Jasmine Lee – Looking Outwards – 05

The project I chose to look at this time was RoomCR6‘s Suprematism & Constructivism. I found it interesting in that it was a subtle take on modernizing some well-known Suprematism pieces. Suprematism was an art movement, originating in Russia, that tried to convey the feeling of “pure artistic feeling. “While they kept the themes from much of the paintings, including the geometric shapes, lines, and colors, RoomCR6 recreated the paintings using 3D objects. They used programs such as Cinema 4D and Arnold Render in order to create these images.

One of RoomCR6’s Suprematism recreations.
Another of RoomCR6’s recreations.
RoomCR6’s inspiration and precedents for this project.

It is interesting to see how RoomCR6 gave hierarchy to the previously flat, overlapping shapes in their recreations using 3D modeling. The subtle shadows and glossy material of the objects create a luminosity and dimension that were not there in the precedent paintings, as well as giving a sense of the objects floating in space. The series of works was published in May 2017. The artists’ sensibility is noticeable in how they chose to use beveled edges, perhaps to differentiate from the sharp edges of the historic paintings.

Aaron Lee – Looking Outwards – 05

Courtesy of Dom&Nic

Artist: Dom&Nic

Year: 2016

The music video of the song ‘Wide Open’ by The Chemical Brothers is directed by the director group Dom&Nic. In this seemingly one take 4 minutes film, the parts of dancer’s body slowly turn in to  3D printed lattice structure – a subsequent loss of her old self. This work was done by successfully merging the actions of the dancer with a 3D digital model. This genuine process involved with 1) Scanning dancer in full to create an exact digital replica 2) using in-house software to scan the background without the dancer for clean plates 3) camera shooting with meticulous tracking, 3d match-moving and animation.

I like this project because the technology really serves the vision of the artist. The dancer is now literally hollow, matching to the lyrics of the song.

Ammar Hassonjee – Project 02 – Variable Face

Variable Face – Baby

/* Ammar Hassonjee
   Section C
   Project 02 - Generative Face

//Declaring different variables of the face that will change when mouse is pressed

var earSize = 70;
var headWidth = 300;
var headHeight = 300;
var mouth1 = headHeight;
var mouth2 = 0
var mouth3 = 3.14;
var hairLength = 40;
var hairColor = 0;
var shirtColor = 250;
var eyeS = 50;
var tear = 'tan';

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 640);

function draw() {
  // Creating the body
    arc(width / 2, height, 500, 450, PI, 0);

  // Strand of hair
    triangle(width / 2 + 20, headHeight * .35, width / 2, hairLength, width / 2 - 20, headHeight * .35);

  // Drawing the head
    ellipse(width / 2, 255, headWidth, headHeight);

  // Drawing the ears
    ellipse(width - (headWidth + 1.1 * earSize), headHeight * .85, earSize, earSize * 1.4); // left

    ellipse(headWidth + 1.1 * earSize, headHeight * .85, earSize, earSize * 1.4); // right

    // Drawing a tear
    arc(width / 2 - headWidth / 6 - 10, headHeight * 2 / 3 + eyeS / 2, eyeS * .4, eyeS * .6, 1.04, 2.09);

  // Drawing the eyes
    ellipse(width / 2 + headWidth / 6, headHeight * 2 / 3, eyeS, eyeS);
    ellipse(width / 2 + headWidth / 6 - 10, headHeight * .63, eyeS * .2, eyeS * .2); // eye bubble

    ellipse(width / 2 - headWidth / 6, headHeight * 2 / 3, eyeS, eyeS);
    ellipse(width / 2 - headWidth / 6 - 10, headHeight * .63, eyeS * .2, eyeS * .2); // eye bubble

  // Drawing the nose
    fill(180, 160, 130);
    triangle(width / 2, 255, width / 2 + headWidth / 10, 275, width / 2 - headWidth / 10, 275);

  // Creating the mouth
    arc(width / 2, mouth1, 100, 50, mouth2, mouth3);


function mousePressed() {
    // when mouse is clicked, random values will generate, changing the facial features
    earSize = random(50, 100);
    hairLength = random(30, 200);
    hairColor = random(0, 100);
    headWidth = random(300, 350);
    headHeight = random(300, 350);
    shirtColor = random(210, 255);
    eyeS = random(30, 70);

    var x = round(random(0.5, 2.5));
    if (dist(mouseX, mouseY, width / 2, 275) < (headWidth / 10)) {
          mouth1 = headHeight * 1.1;
          mouth2 = 3.14;
          mouth3 = 0;
          tear = 'blue';
    else {
          mouth1 = headHeight;
          mouth2 = 0;
          mouth3 = 3.14;
          tear = 'tan';

My project was inspired by seeing how I apply the variables of face generation to the image of a baby. I also explored how making sure when the mouse was clicked in certain areas, it changed the variables of even more facial features.

