Eliza Pratt – Project Proposal

For my final project, my inner-8-year-old has been begging me to make an interactive dress up game. I’m excited to do this since I plan on drawing all the clothes and then importing them into my code. It’ll have some click and drag features that snap into place when they’re close to the body, as well as accessories and hairdo selections. I also plan on having customizable colors for eyes, hair, lips, and maybe the clothes as well. I’m excited to do this because I’ve always been interested in designing for children and young girls in particular. As a design student, creating things that are fun and playful has always been at the forefront of what I see myself doing in the future. While it’s true that games like this already exist, the prospect of both designing and coding my own validates that I now have the skills to create something that I’ve wanted to since I was little.

Jaclyn Saik-Project 12-Proposal

I am planning to work with my classmate Alice Fang to create an interactive poem. We plan to use one of our favorite poems, “Still I Rise” by Maya Angelou, not only because it’s an excellent piece of writing but also because her message feels especially pertinent in today’s political and social climate. The poem is 43 lines and 9 stanzas long, and we plan to figure out a way to break it up and display it on separate slides, which the user can move through as they continue to read and interact. We want to create interactions specific the different lines (or couplets, or stanzas). For example, the line “I’m a black ocean, leaping and wide,/Welling and swelling I bear in the tide”, we plan to animate the text based on the mouse position to imitate waves.

We were inspired by the work of programmer and poet Allison Parish, who creates a lot of work involving interactive text and generative poetry.

Some sketches and storyboards for the ways users can interact with the lines of text


Christine Seo – Project Proposal

Initially, I wanted to make a visual representation of sound and music because I personally love to listen to music but there is no way for deaf people to listen to this and have this experience. I wanted to program something to share my emotions and experiences when I listen to certain music to these individuals in some way. Throughout the course, my favorite parts were when we had to incorporate the camera and when we had to allow music in our assignments. So for my Looking Outwards 12, I looked for inspirations that interacted with these two topics; this inspired me to come up with my ideas for my final project which incorporates the two ideas in one. Thus, in my project, I want to have options to listen to songs that act to different emotions. These emotions would be visually portrayed through a face tracker in each that has elements that would also react to the music, volume and sounds (multiple tracks). I found out that I can use JavaScript libraries for face tracking called ClmTrackr and p5.js for creating sound visualization. Through this project, I want to make something visually interesting but also wanted to involve a topic that I care about. I believe that this project can help me achieve my aesthetic ideas, show what I’ve learned through this class, and create something meaningful.

Final project idea sketch

Jessica Timczyk – Project 12 – Project Proposal

My sketch of my project.

For my final project, I would like to create an interactive animation. As I drew in my sketch of my final project, I would like to create a jungle- like scene with elephants, fish and possibly another animal. To make it interactive, many aspects of the photo will move or change in some way when the user clicks on them, for example, clicking on the elephants makes them either raise their trunk or move their ears, the leaves of the trees rustle, the fish fins move when they’re clicked, and etc. Some of the interaction will also depend on the movements of the user’s mouse rather than simply a click, for example, the sun will rotate and the rays will change size as the mouse moves across the screen, or the cattails will move when the mouse grazes over them. To additionally make it interesting, I will include sounds with the scene, making jungle-esque music play in the background, but then depending on what is clicked on, different sounds will play. Elephants will make their horn sounds when clicked on, leaves rustling and others. I hope to add a few more details than what is just on the drawing, but that is the basis for now.

Week 12 – Project Proposal Sara Frankel

For my project, I would like to incorporate a game with music. I have always loved projects that interact with music. I would be lying if I said I know exactly how my project will look as of right now, but I am thinking of using some sort of animation that is coordinated with a soundtrack. For instance, color tones match the “mood” of the piece and the shape represent the different musical aspects of it. On the other hand, I want to take advantage of the user’s keyboard so that they can play a part of the visual experience of sound. I attached an image of my sketch that I am envisioning. As you can see below, my plan is to have this abstract image most correlated with the piece in both color and shape, this shape will change in shape according to the frequencies emitting from the song. Scattered around this main shape will be simpler shapes that “pulse” and rotate according to different aspects of the piece. The user will be able to play around with all of these shapes and change the song and aspects of it on the color chosen by the user. This project connects color, sound, and shapes to display music.

