Looking Outwards 06: Randomness

“Emergence Algorithms in Processing”
by Jesal Mehta

The project that I looked at for this week’s LO is “Emergence Algorithms in Processing” by Jesal Mehta in 2018. Even though this is considered more of Mehta’s exploration and design documentation, I still really enjoy seeing how he showed the algorithm slowly building up the piece and the contrast between the start and the end result. The circles in the piece are generated at random points of the canvas with random diameters. New circles are then drawn wherever two circles overlap and with new diameters that allow them to touch the two parent circles. The generation continues on, ultimately creating a full piece and pattern. I find it fascinating to see how a few simple circles can evolve into such a complicated piece. This also relates a lot to what we’ve already learned in class, and it makes me wonder how I could also explore randomness as Mehta did. The only controlled variable is the initial diameters, and the rest simply relies on the code and just pure randomness.

Project 5: Wallpaper

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 400);

function draw() {
    stroke(255, 202, 141); //yellow
    strokeWeight(0.5); //for diagonal lines

    for (var x = 0; x <= 400; x += 50) { //draw diagonal lines
        for (var y = 0; y <= 400; y += 50) {
            line(x, y+height/8, x+width/8, y); // diagonal lines
            line(x, y, x-width/8, y-height/8); // diagonal lines

    strokeWeight(1.5); //for petals
    hpetal (0, 50); //initial petal 
    for (var x = 0; x <= 400; x+=100) { //draw petals
        for (var y = 50; y <= 450; y+=100) {
            hpetal(x, y); 
            hpetal(x+50, y+50);
            hpetal(x-50, y-50);

function hpetal (x, y) {
    //left petal
    fill(231, 193, 206); //pink
    curveVertex(x, y);
    curveVertex(x, y);
    curveVertex(x+25, y-10);
    curveVertex(x+50, y);
    curveVertex(x+25, y+10);
    curveVertex(x, y);
    curveVertex(x, y);

    //right petal
    fill(170, 201, 206); //pale green
    curveVertex(x+50, y);
    curveVertex(x+50, y);
    curveVertex(x+75, y-10);
    curveVertex(x+100, y);
    curveVertex(x+75, y+10);
    curveVertex(x+50, y);
    curveVertex(x+50, y);

    //top petal
    fill(244, 220, 208); //pale pink
    curveVertex(x+50, y-50);
    curveVertex(x+50, y-50);
    curveVertex(x+60, y-25);
    curveVertex(x+50, y);
    curveVertex(x+40, y-25);
    curveVertex(x+50, y-50);
    curveVertex(x+50, y-50);

    //bottom petal
    fill(170, 201, 229); //pale blue
    curveVertex(x+50, y);
    curveVertex(x+50, y);
    curveVertex(x+60, y+25);
    curveVertex(x+50, y+50);
    curveVertex(x+40, y+25);
    curveVertex(x+50, y);
    curveVertex(x+50, y);


Through this project, I became more comfortable with using nested loops and understood better how they work. This is my initial sketch:

I wanted to create a wallpaper that involved these symmetrical petals, and so I started by drawing them. Then I explored a little by shifting and overlapping the petals for a more interesting effect. This is the version without the overlaps, which I quite enjoy as well:

My design doesn’t quite remind me of wallpaper, instead, I see it more as a pattern for a silk square scarf. I really enjoyed testing and adding different elements to generate a pattern for this project!

Looking Outwards 05: 3D Computer Graphics

“Spells” by Sasha Vinogradova

One project that caught my attention immediately is “Spells” created by Sasha Vinogradova in 2021. “Spells” is a series composed of 3 pieces, “Air”, “Whisper”, and “Fire”, intending to express “the magic one feels when inspiration strikes”. The 3D strings in the work represent the energy streams that allow us to connect, feel, and create. I really like this project because the artist did an incredible job in creating dimensions. Although it’s a 2D image, the way the strings are twisted and wrapped in the space creates depth and the illusion of a 3D sphere. “Spells” was designed using C4D and Zbrush, which are both 3D software for the creative industries. I explored both of these tools, and I found their features to be quite fascinating. For instance, Zbrush can actually allow users to sculpt 3D figures through “digital clay”. This week’s LO allowed me to gain some insight on how digital art and computer graphics can now exceed 2D and allow artists to generate 3D and interactive art.

