Eunice Choe – Looking Outwards-02

A piece of generative art that inspired me is Geode (2017) by Nervous System, which is a generative jigsaw puzzle influenced by agate stones. I admire Nervous System’s ability to take inspiration from nature and create a beautiful piece of art. In addition, I admire their ability to take something as mundane as a jigsaw puzzle and turn it into something that is more complex and original.

Nervous System created this puzzle with an algorithm called Maze, which intricately laser cuts wood into puzzle pieces based on growing elastic rods. Maze mimics the idea of growing elastic rods within a restricted boundary, which causes the rods to continuously bend and push into each other. Nervous System incorporates artistic sensibilities by mimicking the natural process of agate formation. The designers were sensitive to the natural patterns that agates create as shown through the similarities between the natural process and the computer generated process. Like the real agate, the computer generated agate develops patterns from the outside in.

Eunice Choe – Project-02


/*Eunice Choe
Section E

// face shape
var faceW = 200;
var faceH = 250;
// eyes
var eyeSize = 30;
var eyePupil = 10;
// egg color
var eggColorR = 186;
var eggColorG = 215;
var eggColorB = 241;
// mouth
var mouthW = 40;
var mouthH = 15;
// nest
var nestW = 250;
var nestH = 70;
// brows
var browW = 20;
var browH = 5

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 640);
// background
function draw() {
    background(230, 160, 160);

// nest back
    fill(106, 80, 71);
    ellipse(width / 2, height / 2 + 80, nestW, nestH);

// face
    fill(eggColorR, eggColorG, eggColorB);
    ellipse(width / 2, height / 2, faceW, faceH);

// eye whites
    var leftEyeX = width / 2 - faceW*.2;
    var rightEyeX = width / 2 + faceW*.2;
    fill(255, 255, 255);
    ellipse(leftEyeX, height / 2, eyeSize, eyeSize);
    ellipse(rightEyeX, height / 2, eyeSize, eyeSize);

// eye pupils
    stroke(65, 44, 24);
    ellipse(leftEyeX, height / 2, eyePupil, eyePupil);
    ellipse(rightEyeX, height / 2, eyePupil, eyePupil);

// mouth
    stroke(85, 85, 85);
    fill(200, 120, 70);
    arc(width / 2, height / 2 + 30, mouthW, mouthH, 0, PI, OPEN);

// brows
    var leftBrowX = width / 2 - faceW*.3;
    var rightBrowX = width / 2 + faceW*.2;
    var browY = height / 2 - faceH*.15;
    fill(162, 114, 135);
    rect(leftBrowX, browY, browW, browH);
    rect(rightBrowX, browY, browW, browH);

// nest front
    stroke(163, 136, 127);
    fill(124, 103, 95);
    arc(width / 2, height / 2 + 80, nestW, nestH + 100, 0, PI, OPEN);

// caption
    text('eggs for days!', width / 2, height / 2 + 200);


function mousePressed(){
    // face
    faceW = random(175, 225);
    faceH = random(225, 275);
    // eye
    eyeSize = random(20, 40);
    eyePupil = random(1, 20);
    // egg color
    eggColorR = random(225, 255);
    eggColorG = random(225, 255);
    eggColorB = random(225, 255);
    // mouth
    mouthW = random(10, 100);
    mouthH = random(5, 30);
    // brows
    browW = random(15, 40);
    browH = random(1, 10);


For this project, I was inspired by my love of eggs. I began experimenting with egg sketches on illustrator and ultimately decided to put my eggs in a nest. I also decided to change the color, eyes, brows, and mouth so that a new egg would appear on every click. This project was more challenging than the last one, but I still had a lot of fun.

Eunice Choe – Looking Outwards-01

An interactive art installation that interested me was Petting Zoo by the architecture and design firm Minimaforms. This installation mimics the lifelike interactions animals have with humans through tubelike robots that hang from the ceiling. These robots have several sensors that can detect sounds, gestures, and touch that can encourage the robots to learn behaviors and personalities that evolve over time. For instance, the more a human interacts with the animal robot, the more it can become attached to the human.

I admire this project because I find it fascinating how the designers were able to capture complex human and animal emotions through artificial intelligence and robots. However, I find the idea of robots being able to evolve and develop emotions unnerving, and it makes me question the interactions humans and robots may have in the future. This installation was developed over several years by the two cofounders of Minimaforms, three designers, and eleven assistants. The designers utilized Kinect sensors to detect multiple people within the environment. In addition, the designers used Processing, which is a language that can make the robots coordinate with one another and allow for interactions with multiple people. Petting Zoo was inspired by The Senster by Edward Ihnatowicz, which was the first robotic sculpture. The designers also pulled inspiration from the work of Gordon Pask and Walter Grey Walter. This project’s ability to empathize with humans and animals show the potential of their interactions in the future. This project is one example of the development of artificial intelligence and how it contributes to creating a more futuristic society.

Eunice Choe – Project-01-Face

Eunice Choe – Project-01-Face

Eunice Choe
Section E

function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 600);
    background(195, 80, 54);

function draw() {

    fill(39, 25, 3);
    rect(175, 250, 250, 300);
    ellipse(300, 250, 250, 250);

    fill(244, 221, 184);
    ellipse(300, 290, 200, 230);

    fill(39, 25, 3);
    quad(190, 270, 270, 240, 360, 160, 240, 185);

    fill(244, 221, 184);
    ellipse(200, 300, 40, 40);

    fill(230, 145, 98);
    ellipse(248, 280, 55, 30);
    ellipse(357, 280, 55, 30);

    fill(254, 246, 230);
    ellipse(225, 310, 30, 20);
    ellipse(380, 310, 30, 20);

    fill(255, 255, 255);
    ellipse(255, 290, 40, 25);
    ellipse(350, 290, 40, 25);
    rect(235, 277, 40, 15);
    rect(330, 277, 40, 15);

    fill(39, 25, 3);
    rect(226, 277, 50, 4, 20);
    rect(329, 277, 50, 4, 20);
    ellipse(260, 290, 20, 20);
    ellipse(355, 290, 20, 20);

    fill(255, 255, 255);
    ellipse(255, 285, 5, 5);
    ellipse(350, 285, 5, 5);

    fill(39, 25, 3);
    rect(220, 250, 55, 6, 20);
    rect(330, 250, 55, 6, 20);

    fill(249, 204, 151);
    rect(290, 290, 30, 55, 20);

    fill(244, 221, 184);
    ellipse(310, 335, 10, 10);

    fill(216, 123, 104);
    quad(270, 370, 305, 360, 330, 370, 305, 380);

    fill(245, 155, 140);
    triangle(270, 370, 305, 360, 305, 380);

    fill(244, 221, 184);
    rect(270, 390, 60, 30);

    fill(144, 214, 212);
    rect(150, 420, 300, 400, 100);

    fill(70, 131, 138);
    rect(340, 490, 55, 70, 20);


In my self portrait, I wanted to incorporate details that clearly reflect me. For instance, I chose to include my long, dark hair and red eye shadow. Overall, I really enjoyed this project!