Looking Outwards-02-sehenry

Reading this page about what truly represents algorithmic art, really gave me a better understanding of the subject. For one, I did not know that computer generated art has been in the works since the 1950s. Many artists have preferences for what they consider art in the computer realm. For many, CAD programs, paintbrush programs, and picture modifiers do not count as art. The real art to them comes from scratch. Literal scratch. Coming up with the numbers and equations that together make up something beautifully complex and simple. Something that I continue to see as I read through these articles and websites, is that many of these artists compare their works to a musical score sheet. Being in an orchestra and studying various forms of music, I myself have been able to see that creating music is something of itself. Making art from nothing. If you think about it, the score in a melody or song is actually an algorithm. Artists that create computer generated art have just transferred the concept over into the programming realm. And in my opinion, it is beautiful. Here is the link to the website as well as some pictures from it.


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