Lauren Park-Category Project-02-Variable-Face


var eyeSize = 20;
var eyebrowSize = 30;
var noseWidth = 40;
var noseHeight = 40;
var faceWidth = 230;
var faceHeight = 250;
var mouthX = 60;
var mouthY = 30;
var hair = 40;
var hairColorX = '#F5CF58';
var hairColorY = '#FF8D80';
var hairColorZ = '#91D6FA';
var colorFaceX = '#D9BB96';
var colorFaceY ='#387178';
var colorFaceZ = '#D2F58C';

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);
function draw() {
    fill(hairColorX, hairColorY, hairColorZ);
    ellipse(width / 2, height / 2+10, hair*5, hair*7);
    ellipse(width / 2, height / 2+10, hair*7, hair*5);
    ellipse(width / 2, height / 2, faceWidth,  faceHeight);
    ellipse(width / 2-60, height / 2, eyeSize+15, eyeSize);
    ellipse(width / 2+60, height / 2, eyeSize+15, eyeSize);
    ellipse(width / 3+47, height / 3+80, eyeSize+5, eyeSize);
    ellipse(width / 3+166, height / 3+80, eyeSize+5, eyeSize);
    arc(315, 255, noseWidth, noseHeight-5, 0, HALF_PI);
    arc(380, 220, eyebrowSize, eyebrowSize, PI + QUARTER_PI,       TWO_PI);
    arc(255,220, eyebrowSize, eyebrowSize, PI, PI+HALF_PI+QUARTER_PI);
    ellipse(width / 3+105, height / 3+150, mouthX, mouthY);
function mousePressed() {

    // 'faceWidth' gets a random value between 75 and 150.
    faceWidth = random(200, 275);
    faceHeight = random(200, 300);
    eyeSize = random(10, 30);
    noseWidth = random(30, 50);
    noseHeight = random(30,50);
    eyebrowSize = random(30,60);
    mouthX = random(30,60);
    mouthY = random(30,60);
    colorFaceX = random(102,245);
    colorFaceY = random(115, 250);
    colorFaceZ = random(100, 200);
    hair = random(50,70);
    hairColorX = random(145,214);
    hairColorY = random(255, 141);
    hairColorZ = random(245, 211);

For this project, I was trying to create a similar expression on different facial forms and I wanted to place these expressions on a face shaped like a flower. It was very interesting but challenging to try and play around with the different colors and fitting the shapes proportionally and randomizing them by each click.

Lauren Park-Looking Outwards-02

Encounter is an arm-like robotic machine that has a mirror that reacts naturally and in a human-like way to those who physically approach it. The mirror is used to track the face of a person that comes close.  I really admire this piece because it is intriguing to see works that combine technology and human behaviors. There is something odd and eery about taking a man-made object and try to give it human qualities and interact with other people. It makes me think about how I can approach this machine to have a communication with it and see how far it can go. This machine functions based off of smart servomechanisms and inverse kinematic algorithms. This piece seems to achieve the artist’s goals in many different ways through the algorithms. There is commentary on how social relationships are created or function by placing humans and robots to start a conversation with each other. There are many differences robots and people have but it seems that such barrier is being dissolved through this interaction. 

Artist: Piet Schmidt

Title: Encounter

Year of creation: 2018

Lauren Park-Project-01: Face


function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 410);
    fill(115, 222, 210);
    rect(0, 250, 400, 400);
    fill(207, 146, 39);
    ellipse(110, 380, 70, 30);//feet
    ellipse(270, 380, 70, 30);
    fill(255, 223, 62); //wings
    ellipse(50, 240, 60, 100);
    fill(255, 223, 62);
    ellipse(340, 240, 60, 100);

    fill(255, 235, 62);
    ellipse(195, 200, 300, 310);
    fill(250, 195, 31);
    ellipse(145, 162, 60, 50);
    fill(250, 195, 31);
    ellipse(240, 162, 60, 50);  
    ellipse(115, 132, 60, 50);
    ellipse(130, 130, 165, 165);
    ellipse(240, 157, 30, 26);
    ellipse(227, 155, 37, 37);
    ellipse(237, 150, 10, 10);

