//Alana Wu
//ID: alanawu
//Project 04: String Art
function setup ()
createCanvas (400, 300);
function draw ()
background (0);
if (mouseIsPressed)
var x = 100;
var y = 100;
var dist = 50;
var num = 5;
translate (100, 75);
//white lines
for (y = 10; y <= 300; y += 5)
strokeWeight (4);
rotate (radians (-num + 180));
stroke (255);
if (mouseIsPressed)
line (x + dist, y + dist, min (mouseX, 300), y);
strokeWeight (.5);
dist -= 1;
//purple lines
for (y = 100; y <= 200; y += .5)
rotate (radians (num));
stroke (76, 0, 153);
if (mouseIsPressed)
stroke (179, 255, 102);
line (constrain (mouseX, 50, 350), y, x + dist, y + dist);
dist -= 5;
//light blue lines
for (y = 200; y <= 400; y += 1)
rotate (radians (num));
stroke (0, 255, 255);
if (mouseIsPressed)
stroke (255, 0, 0);
line (min (mouseX, 400), y, x + dist, y + dist);
//white string in larger black circle
push ();
translate (300, 200);
fill (0);
if (mouseIsPressed)
fill (255);
//big circle
ellipse (0, 0, 250, 250);
for (var k = 0; k < 100; k+= 1)
rotate (radians (num));
stroke (255, 220, 255);
//when mouseIsPressed, colors invert
//and new strings are drawn
if (mouseIsPressed)
stroke (0);
for (var a = 0; a < 40; a ++)
rotate (radians (1));
line (2, 10, 10 + min (mouseX/10, 40), 30);
push ();
translate (-100, -50);
for (var a = 0; a < 40; a ++)
stroke (100, 255, 100);
rotate (radians (4));
line (2, 10, 10 + min (mouseX/10, 40), 30);
ellipse (0, 0, 220, 220);
ellipse (0, 0, 180, 180);
ellipse (0, 0, 140, 140);
line (25, 0, 25 + mouseY/5, 45);
pop ();
//string in smaller black circle
translate (180, 275);
fill (0);
if (mouseIsPressed)
fill (255);
//smaller circle
ellipse (0, 0, 100, 100);
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i ++)
rotate (radians (num));
stroke (204, 204, 255);
if (mouseIsPressed)
stroke (51, 51, 0);
for (var a = 0; a < 40; a ++)
rotate (radians (num));
line (15, 25, 15 + min (mouseX/10, 20), 35);
line (15, 5, mouseY/8, 30);
line (10, 5, min (mouseY, 50), min (mouseY, 50));
pop ();
if (mouseIsPressed)
translate (mouseX, mouseY);
//circle of red string circles
for (var c = 0; c <= 8; c ++)
translate (20, 20);
for (var b = 0; b < 80; b ++)
stroke (255, 0, 0);
rotate (radians (num));
line (8, 8, 20, 20);
For this project, it was hard to figure out what I wanted to do, since I didn’t really understand what the possibilities were. I did a first draft of string art to explore the different options, then completely started over in a new file.