
This week, I looked at an instrument called the MikroKontrolleur that allows you to “play” your voice. It was invented in 2015-2016 by Katharina Hauke and Dominik Hildebrand Marques Lopes.

I really admire the idea behind this, and I think it’s an interesting concept and creation. I don’t particularly like the sound it produces as you can hear in the video, it sounds like something from a horror movie. Nonetheless, I find it very interesting.

This instrument is computational because it analyzes different physical aspects of the singer in order to affect the computed portion of the instrument -the aspects of it that cause such varying sounds to be made.

The link to the article describing the instrument can be found here along with a video. Below are some pictures taken of a singer using the instrument.

taken from http://www.creativeapplications.net/sound/mikrokontrolleur-an-instrument-to-play-ones-voice/
taken from http://www.creativeapplications.net/sound/mikrokontrolleur-an-instrument-to-play-ones-voice/

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