LookingOutwards-03 Sophia Kim-Sec C

One of Sean Ahlquist’s doctoral works that used Java based framework showing mutli-layer membrane systems.

This piece is one of many pieces in Sean Ahlqiust’s “Textile Morphologies.” Sean Ahlqiust did the scientific research while there were many collaborators for the design of the project, using Javascript and 3D printing. Among all the different computational fabrication projects, this one stuck out to me the most because it fuses design, science, and coding. I like this one specifically in the “Textile Morphologies” because it reminded me of the DNA molecules I learned in high school. I thought this piece focused on creating a relationship between all viewers and biology by showing wires connecting these “membranes” together. Using all his scientific research, Ahlqiust was able to approach all people with different skills/knowledge.


Textile Morphologies

Robert Oh-LookingOutwards-03

Caption: “Awesome 3D Printed Flexible Shoes” – RCLifeOn

I believe that one of the coolest and most interesting machines that utilizes computational digital fabrication is the 3D-printer. I personally have a 3D printer in my house, and playing around with it is incredible fun. My dad and I were able to create numerous little trinkets, ranging from door handles to fidget spinners.

And so, what intrigued me most about this project is how practical 3D printing has become. In this project, YouTuber RCLifeOn has 3D printer his own pair of colorful shoes! I admire the fact that 3D printing may be able to replace ever having to buy certain products again!

As for the algorithm, I know that there is a certain software that 3D printers use in order to print these objects out (you have to model the object in the software). In the video, the YouTuber claims to have used 3 different types of materials for the shoes: TPU, FilaFlex and NinjaFlex. I believe the creator’s colorful and creative imagination was able to bring this cool concept into life (who would’ve thought of 3D printing shoes?).

This only leads me to wonder, what other useful daily life items will we be able to 3D print in the near future?

Mimi Jiao Looking Outwards 3

Andrew Kudless’ installation in FRAC Centre, Orleans, France. Created in 2013. Made of fiber-reinforced thin-shell precast concrete panels mounted on a steel frame

Andrew Kudless, a designer and professor as well as the founder of the design firm Matsys, has created many generative physical and digital works. His creative interest lies in the manipulation of form, growth, and behavior in materials and their intertwining qualities of all of them in a system. This interest is clearly shown in his work P_Wall (2013), created first using software generated designs in Grasshopper, Rhino, and Kangaroo, and then translated into physical form through using a thin-shell concrete fabrication process that consisted in the use of fabric-cast plaster patterns and rubber molds. The initial form of this piece is what attracted me instantly. The design appeals to me on an intuitive and emotional level – the smooth curves tell me to get closer to it. It pulls me in and makes me want to touch it and bury my body in it. The irregularity in form is perfected through slight variations and inconsistencies throughout the installation while maintaining the core structure throughout. It begins to take me to somewhere familiar, and brings me to think of trees, or some other type of organic form. I admire his work because he is able to evoke the sense of familiarity and comfort in forms while using materials and fabrication methods that are typically not associated with such feelings. One thing that I would like to see more of is P_Wall (2013) in real time. I think this piece would be interesting as a time-based installation, where we can see people in the space interacting with the piece. It would be interesting to see how his exploration of form affects others from an emotional standpoint. Would people be like me and walk up to the work to touch and experience it? How and what aspects of the form appeal to people and what parts repels people? For me, I would definitely interact with this piece if it was presented in my life. It would be great to experience the physical qualities of something generated by computers; it is the coming together of digital and physical environments.

Project-03 Sophia Kim – Sec C


// Sophia S Kim
// Section C 1:30
// sophiaki@andrew.cmu.edu 
// Project-03: Dynamic Drawing

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);
function draw() {

    var bR = 140 + mouseX * .6; 
    var bG = 255 + mouseX * .2;
    var bB = 100 + mouseX * .3;
    //variables for background color change

    background(bR, bG, bB);

    var size1 = mouseX * .4; 
        //changes size of text for mortal/immortal
    var size2 = mouseX * .15; 
        //changes size of text for forever/dead
    var size3 = mouseX * .1;
        //change size of text for talk/silent
    var size4 = mouseX * .17;    
        //change size of text for fake/real
    var textColor = 255-(mouseX*255/640); 
        //change of for any RGB color value 

    ellipse(mouseX-50, mouseY-100, 140, 140);
    /*changes position by following the mouseX and Y
    (image element)*/