Project 4: String Art

string art
var dx1;
var dy1;
var dx2;
var dy2;
var dx3;
var dy3;
var dx4;
var dy4;
var dx5;
var dy5; 
var dx6;
var dy6;
var dx7;
var dy7;
var dx8;
var dy8;
var dx9;
var dy9;
var dx10;
var dy10;
var lines = 120; //for the left & right strings 
var lines2 = 100; //for the top-> bottom & left -> right strings
var lines3 = 20; //for center strings

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 300);
    //left blue+green strings
    line(0, 0, 0, 300); //initial line
    line(0, 300, 400, 0); //ending line
    dx1 = (0-0)/lines;
    dy1 = (300-0)/lines;
    dx2 = (400-0)/lines;
    dy2 = (0-300)/lines;

    //right blue+red strings
    line(0, 300, 400, 0); //initial line
    line(400, 0, 400, 300); //ending line
    dx3 = 400/lines;
    dy3 = -300/lines;
    dx4 = 0/lines;
    dy4 = 300/lines;

    //top -> bottom strings 
    line(0, 0, 400, 0); //initial line
    line(0, 300, 400, 300); //ending line
    dx5 = 400/lines2;
    dy5 = 0/lines2;
    dx6 = 400/lines2;
    dy6 = 0/lines2;

    //left -> right strings 
    line(0, 0, 0, 300); //initial line
    line(400, 0, 400, 300); //ending line
    dx7 = 0/lines2;
    dy7 = 300/lines2;
    dx8 = 0/lines2;
    dy8 = 300/lines2;

    //center piece
    dx9 = 100/lines3;
    dy9 = 150/lines3;
    dx10 = 100/lines3;
    dy10 = 150/lines3;

function draw() {

    //left -> right strings initial points
    var x7 = 0;
    var y7 = 0;
    var x8 = 400;
    var y8 = 300;

    //draw left -> right strings 
    for (var i = 0; i <= lines2; i += 1) {
        stroke(255, 95, 90); //red
        line(x7, y7, x8, y8);
        x7 += dx7;
        y7 += dy7;
        x8 -= dx8;
        y8 -= dy8;

    //top -> bottom strings initial points
    var x5 = 0;
    var y5 = 0;
    var x6 = 400;
    var y6 = 300;

    //draw top -> bottom strings 
    for (var i = 0; i <= lines2; i += 1) {
        stroke(255, 105, 0); //orange
        line(x5, y5, x6, y6);
        x5 += dx5;
        y5 += dy5;
        x6 -= dx6;
        y6 -= dy6;

    //left blue+green strings initial points
    var x1 = 0; 
    var y1 = 0;
    var x2 = 0;
    var y2 = 300;

    //draw blue+green strings
    for (var i = 0; i <= lines; i+= 1) { 
        stroke(0, random(50, 160), random(100, 200)); //pick random color from green & blue
        line(x1, y1, x2, y2);
        x1 += dx1;
        y1 += dy1;
        x2 += dx2;
        y2 += dy2;

    //right blue+red strings initial points
    var x3 = 0;
    var y3 = 300;
    var x4 = 400;
    var y4 = 0;

    //draw blue+red strings
    for (var i = 0; i <= lines; i+= 1) { 
        stroke(random(80, 150), 0, random(100, 200)); //pick random color from red & blue
        line(x3, y3, x4, y4);
        x3 += dx3;
        y3 += dy3;
        x4 += dx4;
        y4 += dy4;

    //center piece initial points
    var x9 = 100;
    var y9 = 150;
    var x10 = 300;
    var y10 = 150;

    //draw center piece
    for (var i = 0; i <= lines3; i += 1) {
        stroke(225, 210, 225); //white
        line(x9, y9, x10, y10);
        x9 += dx9;
        y9 += dy9;
        x10 -= dx10;
        y10 -= dy10;



I found it a bit challenging to visualize the way the strings would work in my head, and so the drafting part was quite difficult. However, I really liked how the strings overlapping created dimension in the piece.

Looking Outwards 4: Sound Art

“Cycling Wheel: The Orchestra” performed at Nuit Blanche Taipei

For this week’s LO, I looked into “Cycling Wheel: The Orchestra” created by Keith Lam, Seth Hon, and Alex Lai. The piece was first released in 2016 is composed of 3 sets of bicycle wheels and connecting strings. Together, the installation acts as a dynamic and interactive instrument for performance. The Hong Kong-based new media artist Keith Lam explains that the piece was based on the idea of Marcel’s Bicycle Wheel and that they wanted to remake the masterpiece by composing a multi-media performance. I love how they embedded audio and lighting in the wheel so the piece is very dynamic and interactive. The music created is very unique and the flashing lights really complement the orchestra. I also admire how there’s a live element where the artists are present and controlling those wheels in front of an audience. I suppose the algorithms behind the project helps to transform the mechanics of the wheel into variations in sounds and lights.

