

// Veronica Wang
// Section B 
// Project-10

var sushi1 = [];
var sushi2 = [];
var sushi3 = [];

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 300); 

function draw() {



function displayPlates(){
    for (var i = 0; i < sushi1.length; i++){
    for (var i = 0; i < sushi2.length; i++){
    for (var i = 0; i < sushi3.length; i++){

function removePlates(plates){

    var platesToKeep = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < plates.length; i++){
        if (plates[i].x + plates[i].breadth > 0) {
    plates = platesToKeep; // remember the surviving buildings

function newPlate() {
    // With a very tiny probability, add a new sushi to the end.   
    var prob = 0.008;
    //sandomly select which type of sushi to serve
    if (random(0, 1) < prob) {
        var sunum = random(0,3);
        if (sunum < 1){
        } else if (sunum < 2){
        } else {

// method to update position of building every frame
function platesMove() {
    this.x += this.speed;

// draw the building and some windows
function sushi1Display() {

    translate(this.x, height - 135);

    ellipse(12.5, 10, 25, 10);
    rect(0, 0, 25, 10);
    ellipse(12.5, 0, 25, 10);
    ellipse(10, 0, 5, 5);
    ellipse(11, 2, 5, 5);
    ellipse(12, -1, 5, 5);
    ellipse(14, -3, 5, 5);
    ellipse(10, 2, 5, 5);
    ellipse(11, -4, 5, 5);
    ellipse(15, -2, 5, 5);
    ellipse(16, -3, 5, 5);


function sushi2Display() {

    translate(this.x, height - 135);

    ellipse(10, 10, 20, 10);
    rect(0, 0, 20, 10);
    ellipse(10, 0, 20, 10);
    rect(0, -3, 22, 5);
    rect(7, -5, 5, 10);


function sushi3Display() {

    translate(this.x, height - 135);

    ellipse(10, 10, 20, 10);
    rect(0, 0, 20, 10);
    ellipse(10, 0, 20, 10);
    ellipse(10, 0, 10, 5);


function makePlate(birthLocationX) {
    var plt = {x: birthLocationX,
                breadth: 50,
                speed: -1.0,
                nItems: round(random(1,3)),
                move: platesMove,
                display1: sushi1Display,
                display2: sushi2Display,
                display3: sushi3Display}
    return plt;

//drawing elements in the room
function displayRoom(){
    //curtain panels
    rect(0, 0, width, 75);


    for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
        line(i * 30, 0, i * 30, 75);
    line(0, 75, width, 75);


    for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        line(50 + i * 90, 0, 50 + i * 90, 100);
        triangle(50 + i * 90, 100, 40 + i * 90, 110, 60 + i * 90, 110);
        rect(45 + i * 90, 100, 10, 5);

    //conveyor belt
    rect(0, 150, width, 40);

    rect(0, 190, width, 200);
    rect(0, 190, width, 10);

    line(0,height-70, width, height-70); 

    ellipse(width / 2, height - 40, 90, 30);

    rect(300, height - 50, 20, 8);
    rect(305, height - 55, 2, 40);
    rect(310, height - 55, 2, 40);


Rotating sushi bars are one of my favorite types of restaurants, so I tried to create a conveyor belt serving scene in this project. It took me some time to figure out how to randomly select different objects, and also the overlapping of objects being generated. I tried playing around with probability/count/ etc. but some instances are still overlapped. 🙁

Initial sketch

looking outwards 10

For this looking outwards I decided to look into Tina Frank. Her body of work is largely data visualization projects, but for this looking outwards I will specifically talk about her online interactive data visualization piece called “The Changing Religious Landscape of Vienna”. This piece was sponsored by WIREL and made in 2013 as a collaboration with Ramon Bauer. Frank designed all the graphics and such for this project. The data was gathered on looking at religious diversity in Vienna and its changes over the years. The project also attempts to tackle age diversity, sex diversity, and more and combine them to properly examine how certain religious populations may be changing. The design interface is very user friendly, all the data can shift when moving your mouse around the interactive piece. The interface is also very easy to understand, and although based on Vienna–– this same technique could be applied with many other data sets and still be applicable. Tina Frank’s other work is graphic design and data viz, as well as some audiovisual art videos.

Xiaoying Meng Looking Outwards 10

I’m looking at Mary Franck’s work for this Looking Outwards. Mary Franck is a female artist who works on real-time media and computational design. She studied BA Studio Art: Conceptual and Information Art at San Francisco State University and MDesR: Emerging Systems Technology and Media at SCI-Arc. She now teaches workshops and taught Emerging Technology Studio at Standford University in 2016.

