Refik Anadol’s “Machine Hallucinations” is an generated A/V Performance and Installation art that uses Archive and Machine Learning algorithms to project 100 million photographic memories of New York City. The installation provides such cinematic experiences by multilayering and generating a vast, dynamic visual archive of the city. I found it absolutely intriguing how Anadol used artificial intelligence machine to produce photographs in motion to reflect the memories of the city. By creating a hallucinative imagery, it almost feels like another reality revealed in front of us. I also admire how the projection aspect makes even the audience like a part of the work as it illuminates and spotlights the people. In his work, Anadol attempts to represent the “reality, totality, and the depth of human imagination,” and unearth novel connections between collective consciousness and visual narrative using machine intelligence.
Reference: https://refikanadolstudio.com/projects/machine-hallucination/