Aaron Lee – Project 11 – Landscape


Aaron Lee
Section C
Project-11-Generative Landscape

var stars = [];

function setup() {
    for (var i = 0; i < 15; i ++) {                      //initial placement of stars
        var starsX = random(width);
        var starsY = random(height);
        stars[i] = makestars(starsX, starsY);

function draw() {


function showstars() {                                      //this makes the stars move down
    for(var i = 0; i < stars.length; i++) {

function deletestars() {                                    //deletes stars that disappear from sight
    var starsToKeep = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < stars.length; i++) {
        if(stars[i].y > 600) {

function makeNewstars() {                                   //creates more stars coming down
    var newstarsLiklihood =0.05
    if (random(0,1) < newstarsLiklihood) {
        stars.push(makestars(random(width), 0));

function starsMove() {                                      //sets the move property of stars
    this.y += this.speed;

function starsDisplay() {                                   //what stars look like
    var starsSize = this.starsSize;
    translate(this.x, this.y);
    rotate(frameCount / 200.0);
    star(0, 0, 5, 10, 5);

function star(x, y, radius1, radius2, npoints) {
   let angle = TWO_PI / npoints;
   let halfAngle = angle / 2.0;
   for (let a = 0; a < TWO_PI; a += angle) {
     let sx = x + cos(a) * radius2;
     let sy = y + sin(a) * radius2;
     vertex(sx, sy);
     sx = x + cos(a + halfAngle) * radius1;
     sy = y + sin(a + halfAngle) * radius1;
     vertex(sx, sy);

function makestars(birthLocationX, birthLocationY) {       //function that makes the stars
    var stars = {x : birthLocationX,                                  //stars are born in random places
                y : birthLocationY, 
                speed : random(1, 5),                                //sets random speed of stars
                starsSize : random(10, 25),                          //sets random size of stars
                move : starsMove,  
                display : starsDisplay}
                return stars;

function spaceship() {                                 //function makes the spaceship window frame

    vertex(0, 600);
    vertex(0, 520);
    vertex(400, 520);
    vertex(400, 600);

    vertex(0, 80);
    vertex(0, 0);
    vertex(400, 0);
    vertex(0, 0);
    vertex(80, 0);
    vertex(80, 600);
    vertex(0, 600);

    vertex(320, 0);
    vertex(400, 0);
    vertex(400, 600);
    vertex(320, 600);

    ellipse(120, 40, 30, 30);
    ellipse(200, 40, 30, 30);
    ellipse(280, 40, 30, 30);
    ellipse(120, 560, 30, 30);
    ellipse(200, 560, 30, 30);
    ellipse(280, 560, 30, 30);

When I first thought of the generative landscape, I associated with the infinite and the random arrangement of the stars in galaxy. Then I came up with a narrative that a spaceman is observing stars inside the spaceship. Overall I used monotone for the spaceship in order to give focus to the stars

Sean Meng-Looking Outwards-11

This Much I Worth
by Rachel Ara
Link : https://www.2ra.co/tmiwfull.html

“This much I’m worth [The self-evaluating Artwork]” by female digital artist Rachel Are is a digital art piece that continually displays its sale value through a series of complex algorithms called “the endorsers”.   It is constructed with materials that have a history loaded with association. Implicated in the history of neon is its use in the sex trade, its cultural significance today is more commonly a trope of contemporary art.  It is both a functional object and spectacle seeking to question values, worth and algorithmic bias.​

Sean Meng-Project-11-Landscape


//Sean Meng
//Section C
//Project-11-Generative Landscape

var sushi = [];

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);
    //set an initial group of sushi
    for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++){
        var rx = random(width);
        sushi[i] = makeSushi(rx);

function draw() {
    background(255, 200, 200);
    //the lattern
    rect(60, 20, 40, 160);
    rect(78, 0, 5, 20)
    fill(235, 70, 70);
    stroke(235, 70, 70);
    rect(60, 60, 40, 80)
    //ribs on lattern
    for(i = 0; i < 8; i++){
        fill(120, 0, 0);
        rect(35, 57 + i * 12, 90, 1.5);

    //the belt
    rect(0, 320, width, 80);
    rect(0, 400, width, 10);

