function setup() {
createCanvas(600, 700);
function draw() {
fill(226, 194, 121);
ellipse(300, 230, 310, 285);
rect(145, 230, 310, 500);
fill(245, 224, 204);
ellipse(300, 290, 290, 340);
fill(238, 158, 158);
ellipse(225, 300, 80, 43);
ellipse(375, 300, 80, 43);
fill(245, 189, 173);
circle(300, 310, 30);
fill(245, 224, 204);
rect(270, 280, 60, 30);
arc(230, 255, 55, 30, PI, 0);
arc(370, 255, 55, 30, PI, 0);
arc(300, 370, 45, 30, 0, PI);
//(how the cords of quad ordered) top left, top right, bottom right, bottom left
fill(187, 209, 153);
quad(90, 540, 250, 510, 250, height, 90, height);
rect(250, 510, 100, 240);
quad(350, 510, 510, 540, 510, height, 350, height);
fill(245, 224, 204);
rect(250, 440, 100, 70);
circle(300, 500, 100);
What was most challenging was just planning out the drawing and deciding what coordinates I wanted and how I wanted to approach the code.