I’m very interested in this particular project of hers, called Diffuse Objects. This project explores digital ornamentation and showcases light and translucence of material. I think the contrast between glass and wood really makes this project interesting. In a gif on her website, we can see light moving through the glass balls, reflecting light waves. Digital exploration creates endless possibilities for ornamentations. The organic form of the wood makes it looks like the piece is growing out of the panel.



//Kade Stewart
//Section B

var planes = [];
//a variable that holds each of the colors that a plane could be
var pastels = [230, 245, 245, 255, 250, 205, 180, 236, 180];
var terrain1 = [];
var terrain2 = [];
var terrain3 = [];

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);

    //initialize a plane
    planes[(planes.length)] = new Plane();

    //add terrain that has random but connected altitudes
    var y = height/4;
    for (var i = 0; i < width; i++) {
    	terrain1.push(y += random(-1,1));

   	y = height/2;
   	for (var i = 0; i < width; i++) {
    	terrain2.push(y += random(-1,1));

    y = height * (3/4);
    for (var i = 0; i < width; i++) {
    	terrain3.push(y += random(-1,1));

function Plane() {
	this.y = random(0, height);
	this.x = width + 50;
	this.speed = floor(random(-.01, -3));    //this is the speed that the plane actually goes back
	this.path = [];    //this is where the path is stored for the plane
	this.pathspeed = this.speed * 3;    //this is the speed that the path is made
	this.c = floor(random(1,4));    //this is where the color is determined

	//this is function that draws both the plane and the path
	this.draw = function() {
		fill(pastels[this.c], pastels[this.c + 1], pastels[this.c + 2]);

		triangle(this.x - (6 * -this.pathspeed/2), this.y - 9 * -this.pathspeed/2,
				 this.x + 18 * -this.pathspeed/2, this.y,
				 this.x, this.y);

		//draw the path
		if (this.path.length > 2) {
			for (var i = 1; i < this.path.length; i++) {
				line(this.x + (this.pathspeed * (i-1)), this.path[this.path.length - i - 1],
					 this.x + (this.pathspeed * (i)), this.path[this.path.length - i]);

function updatePlanes(index) {
	planes[index].x += planes[index].speed;
	planes[index].y += random(-1, 1);

	//if the plane is past the window, delete it
	if (planes[index].x - (18 * planes[index].pathspeed/2) < 0) {
		planes.splice(index, 1);

function updatePath(index) {
	var p = planes[index];

	//add the planes current position to the path to trace where it's been

 	//if the path is longer than the window, delete what's outside of the window
	if (p.path.length * p.pathspeed > width) {
		p.path.splice(0, 1);

function randomlyMakePlane(odds) {
	//this is the randomizer that decided whether the plane is made or not
	var newPlaneMaybe = random(-odds + 1, 1);
	if (newPlaneMaybe > 0) {
		planes[(planes.length)] = new Plane();

//draw 3 different tiers of background, to give a sense of depth
function drawTerrain() {
	for (var j = 0; j < width; j++) {
		stroke(255, 241, 245);
		line(j, terrain1[j], j, height);
	for (var j = 0; j < width; j++) {
		stroke(255, 235, 239);
		line(j, terrain2[j], j, height);
	for (var j = 0; j < width; j++) {
		stroke(255, 209, 220);
		line(j, terrain3[j], j, height);

function updateTerrain() {
	terrain1.splice(0, 1);
	terrain1.push(terrain1[terrain1.length-1] + random(-1, 1));
	terrain2.splice(0, 1);
	terrain2.push(terrain2[terrain2.length-1] + random(-1, 1));
	terrain3.splice(0, 1);
	terrain3.push(terrain3[terrain3.length-1] + random(-1, 1));

function draw() {
	background(255, 250, 253);

	//this is where the terrain is drawn and then generated

	for (var i = 0; i < planes.length; i++) {
		var p = planes[i];

		//draw the planes

		//update its path

		//update its x and y position, and delete it if it's too far off the screen

	//**60** to 1 odds that there is a new plane made (about 1 every second)


Sketch of my paper airplane landscape

I wanted to make a generative landscape that wasn’t just actual land, or even anything that was extremely natural, but something more artificial. I came up with paper airplanes, which ended up being an interesting challenge. I randomly generated airplanes that were large and fast to look closer to the viewer (who’s reference frame was moving forward) or small and slow to seem farther away. The background, varying pink levels, also moves to increase the viewer’s sense that they’re moving as well. Overall, I think I achieved my goal of giving the viewer a sense of wonderment.