Kevin Thies – Project Proposal

An example room with enemies

My proposal for a final project would be a top-down view dungeon crawler game. I found that I was interested in using keyboard inputs as controls, and the natural development from there is a game.

The white circle is a stand-in for the character, and the red circle is where the mouse is aiming

Players would be a wizard, armed with a staff firing magic missiles (I think turtles would be good for a meandering projectile) going room to room vanquishing skeletons. I think rooms would all be square, but could spawn with doors. I could possibly make a system to make rooms and store their data, and start with a random numbers of doors that would decrease until rooms could no longer spawn with doors linking to new rooms. In this last room would be something that would be the goal, possibly a pile of treasure. If time becomes an issue, then the scope of the project could shrink to become a single room with waves of enemies, the goal being to last as long as you can.

The main inspiration was a Scratch project a friend and I built in our early high school days.

John Legelis – Final Project Proposal

The goal for my final project is to make an oscillator/synthesizer with a record and playback function. The user interface will resemble the following sketch.

The components of this software are a keyboard as well as a drum machine. I will aim to automatically quantize the rhythms in order to give the playback a better sound and buff out difficulty with keyboard delay etc.

The keyboard functionality will be linked to actual keys on the computer of the user and the pitch bend function will be actuated by the mouse. The drum pad will be actuated in a similar way to the keyboard with the number keys. I am a bit apprehensive about all the levels of interaction the user is intended to have in the end in terms of clickable buttons etc. I hope this product will be fully functional as a fun musical instrument.

Joanne Lee – Final Project Proposal

I want to create an educational Rube Goldberg game geared towards children ages 5-9. I think that Rube Goldberg games are very helpful in learning cause and effect. I would like to use my virtual Rube Goldberg machine to complete ‘green’ tasks such as watering a plant, turning off the lights, recycling, etc. The purpose of the game is to teach children to understand cause and effect better and also understand the impact we can make when we go green!

In terms of functionality, I’ll have a virtual Rube Goldberg machine with certain parts that are broken. Through trial and error, they will have to pass three stages — each stage dedicated to a green task. I’m still juggling between what tasks I want to do. Once they pass each level, they’ll be shown a blurb about the environmental impact that the stage’s task makes on the environment. Below is a rough mock-up of what a level could look like.

In the actual one, I will include images to replace some aspects. I just used rectangles and circles to roughly represent a stage.

Jamie Dorst Project Proposal

For this project, I had the idea to create some sort of weather app, but in addition to telling the forecast, it will suggest what to wear based on inputs you’ve given in the past. I’m not totally sure if this project will work, because it seems pretty complicated, involving some sort of basic machine learning and a weather API, but I’m interested to see if I could get it working on some basic level. I know this is something I’d love to have, and even though my final product may not be perfect, I think it’ll teach me a lot. The basic things I’ll need are a way for the user to input data, including what they wore and if it was good, a way to store, retrieve, and display that data later, and a forecast display.

A simple image of what I imagine my project looking like.

Justin Yook – Project Proposal

General idea of project

In the world of dance, concepts and formations are very important because they heavily influence how detailed choreography looks and feels as a whole. But, this part of the choreography process can be difficult because there are many factors involved. My final project is called Stage Master, a tool that choreographers can use to make various formations and staging ideas in an organized manner. Specifically, users will first drag and drop an audio file into the program. Then, the program will break down the audio into sets of eight counts after computing the BPM or tempo. Next, users can add as many dancers on the canvas by clicking the mouse, and move each dancer around by dragging them with the mouse. Every formation will be linked to a corresponding frame of counts within a set of eight counts. The convenient feature is that users can play the music while they arrange dancers. After finishing all the staging ideas, the program has the ability to export all screenshots of the formations in a compiled pdf file.