Project 3: Dynamic Drawing

dynamic drawing
var angle = 0;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 450);

function draw() {
    // change the background color from light -> dark blue as mouse top -> bottom of canvas
    if (mouseY < height/7) { 
        background (188, 210, 232); //lightest blue
    } else if (mouseY < (height/7)*2) {
        background (145, 186, 214);
    } else if (mouseY < (height/7)*3) {
        background (115, 165, 198);
    } else if (mouseY < (height/7)*4) {
        background (82, 138, 174);
    } else if (mouseY < (height/7)*5) {
        background (46, 89, 132);
    } else if (mouseY < (height/7)*6) {
        background (30, 63, 102);
    } else {
        background (23, 47, 77); //darkest blue

    //a box at the center of the canvas
    line(250, 175, 250, 275); //left border of box
    line(250, 175, 350, 175); //top border of box
    line(350, 175, 350, 275); //right border of box
    line(250, 275, 350, 275); //bottom border of box
    fill(79, 37, 37); //brown color for box
    rect(250, 175, 100, 100);

    //open side of box if mouse touches border
    if (mouseX < 250 & mouseY > 175 && mouseY < 275) { //if open left side
        line(200, 150, 250, 175);
        line(200, 300, 250, 275);
        var r = 255; //pink fill
        var g = 180;
        var b = 200;
        fill(r, g, b);
        circle(mouseX, mouseY, 300-mouseX); //small circle attached to mouse
        fill(r-mouseX, g-mouseX, b-mouseX); //opposite color from small circle
        circle(0, mouseY, mouseX); //large circle on the side of canvas

    } else if (mouseX > 350 & mouseY > 175 && mouseY < 275) { //if open right side
        line(350, 175, 400, 150);
        line(350, 275, 400, 300);
        //rectangle spin on center, change size and spin angle 
        if(mouseX > 350 & mouseX <450) {
            fill(235, 207, 52); //yellow
        } else {
            fill(52, 235, 116); //green
        translate(350, 225);
        rect(50, 50, mouseX-300, mouseX-300); //size of rect increases as mouse goes to the right
        if (mouseX > 350 & mouseX < 450){ //if on left side
            angle += 3; //rotate clock-wise
        } else { //if on right side
            angle -= 3; //rotate counter clock-wise

    } else if (mouseY < 175 & mouseX > 250 && mouseX < 350) { //if open top side
        line(200, 150, 250, 175);
        line(350, 175, 400, 150);
        var circleX = 300;
        var circleY = 150;
        //let circle size depend on how close mouse is to circles
        var size = constrain(dist(mouseX, mouseY, circleX, circleY),0, 30); 
        fill(115, 105, 205); //fill purple
        circle(circleX, circleY, size); //first circle
        circle(circleX, circleY-30, size*2); //2nd circle
        circle(circleX, circleY-60, size); //3rd circle
        circle(circleX, circleY-90, size*2); //4th circle
        circle(circleX, circleY-120, size); //5th circle

    } else if (mouseY > 275 & mouseX > 250 && mouseX < 350) { //if open bottom side
        line(200, 300, 250, 275);
        line(350, 275, 400, 300);
        //random neon spike of lines that follows the mouse 
        stroke(255, 230, 0); //bright yellow
        line(287.5, 362.5, mouseX, mouseY);
        line(287.5, 362.5, mapx, mapy+180);
        line(287.5, 362.5, mapx+40, mapy);
        line(287.5, 362.5, mapx, mapy+200);

        var mapx = map(mouseX, 250, 350, 210, 310); //map to a shorter length
        var mapy = map(mouseY, 275, 450, 235, 410); //map to a shorter length
        stroke(122, 255, 105); //bright green
        line(287.5, 362.5, mapx, mapy);
        line(287.5, 362.5, mapx-130, mapy-50);
        line(287.5, 362.5, mapx-40, mapy-20);
        line(287.5, 362.5, mapx-130, mapy+150);
        line(287.5, 362.5, mapx-150, mapy-39);

        stroke(248, 59, 255); //bright purple
        line(287.5, 362.5, mapx*2, mapy*2);
        line(287.5, 362.5, mapx*1.1, mapy);
        line(287.5, 362.5, mapx, mapy+220);
        line(287.5, 362.5, mapx+50, mapy);
        line(287.5, 362.5, mapx-80, mapy);

        stroke(150, 255, 250); //bright blue
        line(287.5, 362.5, mapx*1.5, mapy);
        line(287.5, 362.5, mapx-195, mapy+239);
        line(287.5, 362.5, mapx-230, mapy+180);
        line(287.5, 362.5, mapx+10, mapy+50);
        line(287.5, 362.5, mapx, mapy+190);
        line(287.5, 362.5, mapx*0.2, mapy*2);

        stroke(255, 150, 217); //bright pink
        line(287.5, 362.5, mapx-20, mapy);
        line(287.5, 362.5, mapx-100, mapy);
        line(287.5, 362.5, mapx-170, mapy+20);


The idea behind this drawing is a box that reveals different changing elements depending on where you put your mouse. The most challenging part of this project was figuring out how to make the elements change based on their interaction with mouseX and mouseY. I had to do some trial-and-error to get the effects that I wanted.

