Project-06: Abstract Clock


//Catherine Liu
//Section D

//an abstract clock where the objects move according to seconds, minutes, and hours

var xPos = []; //array for x position of clouds
var yPos = []; //array for y position of clouds

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 400);
    //creates random positions for 60 clouds
    for (i = 0; i < 60; i++) {  
        xPos[i] = random(0,480);
        yPos[i] = random(0,150)

function draw() {
    rect(0,height/2, width, height/2);
    //draws a number of clouds according to the current second
    for (i = 0; i <= second(); i++) { 
        clouds(xPos[i], yPos[i]);
    sunMoon(-150, 0); //calls function that draws the rotating sun and moon
    //aliens move closer to each other according to minutes
    rightAlien(480 - 8 * minute(), height/2); //calls function that draws right alien
    leftAlien(0 + 8 * minute(), height/2); //calls function that draws left alien

function rightAlien (x, y) { //draws right alien
    //arm waves up and down according to seconds using mod 
    if (second() % 2 == 0) {
        line(x-40, y-60, x-13,y-30); //left arm
    } else if (second() % 2 != 0) {
        line(x-45, y-50, x-13,y-30); //left arm
    line(x+13, y-30, x+30, y-15); //right arm
    line(x, y-50, x, y-30); //neck
    stroke(204, 255, 153);
    line(x-10, y, x-10, height); //left leg
    line(x+10, y, x+10, height); // right leg
    line(x-17, y-70, x-7, y-50); //antennae
    line(x+17, y-70, x+7, y-50); //antennae
    fill(204, 255, 153);
    ellipse(x, y-50, 30,20); //head
    rect(x-15, y-35, 30,120,10); //body
    //eyes look back when the aliens pass each other halfway
    if (minute() < 31) {
        circle(x-10, y-51, 5); // left eye
        circle(x-3, y-51, 5); // right eye
    } else if (minute() >= 31) {
        circle(x+10, y-51, 5); // left eye
        circle(x+3, y-51, 5); // right eye

function leftAlien(x, y) { //draws left alien
    //arm waves up and down according to seconds using mod 
    if (second() % 2 != 0) {
        line(x+40, y-60, x+13,y-30); //left arm
    } else if (second() % 2 == 0) {
        line(x+45, y-50, x+13,y-30); //left arm
    line(x-13, y-30, x-30, y-15); //left arm
    line(x, y-50, x, y-30); //neck
    stroke(204, 255, 153);
    line(x-10, y, x-10, height); //left leg
    line(x+10, y, x+10, height); //right leg
    line(x-17, y-70, x-7, y-50); //left antennae
    line(x+17, y-70, x+7, y-50); //right antennae
    fill(204, 255, 153);
    ellipse(x, y-50, 30,20); //left man's head
    rect(x-15, y-35, 30,120,10); //left man's body
    //eyes look back when the aliens pass each other halfway
    if (minute() < 31) {
        circle(x+10, y-51, 5); // left eye
        circle(x+3, y-51, 5); // right eye
    } else if (minute() >= 31) {
        circle(x-10, y-51, 5); // left eye
        circle(x-3, y-51, 5); // right eye

function sunMoon (x, y) { //sun and moon rotates according to hour, from 0-12 it is sun, from 12-23 it is moon
    translate(width/2, height/2);
    var dx = 30 * hour(); 
    rotate (radians(dx));
    if (hour() > 12 & hour() <=23) {
        fill(255, 243, 176);
        arc(x, y, 100, 100, 0, PI + QUARTER_PI, PIE); //moon
        ellipse(x + 30, y - 30, 5, 10);
        ellipse(x - 30, y + 70, 5, 10);
    } else if (hour() >= 0 & hour() <= 12) {
        fill(255, 128, 0);
        ellipse(x, y, 100, 100); //sun

function clouds(x, y) { //draws a cloud at position x, y
    fill(233, 254, 255);
    rect(x, y, 20, 10,30); //cloud

I started off this project by sketching a rough idea of what I wanted to make, which was two people playing badminton, with the shuttlecock moving from one end to the next in minutes. The sun and moon would then rotate according to the hour.

original sketch

However, I came across some coding problems so I changed my idea slightly. Now, they are aliens that can only move with every minute. As they move closer to each other, they are waving and their eyes follow each other. While I kept the sun and moon concept the same, I changed the background clouds to increase numbers according to seconds.

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