    ellipse(mouseX+100, mouseY, 70, 70);
    /*changes position by following the mouseX and Y
    (image element)*/

    ellipse(mouseX+200, mouseY-40, 100, 100);
    /*changes position by following the mouseX and Y
    (image element)*/

    ellipse(mouseX+240, mouseY-180, 120, 120);
    /*changes position by following the mouseX and Y
    (image element)*/

    fill(6, textColor, mouseX*255 / 640);
        //changes color of texts (image element)  
    textFont('old english'); 
    textSize(size1); //changes text size (image element)
    if (mouseX < 200)
        text("MORTAL", mouseX, mouseY);
        text("IMMORTAL", mouseX, mouseY); 
        //changes text when mouseX < 200 (image element)
        /*changes position by following the mouseX and Y
        (image element)*/

    fill(255, textColor, mouseX*255 / 640); 
        //changes color of texts (image element)
    textFont('old english'); 
    textSize(size2); //changes text size (image element)
    if (mouseX < 320)
        text("FOREVER", mouseX - 100, mouseY - 100);
        text("DEAD", mouseX - 100, mouseY - 100); 
        //changes text when mouseX < 320 (image element)
        /*changes position by following the mouseX and Y 
        (image element)*/

    fill(textColor, mouseX*255 / 640, 140);
        //changes color of texts (image element)
    textFont('old english');
    textSize(size3);//changes text size (image element)
    if (mouseX < 300)
        text("TALK", mouseX - 150, mouseY - 50);
        text ("SILENT", mouseX - 150, mouseY - 50);
        //changes text when mouseX < 300 (image element)
        /*changes position by following the mouseX and Y
        (image element)*/

    fill(160, mouseX*255 / 640, textColor);
        //changes color of texts (image element)
    textFont('old english');
    textSize(size4);//changes text size (image element)
    if (mouseX < 200)
        text("FAKE", mouseX + 200, mouseY - 140);
        text("REAL", mouseX + 200, mouseY - 140);
        //changes text when mouseX < 200 (image element)
        /*changes position by following the mouseX and Y
        (image element)*/

I was inspired by one of the links that were offered in the Deliverables (Moving Art at SmaPhoArt.com-Floating Figures). I had a really hard time with conditions, but after awhile, I was able to make the text change using different conditions.

Looking Outwards 3 Liz Maday

One of Benjamin Dillenburger’s Rocailles. Rocaille refers to an architectural style with elaborate ornamentation.

The works that I chose to look at were Rocailles created by the architect Benjamin Dillenburger. These pieces inspire me because of how its complexity and precision alludes to the fact that it was produced through digital fabrication, while still reminding me of a design that could be found in nature. The shape of these structures seem reminiscent of shells, or ocean waves. The curves have a softness about them, but after looking at close ups, you can see the sharp, clean cut edges that form the whole.

I also like how these structures look like architectural designs that could be realized in larger form, although the structure itself doesn’t seem to serve any particular purpose. I see this as the artist’s way of integrating architectural design with expressive art.


Robert Oh Project-03-Dynamic-Drawing


//Robert Oh
//Section C

//assigning variables
var i = 0;
var eyes_dir = 0;
var a = 0;
var b = 0;
var col = 0;

//function to make the panda figures
function panda(x, y, eyes, a) {

    ellipse(x - a*25, y - a*30, a*40, a*30);
    ellipse(x + a*25, y - a*30, a*40, a*30);

    ellipse(x, y + a*60, a*100, a*100);
    ellipse(x, y, a*90, a*80);
    ellipse(x, y + a*60, a*80, a*80);
    quad(x - a*5, y + a*55, x - a*3, y + a*55, x + a*5, y + a*65, x + a*3, y + a*65);
    quad(x + a*5, y + a*55, x + a*3, y + a*55, x - a*5, y + a*65, x - a*3, y + a*65);

    translate(x - 20, y - 5);
    ellipse(0, 0, a*30, a*20);
    translate(x + 20, y - 5);
    ellipse(0, 0, a*30, a*20);
    ellipse(x - 15 + eyes, y - 10, a*5, a*5);
    ellipse(x + 15 + eyes, y - 10, a*5, a*5);

    //nose + mouth
    ellipse(x, y + 7, a*5, a*5);