Looking Outwards 3: Computational Fabrication

One computational fabrication project that I found particularly intriguing is the “Vespers” collection by Neri Oxman’s Mediated Matter Group at MIT. The collection contains three series, each with five 3D-printed and multi-material masks: the Past, Present, and Future.

I find the Future series to be most interesting as it explores death and rebirth by combining living and non-living materials in the masks. This was accomplished by integrating computational design with 3D printing and synthetic biology to direct the growth and expression of the microorganisms inside the mask. The algorithm and tools are customized so that the microorganisms reproduce the colors of the Past series and feature patterns based on the spatial logic in the Present series, maintaining cohesiveness throughout the entire collection and expressing the idea of “rebirth”. I’m impressed by “Vespers” because it’s not only incredibly innovative, but it’s also functional and relevant. The algorithms behind this can be used for so many other applications. For instance, it could be used to create smart packaging that reacts to its environment. This mask collection goes beyond traditional mediums of art; it thoroughly explores the intersection of computation, design, and biology.

A display of how the collection transforms between the three series
(Credit: Yoram Reshef)
A close-up view of Mask 1 in the Present Series
(Credit: Yoram Reshef)

Project 2: Variable Faces

bob project 2
var faceWidth = 250;
var faceHeight = 250;
var faceColorR = 30;
var faceColorG = 20;
var faceColorB = 80;
var randomEars = 0;
var randomEyes = 0;
var randomNose = 0;
var eyeWidth = 28;
var eyeHeight = 35;
var eyeColorR = 252;
var eyeColorG = 230;
var eyeColorB = 33;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);

function draw() {
    background(206, 219, 240); //light blue for background
    fill(faceColorR, faceColorG, faceColorB); //color of face
    ellipse(width / 2, height / 2, faceWidth, faceHeight); //face

    //ears (randomly pick ears)
    if (randomEars <= 1){ //round ears
        circle(width/3, height/3, 60); //left round ears
        circle(width - (width/3), height/3, 60); //right round ears

    } else if (randomEars <= 2) { //triangle ears
        triangle(190, 130, 260, 152 , 220, 200); //left triangle ears
        triangle(450, 130, 380, 152, 420, 200); //right triangle ears

    } else { //curved down ears
        beginShape(); //left curved down ears
        curveVertex(200, 210);
        curveVertex(210, 230);
        curveVertex(170, 180);
        curveVertex(270, 137);
        curveVertex(290, 240);

        beginShape(); //right curved down ears
        curveVertex(440, 210);
        curveVertex(430, 230);
        curveVertex(470, 180);
        curveVertex(370, 137);
        curveVertex(350, 240);

    //eyes (randomly pick eyes)
    if (randomEyes <= 1){ //round eyes
    fill(eyeColorR, eyeColorG, eyeColorB); //changing eye color
    ellipse(280, 230, eyeWidth, eyeHeight); //left black part of round eyes 
    fill(255, 255, 255);
    ellipse(280, 236, 15, 17); //left white part of round eyes
    fill(eyeColorR, eyeColorG, eyeColorB);
    ellipse(360, 230, eyeWidth, eyeHeight); //right black part of round eyes 
    fill(255, 255, 255);
    ellipse(360, 236, 15, 17); //right white part of round eyes
    } else if (randomEyes <= 2){ //line eyes
    fill(0, 0, 0); //black
    rect(260, 230, 30, 5); //left line eyes
    rect(350, 230, 30, 5); //right line eyes
    } else { //reptile eyes
    fill(0, 0, 0); //black 
    circle(275, 230, 50); //left black part of reptile eyes
    fill(eyeColorR, eyeColorG, eyeColorB); //changing eye color
    ellipse(275, 230, 5, 50); //left inside part of reptile eyes
    fill(0, 0, 0); //black 
    circle(365, 230, 50); //right black part of reptile eyes
    fill(eyeColorR, eyeColorG, eyeColorB); //changing eye color
    ellipse(365, 230, 5, 50); //right inside part of reptile eyes

