Hannah K-Project-02


// Variables Needed for Face

// Variable to create ellipse (circle) for eyes
    var eyeSize = 25;
// Variables regarding width and height of ellipse for face
    var fW = 400;
    var fH = 540;
// Variable to create ellipse (circle) for nose
    var noseSize = 6;
// Variables regarding width and height of rectangle for mouth
    var mW = 80;
    var mH = 50;

// Variables needed to change color of face features
// Left eye color
    var RleftEyeColor = 120;
    var GleftEyeColor = 100;
    var BleftEyeColor = 75;
// Right eye color
    var RrightEyeColor = 50;
    var GrightEyeColor = 75;
    var BrightEyeColor = 125;
// Nose color
    var RnoseColor = 75;
    var GnoseColor = 75;
    var BnoseColor = 75;
// Mouth color
    var RmouthColor = 50;
    var GmouthColor = 75;
    var BmouthColor = 125;
// Face color
    var RfaceColor = 50;
    var GfaceColor = 75;
    var BfaceColor = 125;
 function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 640);
function draw() {
// Drawing face outline
    ellipse(width/2, height/2, fW, fH);
// Drawing left eye (pupil)
    ellipse(width/2-fW*0.25, height/2, eyeSize, eyeSize);
// Drawing right eye (pupil)
    ellipse(width/2+fW*0.25, height/2, eyeSize, eyeSize);
// Drawing nose
    rect(width/2, height/2, noseSize, noseSize);
// Drawing mouth
    rect(width/2, height/2+fH*0.25, mW, mH);
function mousePressed() {
// Face changes
    eyeSize = random(15, 30);
    fW = random(325, 400);
    fH = random(525, 600);
    noseSize = random(5, 30);
    mW = random(50, 75);
    mH = random(50, 75);
// Left eye color
    RleftEyeColor = random(25,150);
    GleftEyeColor = random(25,150);
    BleftEyeColor = random(25,150);
// Right eye color
    RrightEyeColor = random(25,150);
    GrightEyeColor = random(25,150);
    BrightEyeColor = random(25,150);
// Nose color
    RnoseColor = random(25,150);
    GnoseColor = random(25,150);
    BnoseColor = random(25,150);
// Mouth color
    var RmouthColor = 50;
    var GmouthColor = 75;
    var BmouthColor = 125;
// Face color
    var RfaceColor = 50;
    var GfaceColor = 75;
    var BfaceColor = 125;

Using variables in this project turned out to be much more challenging than I expected. Many of the variables I tried to use did not initially work as I intended, and I felt like I was doing a lot more guessing and checking (similar to figuring out the coordinates in last week’s project). I had originally made a sketch of some of the kind of faces I wanted to make, but because I struggled so much with the variables, I ended up making a very basic face.

Hannah K-Looking Outwards-02

This piece is called Possible, Plausible, Potential and was created by Miguel Nóbrega in March 2015. I was drawn towards this piece because while it initially seems very simple, the truth is that there is much complexity and uniqueness in this piece.

Although the creator relied on the use of algorithms to create this piece of work, there is still an element of randomness that allows for variation within the results. The code works by randomly generating new properties and arrangements of structure every time it runs.

I personally thought that it was very interesting that this work was done with markers, especially because the final result lends an air of sophistication that I do not personally associate with coloring markers. This work is quite figurative too, since the images generated by Nóbrega are not architecture blueprints even though they give off that kind of impression. More of Miguel Nóbrega’s work can be found here.

Hannah K-Project-01


function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 400);


function draw() {

    // Top part of hair - Arc

    // Main part of hair - Rectangle

    // Face - Ellipse

    // Nose - Triangle

    // Top of body - Triangle

    // Eye 1 - Circle

    // Pupil 1 - Circle

    // Eye 2 - Circle

    // Pupil 2 - Circle

    // Mouth - Arc

    // Eyebrow 1 - Rectangle

    // Eyebrow 2 - Rectangle


As many people have mentioned, one of the most difficult and time consuming parts of this process was figuring out the coordinates. While I did attempt to take notes as I created my portrait, ultimately, I did a lot of guessing and checking. Overall, I enjoyed the process and look forward to becoming better at coding more efficiently. This was one of the first times I’ve ever used code to create something remotely artistic, so this was really exciting!

Hannah K-Looking Outwards-01

The Fallen Star installation is the final prototype built by the Architectural Association (AA) DLab Visiting School. This installation can be manipulated by user feedback, and it sits at the intersection of biomimetics, perception, and interaction. Student teams built a 3D-model and used video mapping, as well as algorithms and digital fabrication.

Time lapse of the Fallen Star (Photo: Architectural Association)

This installation caught my eye because I feel that while technology enhances it, it is already quite impressive on its own. With the use of technology, especially because it is interactive, the piece becomes so much more than simply the sum of its parts.

This project is effective at challenging one’s sense of perception about space, and by incorporating music with the project, the overall effect is much more powerful because it is both visual and auditory. It shows the potential for the kind of impact that pieces that create an experience for viewers can have.

In 2012, the year that this installation was created, the DLab chose green as its color in which to carry out experiments. The green color served as the ultimate inspiration for this project, in which creators had to observe the natural world and create their own abstractions and interpretations into designs.