    //the table
    fill(255, 237, 199);
    rect(0, 410, width, 190);

    //the plate
    ellipse(170, 440, 300, 40);
    ellipse(180, 435, 200, 20);
    ellipse(186, 438, 180, 20);

    //thie chopsticks
    rect(385, 435, 35, 10);
    fill(128, 55, 0);
    quad(400, 430, 405, 430, 455, 480, 443, 480);
    fill(128, 55, 0);
    quad(390, 430, 395, 430, 435, 480, 425, 480);


function updateSushi() {
    for (var i = 0; i < sushi.length; i++) {

function removeSushiOutOfView() {
    //remove sushi from array if it's out of sight
    var sushiToKeep = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < sushi.length; i++) {
        if (sushi[i].x + sushi[i].breadth > 0) {
    sushi = sushiToKeep; //remember the surviving sushi

function addSushi() {
    //with a very small probability, add a new sushi to the end
    var newSushiProb = 0.005; 
    if (random(0,1) < newSushiProb) {

function sushiDisplay(){

    rect(this.x, 350, this.breadth, this.height);

    //salmon on top of rice
    var top = 350 + this.height;
    var top2 = 350 + this.height - 5;
    stroke(255, this.c1, this.c2);
    fill(255, this.c1, this.c2);
    rect(this.x - 10, top, this.breadth + 20, 20);
    fill(255, this.c1 + 50, this.c2 + 80);
    triangle(this.x, top2, this.x + 10, top2, this.x + 5, top + 15);
    triangle(this.x + 30, top2, this.x + 40, top2, this.x + 35, top + 15);
    triangle(this.x + 60, top2, this.x + 70, top2, this.x + 65, top + 15);
    //the kelp
    rect(this.x + this.breadth / 2, top2, 30, -this.height + 5);

function sushiMove(){
    this.x += this.speed; 

function makeSushi(startX){
    var mySushi = {x: startX,
                speed: -1.0,        
                breadth: random(80, 120),
                height: -random(50, 70),
                c1: random(100, 150),
                c2: random(50, 90),
                c3: random(240, 255),
                move: sushiMove,
                display: sushiDisplay}
    return mySushi;

Concept sketch

In this project, I intend to create this “rotation sushi” scene. Using generative drawing methods, sushi with different shapes, sizes and toppings come out and move along the belt.

Sarah Kang-Looking Outwards-11

Liminoid Garden, by Filipa Valente and Heidi Duckler Dance Theatre, 2014

Filipa Valente is both a practicing architect and experiential designer with experience in major firms and studios. After completing her architectural studies at the Bartlett School of Architecture in London, she went on to obtain her Masters in Media Art and Architecture at SciArc in Los Angeles.

Valente’s project “Liminoid Garden”, in collaboration with the Heidi Duckler Dance Theatre, was an interactive machine assemblage between the city, its users, and the environment. I was particularly drawn to this project because of how the installation was able to respond to real-time environmental data from the city, engaging the audience by promoting awareness. Another cool factor is the interaction between the dancers and the installation and the resulting data visualizations.

Liminoid Garden* @ SKYLINE 2014 Festival DTLA from Filipa Valente on Vimeo.

Sarah Kang-Project 11 – Landscape


//sarah kang
//section c

var m1Speed = .001
var m1Detail = .005
var m2Speed = .002
var m2Detail = .01
var m3Detail = .005

var firework = [];
var firework2 = [];

function setup() {
  createCanvas(480, 480);
    //initial set of pink fireworks
    for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
        var fireworkX = random(width);
        var fireworkY = random(0, 240);
        firework[i] = makeFirework(fireworkX, fireworkY);

