LO: Generative Art

The art work that attracts my attention is a hypertext poems website called “Do You Want Love or Lust?”. This website presents decontextualized This or That questions from popular magazine. Instead of directly writing the poem, the creator let participants to focus on choosing their preferences, thus generating the poem based on the choices made earlier by the participants. This project then create a place, where people could interact with art individually, by applying algorithms. I suppose that the creator must have a basic structure for the poem that would be generated eventually, but there are parts in the structure that would be filled by choices participants made in the provided questions. Therefore, the content in the poem may be based on different people’s preferences, but the overall poem structure and style are dependent on the creator’s taste. It is just interesting that basic algorithms, which seem totally irrelevant to art, actually help people to create a new form of art that could let them easily manifest their personal bias and styles.

Artist: Claude Closky; Title: Do You Want Love or Lust?; Inception: 2001

Do you want love or lust? Web Page

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