    ellipse(145, 135, 10, 10);
    fill(255, 140, 3);
    ellipse(190, 210, 90, 30);
    fill(255, 172, 202);//blush
    ellipse(280, 190, 20, 20);
    ellipse(110, 187, 20, 20);
    fill(255, 235, 208);
    ellipse(195, 310, 130, 90);
    fill(163, 207, 54);
    arc(72, 78, 70, 70, 0, HALF_PI);
    arc(95, 83, 70, 70, 0, HALF_PI);
    fill(163, 207, 54);
    arc(120, 86, 70, 70, 0, HALF_PI); 
    fill(163, 207, 54);
    arc(143, 89, 70, 70, 0, HALF_PI);
    arc(166, 89, 70, 70, 0, HALF_PI);
    arc(189, 89, 70, 70, 0, HALF_PI);
    arc(215, 86, 70, 70, 0, HALF_PI);
    arc(238, 86, 70, 70, 0, HALF_PI);
    arc(261, 83, 70, 70, 0, HALF_PI);
    arc(284, 78, 70, 70, 0, HALF_PI);
    arc(112, 80, 80, 80, PI, PI + QUARTER_PI);
    arc(280, 83, 80, 80, PI + QUARTER_PI, TWO_PI);
    arc(250, 85, 90, 90, PI + QUARTER_PI, TWO_PI);
    arc(250, 100, 100, 100, PI + QUARTER_PI, TWO_PI);
    arc(210, 95, 110, 110, PI + QUARTER_PI, TWO_PI);
    arc(227, 95, 110, 110, PI + QUARTER_PI, TWO_PI);
    arc(190, 95, 110, 110, PI + QUARTER_PI, TWO_PI);
    arc(170, 95, 110, 110, PI + QUARTER_PI, TWO_PI);
    arc(150, 95, 110, 110, PI + QUARTER_PI, TWO_PI);
    arc(130, 95, 110, 110, PI + QUARTER_PI, TWO_PI);
    arc(117, 95, 110, 110, PI + QUARTER_PI, TWO_PI);
    arc(85, 60, 70, 70, HALF_PI, PI);
    arc(99, 41, 77, 77, HALF_PI, PI);
    arc(103, 41, 77, 77, HALF_PI, PI);
    arc(277, 42, 77, 77, HALF_PI, PI);
    arc(75, 80, 50, 50, HALF_PI, PI);
    ellipse(330, 80, 70, 10);
    fill(207, 146, 39);
    rect(250, 335, 15, 50, 20);
    rect(120, 335, 15, 50, 20);


It was a challenge to try and create shapes for my piece and try to adjust their placements, while adding more color and different elements throughout the project. I created a duck face, which was inspired by the idea that people have certain expressions and behaviors that remind me of certain visual characteristics. And so for this project, by using different elements, I made a self-portrait of myself that I believe visually represented certain characteristics of my face when I make an expression.

LaurenPark-Looking Outwards-01

Brandi Twilley creates a series of paintings based on her memory of the living room she grew up in as a child. She paints freely, dramatizing this living room by using soft flames, as the artist revisits the memory of her home in Oklahoma when it burnt down. I find it really intriguing that the artist uses the series to show the happening and overwhelming movement of fire as it takes over the room. It is also fascinating to see the amount of detail in each object in the living room, while each object also has soft light that makes this scene so hazy. The artist can improve these pieces by being more consistent in the way she stylizes and inserts sharp details in some paintings, while not as much in others. However, this may be what lets the artist be successful in trying to depict a specific scene differently every time which shoes the haziness in her memories. Another successful moment the artist has is the way she portray loneliness throughout each scene, focusing mainly on the fire. I think that the artist was inspired by the way her mind’s imagination works when recreating this memory. She takes multiple parts that she remembers from that room and pieces the image together, binding it altogether with the dominance of the fire.