Project 06: Abstract Clock

project 6 sketch copy

var beginday;
var seconds;
var minutes;
var hours;
var bloomx = []; 
var bloomy = [];

function setup(){
    createCanvas(460, 300);
    //flower per each passing second
    for (i = 0; i < 60; i ++) {
        bloomx[i] = random(20,440);
        bloomy[i] = random(20,280);

function draw(){
    hours = hour();
    minutes = minute();
    seconds = second();
    beginday = 270;
    //daytime background or nightime background 
    if (hours < 7 || hours > 18){
        background(31, 47, 71);
    } else{
        background(102, 178, 255);
    //clock lines
    //hours measure
    stroke(255, 102, 102, 175);
    arc(230, 150, 240, 240, beginday, beginday + hours * 30);
    //minutes measure
    stroke(255, 128, 0, 190);
    arc(230, 150, 200, 200, beginday, beginday + minutes * 6);
    //seconds measure
    stroke(255,255,0, 125);
    arc(230, 150, 160, 160, beginday, beginday + seconds * 6);

    for (i = 0; i < seconds; i ++) {
        ellipse(bloomx[i], bloomy[i], 6, 6);

    //determines whether sun or moon is shown and whether the star is present 
    if (hours < 7 || hours > 18){
        circle (230, 150, 125);
        ellipse(270, 115, 10, 10);
        ellipse(235, 110, 30, 30);
        ellipse(270, 150, 40, 40);
        ellipse(230, 175, 20, 20);
        ellipse(205, 140, 40, 40);

        //star that appears every OTHER second
        translate(300, 70);
        triangle(25 * (seconds % 2), 0, 0, 4, 0, -4);
        triangle(-4, 0, 4, 0, 0, 25 * (seconds % 2));
        triangle(-4, 0, 4, 0, 0, -25 * (seconds % 2));
        triangle(-25 * (seconds % 2), 0, 0, 4, 0, -4);

        } else{

        fill(249, 228, 95);
        circle (230, 150, 125);
        //cloud that appears every OTHER second
        ellipse(330, height/2-70, 50, 50 * (seconds % 2));
        ellipse(360, height/2-80, 80, 80 * (seconds % 2));
        ellipse(390, height/2-70, 80, 80 * (seconds % 2));
        ellipse(420, height/2-70, 50, 50 * (seconds % 2));

I wanted to use lines and play around with transparency, so that’s what I did with the three seconds, minutes and hours lines. Besides the inner yellow line that extended each second, I also added yellow flowers/stars that would randomly populate the canvas per second. In the code you can see that when the hour of day is less than 7 (before 7am) or greater than 18 (after 6pm), the background color and the different parts (sun and cloud) will change into its night version (moon and star). Since there were now two elements measuring seconds, I had the cloud and star appear every other second for a bit of variety.

Paper sketch of clock

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