Aaron Lee – Looking Outwards – 04

Mostly active during late 90s and around 2000s, Brian Eno is a pioneer of ambient music with many inspiring pieces those are familiar to only our ears. Windows 95 starup sound is one of them. This instantly recognizable pieces of music was to open up the new era of internet. Because the artist was asked to capture the symbolic image of Windows into roughly 6 seconds or even less, Brain Eno soon became obsessed by this task, making 84 different versions. Ironically Eno uses Mac and says that he never used a PC in this life. I am quite unsure whether Eno introduced certain algorithms to generate his work (probably not?). But this piece was so iconic to me that I wanted to discuss about it.

Aaron Lee – Project 04 – String Art


Aaron Lee
//Section C
Project-04-String Art

function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 300);

function draw() {
  background( mouseX, mouseY, 100);//backgrond chages color
  var stepx = 10;
  var stepy = 20; 

      for(var i = 0; i < 100; i = i + 1) {
         line(width - (mouseX * i / 50), 0, width, height - (mouseY * i /50)); //top right curves
         line(0, width - (mouseX * i / 50), height - (mouseY * i /50), width); //bottom left curves

      for(var i = 0; i < 100; i = i + 4) {
         line(mouseX, mouseY, i, i / 50);  //top straight lines
         line(i / 50, i, mouseX, mouseY);  //bottom straight lines

This project was more of a try and error process. My initial formula was not intriguing as I had wished. Thus I had to constantly make changes until I got this result.

Austin Garcia – Project 4 – Section C


/*		Austin Garcia
		Section C
		Project - 04

function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 600);


function draw() {

// purple background
    stroke(80, 40, 200);
    for (var x1 = 0; x1 <= height; x1 += 10) {
      for (var y1 = 0; y1 < width; y1 += 4) {
        line(x1, y1, 3 * width, 2 * height)
// white 'god rays'
    stroke(255, 255, 255);
    for (var x2 = 2; x2 <= height; x2 += 100) {
      for (var y2 = 0; y2 < width; y2 += 100) {
        line(x2, y2, 0, 0)
// green wings bot
    stroke(30, 300, 55);
    for (var x3 = 0; x3 < width / 20; x3 += 60) {
      for (var y3 = 0; y3 <= 200; y3 += 4) {
        line(x3, y3, width, height)

    stroke(30, 300, 55);
    for (var x4 = 0; x4 < width / 20; x4 += 60) {
      for (var y4 = 0; y4 <= 200; y4 += 4) {
        line(x4, y4, width / 1.5, height / 1.5)

    stroke(30, 300, 55);
    for (var x5 = 0; x5 < width / 20; x5 += 60) {
      for (var y5 = 0; y5 <= 200; y5 += 4) {
        line(x5, y5, width / 2, height / 2)

    stroke(30, 300, 55);
    for (var x6 = 0; x6 < width / 20; x6 += 60) {
      for (var y6 = 0; y6 <= 200; y6 += 4) {
        line(x6, y6, width / 4, height / 4)

// green wings top
    stroke(30, 300, 55);
    for (var x7 = 0; x7 < width / 20; x7 += 60) {
      for (var y7 = 0; y7 <= 200; y7 += 4) {
        line(y7, x7, width, height)

    stroke(30, 300, 55);
    for (var x8 = 0; x8 < width / 20; x8 += 60) {
      for (var y8 = 0; y8 <= 200; y8 += 4) {
        line(y8, x8, width / 1.5, height / 1.5)

    stroke(30, 300, 55);
    for (var x9 = 0; x9 < width / 20; x9 += 60) {
      for (var y9 = 0; y9 <= 200; y9 += 4) {
        line(y9, x9, width / 2, height / 2)

    stroke(30, 300, 55);
    for (var x10 = 0; x10 < width / 20; x10 += 60) {
      for (var y10 = 0; y10 <= 200; y10 += 4) {
        line(y10, x10, width / 4, height / 4)


While experimenting with creating lines, I was fascinated with the way that arcs and curves can be perceived when straight lines intersect. I decided to try and make a butterfly-wing like shape projecting from a corner of the canvas

Sarah Kang – Project-04-String Art


//sarah kang
//section c
//project-04-string art

//for center diamond
var r = 255;
var g = 125;
var b = 175;

//for intermediate rays
var rr = 255;
var gg = 196; 
var bb = 179;

//for corner rays
var rrr = 255;
var ggg = 253;
var bbb = 232;

var W = 400;
var H = 300;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(W, H);

function draw() {


    //center diamond
    for (var i = 0; i < W; i += 10) {
        line(i, H / 2, W / 2, H - (0.8 / i));
        stroke(r, g, b);

        line(W / 2, 0.8 / i, i, H / 2);
        stroke(r, g, b);