Shirley Chen-Project10-Lanscape


// Shirley Chen
// Section B
// Projecct 10 

var mushrooms = [];
var pigs = [];

//Load two images of the pig
function preload(){
  var filenames = [];
  filenames[0] = "";
  filenames[1] = "";
  for (var i = 0; i < filenames.length; i++) {

function setup() {
  createCanvas(480, 480);
//Create the giant mushroom moving at the background
  for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++){
    var rx = random(width);
    mushrooms[i] = makeMushroom(rx);

function draw(){
  background(202, 220, 249);
  fill(135, 196, 165);
  rect(0, 300, 480, 180);
  fill(255, 214, 119);
  ellipse(480, 0, 200, 200);
//Display the two images alternatively to create motion
//Flip the direction of the pig
  scale(-1, 1);
  image(pigs[frameCount % 2], -230, height / 2);

function updateAndDisplayMushrooms(){
// Update and display the mushrooms
    for (var i = 0; i < mushrooms.length; i++){

function removeMushroomsThatHaveSlippedOutOfView(){
    var mushroomsToKeep = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < mushrooms.length; i++){
        if (mushrooms[i].x + mushrooms[i].breadth > 0) {
    mushrooms = mushroomsToKeep; 

function addNewMushroomsWithSomeRandomProbability() {
// With a very tiny probability, add a new mushroom to the end.
    var newmushroomLikelihood = 0.007; 
    if (random(0,1) < newmushroomLikelihood) {

// Update the position of building for every frame
function mushroomMove() {
    this.x += this.speed;

// Draw the mushrooms
function mushroomDisplay() {
    var mushroomHeight = this.nHeight * 20; 
    stroke(252, 190, 181);
    translate(this.x, height - 180);
    rect(0, -mushroomHeight, this.breadth, mushroomHeight, 15);
    translate(this.x, height - 180);
    fill(252, 161, 148);
    arc((this.breadth / 2), -mushroomHeight+10, (this.breadth + 60), (mushroomHeight*0.8), PI, 0);

function makeMushroom(locationX) {
    var mushroom = {x: locationX,
                breadth: 40,
                speed: -1.0,
                nHeight: round(random(2,8)),
                move: mushroomMove,
                display: mushroomDisplay}
    return mushroom;

For this project, I created a series of giant mushrooms at the background. Learning from the base code provided from the assignment requirement, I used object command to generate rectangles and semicircle to represent a mushroom. Then, I used translate command to move them to the position I want them to be at. I also loaded two images of the pig and displayed them alternatively to create a flying motion. For this project I think it is a good practice for the previous projects relating to load images and also help me to practice my use of object command. It also helps me with previewing the scale command that flip the canvas to the opposite side.

Sketch :

Looking Outwards-10

For this week’s Looking Outwards entry, I wanted to explore the work of Janet Echelman, who explores expression in art through “experimental sculpture at the scale of buildings.” Echelman’s work began its roots during her time at the fishing village Mahabalipuram, where she was waiting for some of her paints to arrive for an exhibition. Inspired by the sculpting culture in the village and the fishermen’s nets, Echelman now installs netted sculptures at the scale of buildings, that seek to express/capture both light and wind.

The image above exhibits one of Echelman’s projects in Shanghai,China. The sculpture is titles “1.26” and seeks to explore the idea of “interconnectedness of opposites.” The work exhibits the tension between what is hard and soft, what can be changed and what cannot be touched.

(The total sculpture spans 80ft long x60ft wide x30ft in depth)

The data used to create such structure uses NASA and NOAA data from the 2010 Chilean earthquake and tsunami. The reason the piece is titled “1.26” is because the earthquake’s shake actually sped the earth’s rotation, shortening the time of the day by 1.26 micro-seconds.

As seen in the video below, the way the data was implemented into the form of the sculpture stems from the points of tension and trends in the data. These correlations in data were then transcribed into programmed lights and the interweaving of polyethylene (UHMWPE) fiber.

What I particularly like about this work is how it expressed such complicated data in a clear, visual form that also ties in the emotional aspect/ reaction to such an event that is lost in numbers.

More information at:

1.26 Shanghai, China, 2017


Sarah Yae – Looking Outward 10 – Section B

Katherine Bennett is a media artist, who uses programming and physical computing to present interactive installations. She earned her Master of Fine Arts from The School of Art Institute of Chicago and has won several grants. Her most recent exhibition is called “The Noise of the Heartbeat or Whatever the Hell”(2017) in New York, NY.