    //what happens when the mouse hovers over a panda face
    if (dist(mouseX, mouseY, x, y) <= a*40){
        fill(255, 147, 147);
        arc(x, y+15, a*20, a*20, 0, PI);
        fill(255, 53, 53);
        ellipse(x - 30, y + 15, a*15, a*15);
        ellipse(x + 30, y + 15, a*15, a*15);
    quad(x - a*1, y + a*7, x + a*1, y + a*7, x + a*1, y + a*15, x - a*1, y + a*15);
    quad(x - a*1, y + a*15, x , y + a*16, x - a*7, y + a*20, x - a*8, y + a*20)
    quad(x + a*1, y + a*15, x , y + a*16, x + a*7, y + a*20, x + a*8, y + a*20)

//function to make the panda figures upside down
function panda_down(x, y, eyes, b) {

    ellipse(x - b*25, y + b*30, b*40, b*30);
    ellipse(x + b*25, y + b*30, b*40, b*30);

    ellipse(x, y - b*60, b*100, b*100);
    ellipse(x, y, b*90, b*80);
    ellipse(x, y - b*60, b*80, b*80);
    quad(x - b*5, y - b*55, x - b*3, y - b*55, x + b*5, y - b*65, x + b*3, y - b*65);
    quad(x + b*5, y - b*55, x + b*3, y - b*55, x - b*5, y - b*65, x - b*3, y - b*65);

    translate(x - 20, y + 5);
    ellipse(0, 0, b*30, b*20);
    translate(x + 20, y + 5);
    ellipse(0, 0, b*30, b*20);
    ellipse(x - 15 + eyes, y + 10, b*5, b*5);
    ellipse(x + 15 + eyes, y + 10, b*5, b*5);

    //nose + mouth
    ellipse(x, y - 7, b*5, b*5);
    //what happens when the mouse hovers over a panda face
    if (dist(mouseX, mouseY, x, y) <= b*40){
        fill(255, 147, 147);
        arc(x, y - 15, b*20, b*20, PI, 0)
        fill(255, 53, 53);
        ellipse(x - 30, y - 15, b*15, b*15);
        ellipse(x + 30, y - 15, b*15, b*15);
    quad(x - b*1, y - b*7, x + b*1, y - b*7, x + b*1, y - b*15, x - b*1, y - b*15);
    quad(x - b*1, y - b*15, x , y - b*16, x - b*7, y - b*20, x - b*8, y - b*20)
    quad(x + b*1, y - b*15, x , y - b*16, x + b*7, y - b*20, x + b*8, y - b*20)

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);

function draw() {
    background(146, col, 171);
    //drawing all the pandas
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        //how to make eyse look at the bamboo!
        eyes_dir = (mouseX - (175*i + 60))/100;
        //these are the factors I'm multiplying all my values by
        a = mouseY / 300;
        b = (480 - mouseY) / 300;

        if (mouseY >= 300){
            b = 0;
        if (mouseY <= 180){
            a = 0;
        panda(175*i + 60, 400, eyes_dir, a);
        panda_down(175*i + 60, 80, eyes_dir, b);

    //drawing the bamboo
    fill(48, 153, 84);
    rect(mouseX - 6, mouseY - 30, 12, 19);
    rect(mouseX - 6, mouseY - 10, 12, 19);
    rect(mouseX - 6, mouseY + 10, 12, 19);
    fill(97, 255, 76);
    translate(mouseX + 18, mouseY - 25);
    ellipse(0, 0, 20, 8);

    //changing the color of the background
    col = mouseY / 2;

When I read the prompt for this project, I knew right away that I wanted to do something with eyes. I felt that having a group of eyes staring at your mouse would add some excitement and personality to my project. After figuring that out, I figured I would just add some lovely pandas, and based the rest of the project off of that!

Yingying Yan Project 3 Dynamic Drawing


Yingying Yan
Waitlist for Section E

//this code allow you do draw flowers! hold you mouse
//still and see what you get!

var k =4;
var R = 255;

//setup background and allow drawing to show
function setup() {
  createCanvas(480, 640);

function draw() {
  //the graphic of the lower right eraser box
  rect(340, 480, 140,160);
  text("erase", 360,520);

  //color of the stokes of the flower
  // position of the drawing = position of the mouse
  translate(mouseX, mouseY);
  // the mouse controls how fast you can draw the flower
  //e.g. smaller x = draw faster
  var speed = frameCount / mouseX;
  // rose formula from Wekipedia and allow the computer
  //to draw the flower
  var x = cos(k*speed) * sin(speed);
  var y = cos(k*speed) * cos(speed); 
  // how big the drawing depends on the Y coordinate of the mouse
  scale(mouseY / 5, mouseY / 5);

  // controls the color of the drawing 0f the flower
  R -= .5;
  if (R < 0) {
    R = 255;

  //the circles that draw the flower
  ellipse(x , y,.001,.001);

  //lower right corner of the canvas and clear the 
  //background of the canvas = erase
  if (mouseX > 340 & mouseY > 480) {
    background (230);

I wanted to draw something geometrical, so I went online and search for a flower formula. This drawing is based on the rose formula. It took me forever to figure everything out but I am glad that I somehow finished it. I think this project is very interesting, and I wish I have more time and know more code for this.

