SadieJohnson- Looking Outwards 01


I most admire the action RPG game Mass Effect, a video game developed by Bioware and published by EA games. I admire it because it was the first game I played that showcased the artistic side of video games, such as character design, writing, and musical composition. Mass Effect inspired me to follow my love of game design, and enter a field I  had once deemed “too technical”. Because it is a triple-A game, there were about 300 developers working on it and it took two years to complete. Like many big-budget video games, it was made on an engine- in this case, Unreal Engine 3. Dungeons and Dragons influenced the interactive storytelling, while Star Wars helped inspire the writing and sci-fi artists like Syd Mead.  This project points to a future of more refined storytelling in video games, better graphics and heavier investment in story and art.

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