Project 9: Computational portrait


// Yash Mittal
// Section D

function preload(){
    Pimg = loadImage (""); // load image

function setup () {
    createCanvas (310, 480);  
    frameRate (100000000000000);
    background (0);
    Pimg.resize (310, 480);

function draw () {

    var a = random (width);
    var b = random (height);
    var pixela = constrain (floor (a), 0, width - 1);
    var pixelb = constrain (floor (b), 0, height - 1);
    var sw = random (0, 0.5); // randomising stroke weight
    var pixelColorLocationXY = Pimg.get (pixela, pixelb);

    strokeWeight (sw); // randomised stroke weight
    fill (pixelColorLocationXY);

    beginShape (); // making a new hexagonal shape
    vertex (a, b);
    vertex (a + 4, b);
    vertex (a + 7, b + 4);
    vertex (a + 5, b + 8);
    vertex (a, b + 8);
    vertex (a - 2, b + 4);
    endShape (CLOSE);


For this project, I wanted to develop a somewhat abstract self portrait that is made of hexagonal shapes that appear on screen in a linear fashion.

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