I chose two projects as reference for my final project.

Extinct is an educational game that allows players to plant either a wild plant or a farm crop by Joe Cutting. The goal of the game is to grow as many seeds as possible through deciding how much water, minerals and sunlight to distribute to growing different parts of the plant. The more seeds you get, the higher your survival rate. The game is interesting in that you have control over your plant and it makes use of scientific knowledge that gives the player something more to take away from the game. Something I wish Cutting did better is that the window is too small for the plant. When the plant gets really tall it goes out of view. The slider bars are also a bit too long.

121 Fake Flowers by W:Mute is a series of 121 computer generated flowers. The artist uses processing to make the flowers and they are all in black and white. What is interesting about the project is that all the flowers have a crystal like structure. Unlike the first project, this is only a simulator of flowers. I thought this project was worth investigating because it could help me generate the leaves and fruit in my game. Is seems that this project has differentiated the petals and the pistils. When I generate my plant I should generate stems and leaves individually. If this project could include more variability, it would be even more interesting.