This video absolutely fascinated me when I first saw it. Colorful and sophisticated effects looks so real, and different dance moves show different effects more lively. I think the language of dance move really works well to show creativity and technical skills at one time. This awesome video is created by Motion graphic/ animation studio ‘Method Design’ which is based in New york.
This video is executed for ‘AICP(Association of Independent Commercial Producers’ and this video is a intro video for AICP. This was directed Rupert Burton. It is really amazing that Method Design studios delivered this video in two months with a core team of only three people, with 3 part-time workers.
Because there are so many different effects showing, they mostly used Houdini software program to create this video. I would say this video is the evidence of successful use of Houdini program. This reel includes not only motion capture skill but also dynamic effects and animation simulations.