    //nose (randomly pick nose)
    fill(faceColorR + 50, faceColorG + 35, faceColorB + 10); //nose color slightly darker than face color
    if (randomNose <= 1) { //pig snout
    ellipse(width/2, height/2 + 30, 70, 40); //pig snout outside
    ellipse(width/2 -10, height/2 +30, 8, 15); //pig snout left nostril
    ellipse(width/2 +10, height/2 +30, 8, 15); //pig snout right nostril
    } else if (randomNose <= 2) { //triangle nose
    triangle(width/2 - 10, height/2 + 30, width/2 + 10, height/2 + 30, width/2, height/2 + 45); //triangle nose
    } else { //curvy mouth + whiskers
    fill(faceColorR, faceColorG, faceColorB);
    arc(width/2 - 10, height/2 + 50, 20, 20, 0, radians(200)); //curvy mouth left
    arc(width/2 + 10, height/2 + 50, 20, 20, radians(-20), PI); //curvy mouth right
    fill(0, 0, 0); //black 
    line(240, 270, 180, 240); //left top whisker
    line(400, 270, 460, 240); //right top whisker
    line(240, 275, 175, 275); //left middle whisker
    line(400, 275, 465, 275); //right middle whisker
    line(240, 280, 180, 310); //left bottom whisker
    line(400, 280, 460, 310); //right bottom whisker

function mousePressed(){
    faceWidth = random(200, 250);
    faceHeight = random(200, 250);
    faceColorR = random(80, 170);
    faceColorG = random(50, 150);
    faceColorB = random(60, 200);
    randomEars = random(0, 3);
    randomEyes = random(0, 3);
    randomNose = random(0, 3);
    eyeWidth = random(20, 35);
    eyeHeight = random(30, 38);
    eyeColorR = random(185, 220);
    eyeColorG = random (190, 235);
    eyeColorB = random (130, 250);

The most interesting part of the project was testing out the code and seeing how the facial features change and create unique combinations. However, I did find it a bit challenging and time-consuming to design each of the variations.

Project 1: My Self Portrait

self portraitDownload
function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 600);
    background(123, 151, 180);

function draw() {
    fill(247, 205, 174); //skin color
    ellipse(300, 300, 340, 380); //face
    line(200, 270, 270, 270); //left eyebrow
    line(330, 270, 400, 270); //right eyebrow
    fill(127, 62, 41); //brown left eye
    ellipse(235, 300, 30, 50);
    ellipse(365, 300, 30, 50); //right eye
    fill(236, 121, 67); //nose orange
    triangle(300, 330, 290, 350, 310, 350);
    fill(236, 121, 134); //mouth pink
    arc(300, 390, 80, 50, -radians(5),radians(185),CHORD);
    fill(246, 190, 185); //left cheek pink 
    ellipse(170, 360, 80, 30);
    fill(246, 190, 185); //right cheek pink 
    ellipse(430, 360, 80, 30);
    fill(248, 157, 54); //hat yellow
    rect(180, 110, 240, 33);
    triangle(210, 70, 180, 110, 240, 110);
    triangle(270, 70, 240, 110, 300, 110);
    triangle(330, 70, 300, 110, 360, 110);
    triangle(390, 70, 360, 110, 420, 110);
    fill(48, 0, 0); //hair brown
    circle(120, 180, 80, 80);
    circle(480, 180, 80, 80);
    fill(243, 75, 44); //jewel red
    square(204, 60, 12);
    square(264, 60, 12);
    square(324, 60, 12);
    square(384, 60, 12);

The most interesting part of the project is figuring out which shapes work best for each facial feature and how a slight angle change can change the entire expression.

Looking Outwards 02: Generative Art

Animal Imagination” is an artwork consisting of 50 iterations created by software artist LIA in 2018. The piece was created through an algorithmic system in which each iteration used different parameters for them to flow from one to another, evolving into a series of digital paintings. The artist used various shapes and colors to express elements from nature and animals. For instance, one piece involved a yellow and brown color scheme with overlapping circles of various transparencies, resembling the wildlife of the safari. I admire this project for how each individual iteration is unique and involves different elements, but they still transition very smoothly to each other. This provides a sense of harmony to the entire artwork, and I think that’s quite impressive. Another part of the project that I admire is how it’s very abstract with only lines, shapes, and patterns, yet it successfully captures the image of the sea, forest, and animals. From “Animal Imagination” as well as her other works, one can truly see how LIA emphasizes and works beautifully with abstract forms and fluidity.