The project I am looking at this week is called “Random Walk with Pi #1” It is created by Cristian Vasile and was uploaded February 26th, 2014.
I really like this artist’s work overall because he uses random functions and manipulates them with these complex algorithms to make these amazing and methodical pieces.
In this piece specifically he utilized random walk (just like the one we learned in class) on pi’s first 10,000 digits which he then converted it to a geographic coordinate on earth’s surface. Clearly, he had to use very sophisticated formulas to take these random walk paths and then proportion them to coordinates on a geographical map.
What I really like about this piece is comparing it with other pieces from the same artist. He also used random walk with “E” and the golden ration. It is very cool to see how the 3 pieces are different, but also very similar in randomness because they all used random walk.
Overall, I think it is a really cool and artistic way to use random walk and complex algorithms. I never thought random walk and math would look so pretty.