        //initial set of orange fireworks
    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
        var firework2X = random(width);
        var firework2Y = random(0, 240);
        firework2[i] = makeFirework2(firework2X, firework2Y);


function draw() {



 fill(94, 94, 115);
 rect(0, 400, 480, 80);



function m1() {
  //back mountain range 
  stroke(20, 21, 54);
  for(var x = 0; x < width; x++) {
    var t = (x * m1Detail) + (millis() * m1Speed);
    var y = map(noise(t), 0, 1, 200, 340);
    line(x, y, x, 400);

function m2() {
  //front mountain range
  stroke(28, 29, 82);
  for(var x = 0; x < width; x++) {
    var t = (x * m2Detail) + (millis() * m2Speed);
    var y = map(noise(t), 0, 1, 240, 380);
    line(x, y, x, 400);

function m3() {
  //mountain range shadow
  stroke(34, 34, 43);
  for(var x = 0; x < width; x++) {
    var t = (x * m3Detail) + (millis() * m2Speed);
    var y = map(noise(t), 0, 1, 400, 480);
    line(x, y, x, 400);

function drawFirework() {
    fill(255, 230, 238);
    translate(this.x2, this.y2);

    for (let i = 0; i < 12; i ++) {
    ellipse(0, 20, 3, 25);
    rotate(PI / 5);


function makeFirework(xlocation, ylocation) {
  var makeFire = {x2: xlocation, 
                y2: ylocation, 
                fireworkX: random(0, width), 
                fireworkY: random(0, 240),
                speed: -2.0,
                move: moveFirework,
                draw: drawFirework}
  return makeFire;

function moveFirework() {
    this.x2 += this.speed;
    if (this.x2 <= -20) {
        this.x2 += 500;

function fireworks() {
    //pink fireworks
    for(i = 0; i < firework.length; i++) {

function drawFirework2() {
    fill(255, 176, 97);
    translate(this.x2, this.y2);

    for (let i = 0; i < 12; i ++) {
    ellipse(0, 30, 3, 40);
    rotate(PI / 5);


function makeFirework2(xlocation, ylocation) {
    var makeFire2 = {x2: xlocation, 
                y2: ylocation, 
                firework2X: random(0, width), 
                firework2Y: random(0, 240),
                speed: -2.0, 
                move: moveFirework2,
                draw: drawFirework2}
    return makeFire2;

function moveFirework2() {
    this.x2 += this.speed;
    if (this.x2 <= -20) {
        this.x2 += 500;

function fireworks2() {
    //orange fireworks
    for(i = 0; i < firework2.length; i++) {

For this project, I wanted to make a nighttime landscape and incorporate a colorful fireworks show.

Fanjie Mike Jin — Project 11 — Landscape


// Fanjie Mike Jin
// Section C

// global variables declared to hold objects
// array for tree objects
var trees = []

function setup() {
    //color preprared for the gradient effect
    c1 = color(250, 100, 0);
    c2 = color(204, 143, 0);
    createCanvas(480, 480);
function draw() {
    //draw the gradient background 
    for (var i = 0; i < height; i++) {
        var inter = map(i, 70, 110, 0, 1);
        var c = lerpColor(c1, c2, inter);
        line(0, i, width, i);
    //draw the sun in the background 
    fill(234, 120, 120, 200);  
    ellipse(100, 60, 90, 90);
    fill(255, 146, 128, 200);  
    ellipse(100, 60, 76, 76);

    mountainBackground(); //mountain 

function updatetrees(){
    // Update the x positions of the trees and display them 
    for (var i = 0; i < trees.length; i++){
function removetrees(){
    //remove the building from the array once it dropped off the left edge
    var treesToKeep = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < trees.length; i++){
        if (trees[i].x + trees[i].breadth > 0) {
    // the exsiting trees will be kept 
    trees = treesToKeep;

function newtrees() {
    // add a new tree to the end
    var probability = 0.017; 
    if (random(0,1) < probability) {

//update position of tree every frame
function treesMove() {
    this.x += this.speed;
//display the trees
function treesDisplay() {
    fill(50, 235, 173);
    triangle(this.x - 15, 350, this.x + 15, 350, this.x, 320);
    triangle(this.x - 20, 370, this.x + 20, 370, this.x, 330);
    triangle(this.x - 30, 400, this.x + 30, 400, this.x, 350);
    stroke(194, 245, 228);
    line(this.x, 350, this.x, 420);

function drawtrees(px) {
    var dt = {x: px,
    //trees obeject properties 
                breadth: 30,
                speed: -1.0,
                move: treesMove,
                display: treesDisplay}
    return dt;

function mountainBackground() {
    //makes mountains in the back
    terrain = 0.009;
    terrain2 = 0.014;
    terrainSpeed = 0.0003;
    //use noise function to draw random background contour of the furthest mountains 

    stroke(30, 148, 143,200);
    //make slowly rolling hills
    for (var j = 0; j < width; j++) {
        var t = (j * terrain) + (millis() * terrainSpeed);
        var y2 = map(noise(t), 0, 1, 200, 10);
        line(j, y2, j, height); 

