I looked at Torolf Saurmann’s Moebius Ring. I chose this piece because I find its intricacy really beautiful. The strange spiral the ring inverts itself on is facilitating to look at and the mesh design it has increases that enjoyment. Because of the mesh design, the ring is somewhat see through. This further complicates of the spiral inverts itself and requires the viewer to focus to understand it. I find it really fun and enjoy the design. The algorithm that generated this work was likely very versatile and I think that comes from the mesh design. Not only does the mesh save material, it also puts the entire project into component parts that were likely much easier to code into larger designs. The Ring is also able to stand up on its own and I wonder if that is a coincidence or something the algorithm makes sure can happen. Saurmann as an artist really likes round and circular shapes, which one can see in his other work. In this piece he doubles down on that by basing his design on a Mobius Strip, a circle that inverts and doubles back on itself. This piece does that multiple times, to the point where its hard to tell where one inversion stops another the next begins.
Torolf Saurmann