The first project I found interesting is “On Broadway” by Lev Manovich. In this project, he trying to analyze and present a city by collecting data from new media Instagram, Foursquare, Twitter, and from traditional indicators taxi and income. What interests me most is how he compressed a 3-D city into one single string(a street, Broadway), and by analyzing those aggregation of data, he found a clear division between city upper 110th street and below. This is a video.
The second project I admire is Phototrail by Nadav Hochman, Lev Manovich and Jay Chow. In this project, they collect data directly from photos uploaded to Instagram by people in different cities. Multiple grams are used to correlate the attributes of photos and other factors. For example, they used radicals to organize the images by their visual attribute (hue, brightness, texture, etc.) and by when and where they were taken. One parameter decides the angle; another parameter controls the radius (how far a photo is from the center).