipse goes left based on mouse's distance from center
    // ellipse gets bigger as mouseDist gets bigger
    ellipse(195 - mouseDist/2, 240, circle,

    // translate origin to where the square is, based on mouseDist
    translate(407.5 + mouseDist/5, 151 - mouseDist/5);
    // rotate the square from its center as it moves
    fill(23, 250, 255);
    rect(0, 0, 50, 50);

    // translate origin to where the square is, based on mouseDist
    translate(407.5 + mouseDist/5, 328.5 + mouseDist/5);
    // rotate the square from its center as it moves
    fill(141, 29, 221);
    rect(0, 0, 50, 50);

    // translate origin to where the square is, based on mouseDist
    translate(231 - mouseDist/5, 328.5 + mouseDist/5);
    // rotate the square from its center as it moves
    fill(255, 169, 210);
    rect(0, 0, 50, 50);

    // translate origin to where the square is, based on mouseDist
    translate(231 - mouseDist/5, 151 - mouseDist/5);
    // rotate the square from its center as it moves
    fill(7, 57, 239);
    rect(0, 0, 50, 50);


This project helped me really understand the mechanisms of push, pop, and translation in the context of rotation. I think it was tricky to figure out how to make things rotate a certain place (e.g. rotate on its center while the position of the object changed places depending on the user). I also think that proportion was especially important for me in this exercise. While most of my user interaction was based on how far the cursor was from the center of the canvas, determining how fast something was moving or big something got depended on a fraction of that distance.