Sarah Yae – Project 02 – Variable Face


//Sarah Yae
//Section B

var faceX = 240
var faceY = 320
var facecolor = 255

var earX = 180
var earY = 200
var earlength = 60
var earwidth = 60

var eyeX = 200
var eyeY = 300
var eyecolor = 120

var noseX = 240
var noseY = 340
var nosewidth = 10

var mouth = 80
var mouthx1 = 200
var mouthx2 = 280

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 640);

function draw() {
	background (255,229,204);

//draws the face in first frame
	ellipse (faceX, faceY,230,230);

//draws the left ear in first frame
	ellipse (earX, earY, earwidth, earlength);

//draws the right ear in first frame
    ellipse (earX + 120, earY, earwidth, earlength);

//draws the left eye in first frame
    fill (eyecolor);
    ellipse (eyeX, eyeY, 40, 40);

//draws the right eye in first frame
    ellipse (eyeX + 80, eyeY,40,40);

//draws the nose in first frame 
    fill (204,204,255);
    ellipse (noseX, noseY, nosewidth, 30);

//draws the mouth in first frame 
    fill (255,204,204);
    triangle (mouthx1,370,mouthx2,370,240,400);


function mousePressed() {

//face changes color
    faceX = 240;
    faceY = 320;
    facecolor = random(140,255);

//ears changes size (lengths and widths)
    earX = 180;
    earY = 200;
    earlength = random(50,130);
    earwidth = random(50,100);

//eyes changes color 
    eyeX = 200;
    eyeY = 300;
    eyecolor = random (10,120);

//nose changes size (width)
    noseX = 240;
    noseY = 340;
    nosewidth = random(10,40);

//mouth changes size (width)
    mouth = 80;
    mouthx1 = random (180,220);
    mouthx2 = random (260,300);


I wanted to create a cute, fantasy creature. By pressing the mouse, you can see my animal switch up from a mouse, a bunny, a bear, etc… you name it!

Sarah Yae LookingOutwards2 Section B

“Boil Up: Realtime Feeding Frenzy” (2013) is created by Robert Hodgin. His work can be explored on:

Hodgin’s animation installation of the sea and fish pattern amazed me. Although the audience receives a single experience,  there were so many procedural layers involved to create it. Hodgin had to break down his project into multiple steps, which added onto each other. For example, his first step would be the formation of bait by observing group behavior, then he would introduce the smaller predators.

The algorithm that generated the work was apparently “GPU-based” and his work was to be displayed via 4 projectors in a cylindrical room.

Hodgins’s artistic sensibilities manifested in his algorithm when he had to code the design of the fish as well as the sea, to make them look realistic.

Tuna model in “Boil Up: Realtime Feeding Frenzy

Sarah Yae Project 1 Face


function setup() {
    createCanvas(500, 500);

    fill ('rgb(255,235,205)');
    ellipse (250,250,180,230);

//eyes related
    fill ('white');
    ellipse (215,225,40,20);

    fill ('black');
    ellipse (215,225,19,20);

    fill ('brown');
    arc (215,205, 50,10,PI,0);

    fill ('white');
    ellipse (285,225,40,20);

    fill ('black');
    ellipse (285,225,19,20);

    fill ('brown');
    arc (285,205,50,10,PI,0); 

    noFill ();
    ellipse (215,225,55,30);  
    ellipse (285,225,55,30);
    line (242.5,225,257.5,225)

    line (250,240,260,275);
    line (260,275,240,275);

    fill ('red');
    arc (250,300,60,20, 0, PI);

    fill ('rgb(51,24,29)');
    rect (160,160,30,250);
    rect (310,160,30,250);
    arc (250,170,170,70,PI,0);


function draw() {

I used my favorite color, lavender, as the background color. I also added glasses to my self-portrait because I have been wearing glasses since I was 9.

Sarah Yae Looking Outwards 1

TheRain Room (2012), installed by Random International, is an interactive installation where the audience can walk through the rain, but not get wet. Rather than typical artworks at the museum, this interactive installation allows for audience to immerse themselves with different senses and have an ownership of the artwork. When I first visited the Rain Room,I was taken aback by such a refreshing, unique installation that was never widely introduced before in museums. Walking through this installation put me in a different atmosphere. I have never felt this way towards an artwork before.

This project was made from an organization called Random International. This organization aims to incorporate science and technology to art, in order to create a diverse and unique experience. The project took about 4 years to create, and 8 months to build.

For this project, I think creating this project required the development of custom software because this installation was something very new. This project was apparently inspired by sound. This artwork, I believe, began a trend of museums with interactive installations, which incorporates technology with art.

Rain Room at Museum of Modern Arts at NYC.

The link to Rain Room is: