Project 05: Wallpaper

project 5 sketch copy

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 400);
    background(204, 229, 255);

function draw() {
  //criss cross line background
  for (y = 0; y < height + 25; y += 50) {
        for (x = 0; x < width + 25; x += 50) {
            var llength = 25;
            stroke(102, 178, 255);
            line(x - llength, y - llength, x + llength, y + llength);
            line(x - llength, y + llength, x + llength, y - llength);
    //ice cream cones
    for(var a = 25; a < width; a += 50) {
        for(var b = 25; b < width; b += 100) {
            drawcone(a, b);
    //rasberry ice cream scoops
    for(var c = 25; c < width; c += 50) {
        for(var d = 30; d < height; d += 100) {
    //chocolate ice cream scoops
     for(var e = 75; e < width; e += 100) {
        for(var f = 30; f < height; f += 100) {
    //white dots 
      for (var y = 0; y < 6; y++) {
        for (var x = 0; x < 6; x++) {
            circle(x * 100 + 50, y *100 + 50, 7);

function drawcone(a, b) {
    fill(255, 204, 153);
    triangle(a - 7, b + 10, a, b + 30, a + 7, b + 10);

function rasberryscoop(c, d) {
    fill(255, 102, 178);
    circle(c, d, 18);

function chocolatescoop(e, f) {
    fill(102, 51, 0);
    circle(e, f, 18);

When I began thinking of a design to create, I was pretty hungry so naturally I had my main pattern be a dessert. Originally my background was going to be vertical straight lines but I ended up making them diagonal to create a criss-cross look. I knew I wanted to incorporate alternating color scoops, and since we have had a good amount of practice with this it wasn’t hard to code. I thought having dots at some of the intersections of the blue lines would be nice, so I added that.

Paper sketch of wallpaper

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