    //use noise function to draw random background contour of the closer mountains 
    stroke(65, 158, 155);
    for (var j = 0; j < width; j++) {
        var t = (j * terrain2) + (millis() * terrainSpeed);
        var y2 = map(noise(t), 0, 1, 400, 10);
        line(j, y2, j, height); 

function land() {
//makes the land in the foreground appear 
    fill(46, 84, 78);
    rect(0, 420, 480, 130);

When I thought about the “generative landscape”, the first idea that prompted my mind is a landscape with mountains and trees. There are two layers of mountains to show the depth of this generative landscape. There are pine trees in the foreground. I have chosen the colors strategically so that the whole composition can be read clearly and aesthetically pleasing.

quick sketch

Timothy Liu — Project 11 — Landscape


// Timothy Liu
// 15-104, Section C
// tcliu@andrew.cmu.edu
// OpenProject-11

var cowArray = []; // array for all cows
var birdArray = []; // array for all birds

// variables to control the shape and speed of the rows of trees
var backTreesStructure = 0.04;
var backTreesSpeed = 0.0009;
var frontTreesStructure = 0.04;
var frontTreesSpeed = 0.0009;

// hill in the front
var rollingPlain = 0.005;
var rollingPlainSpeed = 0.0001;

function setup() {

    createCanvas(600, 240); 

    // start with 3 cows on the screen
    for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++){
        var cowPlacement = random(0, width);
        cowArray[i] = cowObj(cowPlacement); // places the 3 cows in random locations


    // draws in birds; start with 5 on the screen
    for (var j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
        birdArray.push(birdObj(j * 30 + random(40, width - 40),
                        random(20, 60), random(10, 25))); // gives the birds random x, y, and size



function draw() {

    background(124, 196, 230); // sky color

    drawTrees(); // draw the two rows of trees first (in the background)

    updateAndShowCows(); // draw and have the cows move

    updateCowsOffScreen(); // account for when cows move off screen

    updateAndShowBirds(); // draw and have the birds move

    updateBirdsOffScreen(); // account for when birds move off screen

    newCows(); // draws in new cows (from edge of screen)

    newBirds(); // draws in new birds (from edge of screen)

function drawTrees() {

    // the back (darker) row of trees
    fill(40, 120, 61);
    vertex(0, height);

    // use noise function to draw random tree line
    for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) {
        var t = (x * backTreesStructure) + (millis() * backTreesSpeed);
        var y = map(noise(t), 0, 1, 40, 150);
        vertex(x, y); 
    vertex(width, height);

    // the front (lighter) row of trees
    fill(50, 168, 82);
    vertex(0, height);

    //use noise function to draw random, lower tree line to create depth
    for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) {
        var t = (x * frontTreesStructure) + (millis() * frontTreesSpeed);
        var y = map(noise(t * 0.7), 0, 1, 80, 200);
        vertex(x, y); 
    vertex(width, height);

    // the light-green hills in front
    fill(154, 196, 118);
    vertex(0, height);

    // use a dampened version of the noise function to make slowly rolling hills
    for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) {
        var t = (x * rollingPlain) + (millis() * rollingPlainSpeed);
        var y = map(noise(t * 0.5), 0, 1, 170, 200);
        vertex(x, y); 
    vertex(width, height);


// puts the cows on the canvas and makes them move
function updateAndShowCows(){

    for (var i = 0; i < cowArray.length; i++){

        cowArray[i].move(); // move property of the cow obj
        cowArray[i].show(); // show property of the bird obj


// puts the birds on the canvas and makes them move
function updateAndShowBirds(){

    for (var i = 0; i < birdArray.length; i++){

        birdArray[i].moveB(); // move property of the bird obj
        birdArray[i].showB(); // show property of the bird obj


