
The post that I thought had an interesting yet simple concept was found in Vtavarez‘s week 4 post. He wrote about how an artist made a graphical representation of a musical composition called He’s a Pirate. I listened to the soundtrack and it was the one from Pirates of the Caribbean. If you click on the link, then you can see that the The Wrong Way to Draw a Pirate is a animation of how the song comes to be. In the past LookingOutwards, I loved when we analyzed the relationship between sound and animation and this is just another example of how cool these things can be when they are illustrated clearly. The person who made this composition has made a series called The Wrong Way to Draw Music. On there, they have many different types of songs that are portrayed the same way as the Pirate song was. I do agree that the way that the song is drawn, could have been better. All the layers that were written before hand just get layered over by new sounds and pitches. However, I still think it was a really cool idea.

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