The specific artwork that I am inspired by is “Timelapse” (2021) by Katherine Frazer. She has many fun and iterative art pieces but one specifically felt very fun and vibrant to me especially after a dull day.

From what I learned in an interview, Ms. Frazer enjoys to build upon her work in a sequential process of layering and allowing for changes happening on the go, which causes her to base a lot of decisions on intuition.
After learning this, I could see it very distinctly in her work, and it made me enjoy it more. I feel like art is often very intriguing and powerful when it flows naturally. It feels freeing to look at. I also greatly respect Ms.Frazer for embracing a process many get scared by or don’t believe in.
Lastly, I love the colors and flowers in this piece. It adds to the wildness while also not covering up the careful generative layering process.
Overall, it is simple but very intricate and I think that is a great take on generative art.
link to artwork and interview here