// eliminates the cows that move off screen
function updateCowsOffScreen(){

    var cowsToKeep = []; // to determine which cows are still on screen

    for (var i = 0; i < cowArray.length; i++) {
        if (cowArray[i].x + cowArray[i].cowWidth > 0) { // if the cow is still on the screen
            cowsToKeep.push(cowArray[i]); // put it into the new array

    // cowsToKeep[] becomes the new array of cows currently on screen
    cowArray = cowsToKeep;

// eliminates the birds that move off screen
function updateBirdsOffScreen(){

    var birdsToKeep = []; // to determine which birds are still on screen

    for (var i = 0; i < birdArray.length; i++) {
        if (birdArray[i].bx + birdArray[i].sizeOfBird > 0) { // if the bird is still on the screen
            birdsToKeep.push(birdArray[i]); // put it into the new array

    // birdsToKeep[] becomes the new array of birds currently on screen
    birdArray = birdsToKeep;

// occasionally, add a new cow to the end of the screen
function newCows() {
    var newCowOdds = 0.008; 
    if (random(0, 1) < newCowOdds) {
        cowArray.push(cowObj(width)); // add a new cow to the array

// occasionally, add a new bird to the end of the screen
function newBirds() {
    var newBirdOdds = 0.008;
    if (random(0, 1) < newBirdOdds) {
        birdArray.push(birdObj(width, random(20, 50), random(10, 25))); // add a new bird to the array

// makes the cows move
function movingCows() {
    this.x += this.speed;

// makes the birds move
function movingBirds() {
    this.bx += this.speedBird;

// this is what actually draws in, and displays, the cows using various cow object properties
function showCows() {

    var cowPlacement = this.randomLoc;
    var earOffset = 7;
    var headOffset = 15;
    var eyeOffset = 10;
    var spot2Offset = 5;
    var spot3Offset = 4;
    var snoutOffset = 6;


    translate(this.x, height); // places the cows onto the canvas

    // shadow
    fill(7, 66, 25);
    ellipse(0, -cowPlacement + 10, this.cowWidth, this.cowHeight / 4);

    // cow body
    arc(0, -cowPlacement, this.cowWidth, this.cowHeight * 0.75, 2 * PI / 3, PI / 3, CHORD);
    // cow ears
    arc(-headOffset - earOffset, -cowPlacement - headOffset, this.earW, this.earW * 0.75, 4 * PI / 3, PI / 3, CHORD);
    arc(-headOffset + earOffset, -cowPlacement - headOffset, this.earW, this.earW * 0.75, 2 * PI / 3, 5 * PI / 3, CHORD);
    // cow head
    ellipse(-headOffset, -(cowPlacement + eyeOffset), this.cowHead * 1.25, this.cowHead);

    // three spots
    ellipse(this.spot1, -cowPlacement, this.spotW, this.spotH);
    ellipse(this.spot2, -cowPlacement + spot2Offset, this.spotW * 1.2, this.spotH);
    ellipse(this.spot3, -cowPlacement - spot3Offset, this.spotW, this.spotH * 1.2);

    // eyes
    ellipse(-18, -cowPlacement - eyeOffset, this.eye, this.eye * 1.2);
    ellipse(-12, -cowPlacement - eyeOffset, this.eye, this.eye * 1.2);

    // snout
    ellipse(-15, -(cowPlacement + snoutOffset), this.snout * 1.6, this.snout);


// this is what actually draws in, and displays, the birds using various bird object properties
function showBirds() {

    var birdBod = 5; // body size of bird



    // places and sizes the birds
    translate(this.bx, this.by);
    scale(this.sizeOfBird / 60);

    // uses arcs and ellipses to draw the wings and body
    arc(35, 35, 100, 100, 5 * PI / 4, 3 * PI / 2);
    arc(-35, 35, 100, 100, 3 * PI / 2, 7 * PI / 4);
    ellipse(0, 0, birdBod, birdBod); 