Adam He – Project 03 – Dynamic Drawing


/* Adam He
Section A
Project-03 */

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);

function draw() {
    // background color changes based on mouse position
    var bckX = mouseX / width * 150;
    var bckY = mouseY / height * 150;
    background(bckX, 0, bckY);

    var sqSize = 80;
    var sqPosX = 20;

    // bigger circle, bigger, clockwise
    translate(width / 2, height / 2);
    rotate(mouseX / 400);
    rect(sqPosX + 20, sqPosX + 20, mouseX + 20, mouseX + 20);

    // smaller square, bigger, counter-clockwise
    translate(width / 2, height / 2);
    rotate(mouseX / -400);
    rect(sqPosX - 20, sqPosX + 20, mouseX + 10, mouseX + 10);

    // circle appears in the middle
    translate(width / 2, height / 2);
    ellipse(sqPosX - 20, sqPosX - 20, mouseX / 5, mouseX / 5);

    // black circlr appears in the circle
    translate(width / 2, height / 2);
    ellipse(sqPosX - 20, sqPosX - 20, mouseX / 40, mouseX / 40);

    // non-rotating enlarging rect
    var move = max(min(mouseX, 700), 0);
    var big = move * 4;
    fill(200, bckY, bckX);
    rect(300 + move, 180 + move, big, big);

I was randomly playing with the rotation and translations of simple geometries. I found out that it would be really interesting if I played around with the depth and perspective in this animation. I programmed the colors and sizes of the shapes to transform so to achieve the dynamic and interactive animation that I wanted to make.

Daniel Teague – Looking Outward 03

From “Towards Resiliency of Post-Soviet City Networks”
From “Towards Resiliency of Post-Soviet City Networks”


Name of Creator: Dana Cupkova

Project: Advanced Synthesis Option Studios? (Didn’t seem entirely clear if this was the name of the project or the program certain projects fell under)

I clicked on this because of the interesting picture it had and its description, the latter of which is in the captions of both of the embedded pictures, and the former of which is the second embedded picture. The description the project page provided was interesting, talking about our need to change our approach towards design, architecture, and the environment as it becomes increasingly clear that humanity is having a major, and often negative, impact on the Earth’s biosphere. The project is supposed to help students test and practice new ideas and methods in this context.

However, while this was incredibly interesting, it failed to provide links to and clear, obvious examples of the works of students who have participated in this project. Indeed, my confusion with whether this is an actual project or just a program was due to said failure, especially as it was clear there are works by previous students.

That said, the algorithms involved in any of the works in this project obviously included some connection to the environment in which the works would take place, and it was clear the author (or possibly director) had a great interest in the interaction between civilization and the world around it.

Note: While it was clear this project was at least a few years old, with references to at least 2015 and 2016, there was no clear statement of when the project was started.

Rjpark – Looking Outwards 03

Photo of 3D printed sculpture of Obama’s speech

Gilles Azzaro’s 3D printed sound sculptures are works of art that honor the things he finds important in life like his friend’s baby’s first cry or Neil Armstrong speaking about walking on the moon. In this specific project, Azzaro created a sculpture of sound waves from Obama’s speech, The Next Industrial Revolution. In order to do this, it took 2 printers and 200+ hours as well as an installation of a green light that follows the sound waves as the speech is told. You can tell through the green light that the creator cared not only about the visual or auditory aspect of the project but also about the connection between the two. In fact, I admire that addition (green light) to the project the most. It’s already fascinating enough to try creating a visual representation of sound but it’s even more fascinating to connect an audience’s auditory and visual sense with something as simple as a green light running across the sculpture for the audience’s eyes to follow. I find the attention to this small but important detail really admirable and innovative. This 3D printing project serves not only as a piece of beautiful artwork but also as a testament to important historical and worldly events.

3D Printing Project

Gilles Azzaro