Her work, Sleeping Thoughts (2011) is an installation where she put up lights hanging from the ceiling at different lengths. Audience can walk around this room and immerse themselves into a 3-D constellation, almost. I admire this project because it gives me peace and relaxation. I like how pretty and simple it looks as well. It amazes me how much you can do with a room, to create such different atmosphere and vibes.

Jisoo Geum – Looking Outwards – 10

Pussykrew is a new media duo formed by contemporary multi-disciplinary artists Tikul and mi$ gogo. The two were born in Poland but met in Dublin and began merging their artistic and technological strengths to create groundbreaking 3D digital imageries. Their works are usually surreal, hyperrealistic, and at times grotesque. Although they both came from the fine arts background, specializing in paintings and drawings, they immediately emerged into the mobile and graphics aspects of the new media. They learned visual programming, physical computing, and many other areas of digital media at Newcastle University, and self-taught the skills they had to know for 3D/CGI animations.


A music video work commissioned by an Iranian-Dutch singer, Sevdaliza.

Since I am very interested in 3D rendered images and animation, every work made by the duo were very admiring. I appreciate the hyperrealistic and detailed depiction of curves of the human body as well as various textures rendered into the surface. Their overwhelming visualization, use of color, and composition all encaptivated me. Another reason why I was drawn to Pussykrew was that of this interesting quote:

“The internet and digital tools can be seen as a utopian environment that gives you freedom from social constructs such as gender. Technology can be used as a vehicle for the dissolution of sex and gender as well as a means to link the body with machines.” —Pussykrew

I think this quote truly depicts their artistic vision: grotesque yet beautiful and addicting imageries as a reflection of current human relationship with technology.

Lingfan Jiang – Looking Outwards 10

The project I chose for this week is “Filtered Transparencies 2.0” done by Filipa Valente in 2015.

Filipa is a female creator of dynamic light architectures. As for this project specifically, it is an interactive installation that uses layered light, space, and sound to create an immersive experience. It uses projected imagery and a maze of transparent screens to blur physical spatial boundaries and transports its users into an augmented hologram-like environment. The reason I admire her work is that to me, the most important aspect of architecture is the human experience. Instead of using solid walls to create spatial conditions, she used light to create a completely different world. Hologram is being used a lot in fictional movies, but not many architects are trying to combine those technologies into architecture. Therefore, I think she did a really good job in that area.

Filipa Valente is a Portuguese architect/ environmental designer based in LA. She completed her BSc and Masters in Architecture at the Bartlett School of Architecture in London and the Masters in Media Art and Architecture MEDIASCAPES at SciArc in LA. She has held design and project management positions at different prestigious architectural practices around the world such as Zaha Hadid Architects.


Sarah Yae – Project 10 – Section B


//Sarah Yae
//Section B
//Project 10 

var nails = [];

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 300);

    //Creation of initial nail polish
    for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        var rx = random(width);
        nails[i] = makeNails(rx);

function draw() {


    rect(0, 260, width, height);

function displayText() {
    text("Welcome to Sarah's Nail Salon!", width / 2, 50);

function updateAndDisplayNails() {
    for (var i = 0; i < nails.length; i++) {

function removeOldNails() {
    var nailskeep = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < nails.length; i++) {
        if (nails[i].x + 50 > 0) {
    nails = nailskeep;

function addNewNails() {
    var chance = 0.01;
    if (random(0,1) < chance) {


function nailsMove() {
    this.x += this.speed;

function nailsDisplay() {
    var nailbody = 90;
    var nailtip = 60;


    translate(this.x, height - 40);

    //Body of Nail Polish
    rect(this.x, -nailbody, this.bodybreadth, nailbody); 

    //Tip of Nail Polish
    rect(this.x + 7, -nailbody - nailtip, this.tipbreadth, nailtip); 



function makeNails(birthlocationX) {
    var nails = {x: birthlocationX, 
        bodybreadth: 40,
        tipbreadth: 25,
        speed: -1.0,
        randomColor: color(random(255), random(255), random(255)),
        move: nailsMove,
        display: nailsDisplay}
    return nails;

This project was difficult to tackle; I did not have any idea on which animation I wanted to do, nor did I have too much technical knowledge on where to start. However, I got inspired from my friend’s nail kit. My friends and I would go to her room and do each other’s nails sometimes- and I thought it would be a cool idea to display different nail polishes that circulate. For the code, I referred to the template to get initial ideas on where to develop my code. Overall, this was an interesting project!

Sketch of ‘Nail Salon’
My friend’s nail polish kit