// here are all the properties of the cow object
function cowObj(x) {

    let colors = ["#8f6846", "#ffffff", "#918880"] // different colors of cows

    // cow obj properties
    var cow = {x: x,
                cowWidth: random(30, 40), // each cow has a diff size and shape
                cowHeight: random(25, 40),
                cowHead: random(10, 16),
                snout: 7,
                spot1: random(-12, -8),
                spot2: random(1, 5),
                spot3: random(5, 10),
                eye: 3,
                earW: 8,
                spotW: 8,
                spotH: 6,
                speed: random(-3, -1), // each cow moves at a diff speed
                move: movingCows,
                show: showCows,
                randomLoc: random(35, 60),
                randomColor: random(colors), // each cow has a different color

    return cow;


// here are all the properties of the bird object
function birdObj(x, y, size) {

    // bird obj properties
    var bird = {bx: x, 
                by: y, 
                sizeOfBird: size, // each bird has a random size
                speedBird: random(-4, -1), // each bird has a random speed
                showB: showBirds,
                moveB: movingBirds

    return bird;


When I thought about the “generative landscape” prompt for this week’s assignment, one of the first things that came to mind was the scenery during the long road trips my family takes every year from the Bay Area to Southern California. I distinctly remember staring out the window as a kid, watching cows idly graze in fields and the rolling trees and hills zoom by as we drove down I-5. Thus, I wanted to model my project after this landscape because it’s a very fond childhood memory of mine.

An example of a landscape similar to what I was trying to capture in my project.

In my generative landscape, I have cows of all sorts of shapes, colors, and sizes on grassy plains as the screen pans leftward. In the background, rows of trees and grassy hills roll by, and birds fly overhead at varying speeds. My piece is meant to represent an idyllic view of what a kid sees when they stare out the window on a road trip through California’s central valley. The blue sky, the flocking birds, and the vast greenery all convey warmth and happiness. Ultimately, I think it’s the motion and dynamism of my piece that really help capture the feeling of blissfulness.

Austin Garcia – Looking Outwards – 11 – Group C

Chloe Varelidi’s Minicade

I have always been interested in games so I was drawn to Chloe Varelidi’s repertoire when looking through the list provided. This particular project is interesting experiment in shared learning and game design. Games are an excellent way to get people interested in art, coding, and design principals. This collaborative method of making and sharing mini-games is an excellent way for people to begin their exploration of games, art, and code.

Collaboration is another well done element of this project. There is a focus on working and learning together so that a greater thing can be made. Each mini game may only be a couple minutes long, but in total, this project could create hours and hours of entertaining content for people to make and share.

Aaron Lee – Looking Outwards – 11

Toni Doves is a media artist active in New York who uses motion sensing for her film, installation and performance. For example, in her exhibition, participants would see their avatars on screen that emulate motions.

One of her prominent projects, ‘The dress that eats soul’, already gives a powerful presence without further explanation by its appearance. A huge mechanical female sculpture in front of movie screen emits different lights and effects that follows to the narrative.

According to artist’s description, the sculpture’s dress is triggered by the movement of the participant and starts to play video and tell a story. The projection on the overheads follows the direction of the participant’s head to enhance virtual reality. The video is dubbed with poem scripted by novelist Rene Steinke. Each video is unique and responsive to the participant’s movement.

The main reason I picked this artist is mainly due to my passion in cinema which Doves has a serious connection to. I was curious to find what aesthetic and technological impact one could bring to the art of cinema. It was also interesting how she was using responsive features of her work to address and develop personal connections to the participants.

Artist’s website: https://tonidove.com/

The dress that eats soul by Toni Doves, (watch from 22:00 and onward)

Shariq M. Shah – Looking Outwards 11

For Want of a Nail

Amy Franceschini is an artist and designer who challenges the “certainties” of space and time in a way that brings into inquiry the supposed conflict between mankind and nature. Throughout her work, there are developments of an intertwined relationship between people, nature, and space, in ways that reconfigure understandings of traditional space making. One project by her practice, Future Farmers, is called Wind Theater and it transforms and translates the physical experience of wind into one that is visual and auditory, using its movements to generate color fields. Another project, For Want of a Nail, brings into inquiry the complex history of nuclear energy in New Mexico, as it seeks to develop a dialogue between the materials and those affected by the materials. Franceschini’s work spans a variety of disciplines and challenges the notions of art, architecture, and research in ways that positions the work in intriguing ways.

Wind Theater
