// Sofia Miren Syjuco
// Section A
// smsyjuco@andrew.cmu.edu
// Assignment-03-C
xPosition1 = 320;
yPosition1 = 0;
yPosition2 = 240;
rectSize = 30;
circleSize = 15;
function setup() {
createCanvas(640, 480);
function draw() {
// have background gradiate as mouseY changes from pink to green
colR = map(mouseY, 0, height, 255, 152);
colB = map(mouseY, 0, height, 153, 151);
colG = map(mouseY, 0, height, 0, 255);
background(colR, colG, colB);
translate(320, 240);
fill (0);
// rotate the squares faster/slower depending on mouseY position
rotate (millis ()/mouseY);
// create the black rectangle
rect (0 - rectSize/2, yPosition1, rectSize, rectSize);
// if mouseY is on lower half of screen, alter the yPosition variables
// this will effect rectangle placement
if ((mouseY > 0) & (mouseY < 200)) {
yPosition1 = mouseY;
yPosition2 = (0 - mouseY);
translate (320, 240);
fill ("white");
// rotate the squares faster/slower depending on mouseY position
rotate (millis ()/mouseY);
// create the white rectangle
rect (0 - rectSize/2, yPosition2, rectSize, rectSize);
// if mouse Y on upper half of screen, let mouseY effect square's position
if ((mouseY < 0) & (mouseY > -200)){
yPosition2 = mouseY;
// make the circle's color gradiate from black/white depending on mouseY
fill (mouseY);
// create the ellipse
ellipse (xPosition1, height/2, circleSize, circleSize);
// if the mouseY is within certain bounds, change ellipse position
if ((mouseY > 40) & (mouseY < 440)){
xPosition1 = mouseY + 100;
// if the circle is on right half of screen, make it big (20x20)
if (xPosition1 > 320){
circleSize = 20;
// if the circle is on the left half of screen, make it small (10x10)
if (xPosition1 < 320) {
circleSize = 10;
My process for this project was to slowly cobble together elements of what we had learned, and step-by-step create a foundation which I could later experiment on. It took a lot of testing and just moving numbers around, but in the end I think I have a better understanding of manipulating shapes, and translating things.