    //intermediate rays
    for (var i = 0; i < W; i += 30) {
        line(W, 0.8 / i, i, H / 2);
        stroke(rr, gg, bb);

        line(i, H / 2, W, H - (0.8 / i));
        stroke(rr, gg, bb);

        line(0, 0.8 / i, i, H / 2);
        stroke(rr, gg, bb);

        line(i, H / 2, 0, H - (0.8 / i));
        stroke(rr, gg, bb);

    //corner rays
    for (var i = 0; i < W; i += 5) {
        line(i, H / 2, mouseX, H - (0.8 / i));
        stroke(rrr, ggg, bbb);

        line(mouseX, 0.8 / i, i, H / 2);
        stroke(rrr, ggg, bbb);

        line(i, H / 2, W - mouseX, H - (0.8 / i));
        stroke(rrr, ggg, bbb);

        line(W - mouseX, 0.8 / i, i, H / 2);
        stroke(rrr, ggg, bbb);

It was pretty confusing at first when figuring out how the variables were controlled and changed, but after playing around with different options, I finally got the hang of the basic inputs.

Austin Garcia – Looking Outwards – 04 – Section C

The Dolby Gallery by Leviathan

The Dolby Gallery installation by Leviathan utilizes sound to alter visual environments and art forms. The colors displays in this gallery are generated from famous visual artworks, reduced to primal colors and fragmented in order to create a flowing, abstract visual language. This amalgam of visual data is then transformed by the sounds played through nearby speakers. As these visual patterns flow and shift  to the music, you are enveloped in the soundscape – your audio and visual sensors stimulated by your surroundings. This allows for a beautiful conversation between visual art and sound, both of which are often abstracted from one another.

The Dolby Gallery

Jasmine Lee – Project 04 – String Art


//Jasmine Lee
//Section C
//Project-04 (String Art)

function setup() {
    createCanvas(300, 400);

function draw() {
    //black background
    //left(white) half of the vertical lines
    for (var a = 0; a < 151; a += 2) {
        line(a, mouseY, a, mouseX);

    //right(black) half of the vertical lines
    for (var b = 150; b < 301; b += 2) {
        line(b, mouseY, b, mouseX);

    //top(white) half of the horizontal lines
    for (var c = 0; c < 201; c += 2){
        line(mouseX, c, mouseY, c);

    //bottom(black) half of the horizontal lines)
    for (var d = 200; d < 401; d += 2){
        line(mouseX, d, mouseY, d);

    //creates white "plus" sign 
    rect(150, 200, 20, 200);
    rect(150, 200, 200, 20);

    //creates the curves in all four corners
    for (var e = 0; e < 300; e += 2) {
        //top left corner
        line(0, height - e * 1.5, e, 0);
        //bottom right corner
        line(e, height, width, height - e * 1.5);
        //top right corner
        line(width, height - e * 1.5, width - e, 0);
        //bottom left corner
        line(width - e, height, 0, height - e * 1.5);


For my string art, I wanted to create a piece with a dystopian feeling to it. I decided to use a strong composition, with a symbol right in the middle of the canvas, and animated strings that give a disoriented effect to the viewer.

Nawon Choi— Project 04 String Art


// Nawon Choi
// nawonc@andrew.cmu.edu
// Section C
// Project 04 String Art

var a = 0;
var b = 300;
var c = 400;
var amt = 50;

var r = 500;
var x;
var y;
var x1;
var y1;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(300, 400);

function draw() {
    // got help getting the points along a circle: 
    // (lines 27, 32, 33)
    // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5300938/calculating-the-position-of-points-in-a-circle
    var slice = 2 * PI / amt;
    for (let i = 0; i < amt; i++) {
        // draw lines from points along the circle,
        // to points along the edge of the canvas
        var angle = slice * i;
        x = r * cos(angle) + a;
        y = r * sin(angle) + c;
        line(x, y, i * 20, a);

    // green and yellow lines
    for (let i = 0; i < (amt / 2); i++) {
        line(a, a, i * 20, c);
        var angle2 = slice * i * 2;
        x1 = r * cos(angle2) + a;
        y1 = r * sin(angle2) + c;
        line(x1, y1, i * 25, c);

    // make lines that follow the mouse
    line(b, a, mouseX, mouseY);

For this project, I mainly tried to experiment with different ways lines could be drawn. I initially played around with the way lines splay outward from a circle. I amplified this by playing around with the variables, magnifying the size of the circle and having it go off the canvas, creating the gray lines in the background. I added some green and yellow lines to add some visual interest, then added the lighter gray lines to add an interactive element.