Joseph Zhang – Project 04 – E


// Joseph Zhang
// Section E
// Project-04: String Art

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 300);

function draw(){

    // formation 1 (center)

    // formation 2 (right)

    // formation 3 (left)

//creates one 300x300 square formation
function lineArt(){
    blue = 0;
    green = 20;
    red = 170;

    // create top right and bottom left lines
    for(i = 0; i < 300; i = i + 10){
        stroke(red, green, blue);
        line( 0, i, i, 300);
        line( 300, i, i, 0);

            // randomize colors
        red = random(0,100);
        green = random(0,255);
    // create top left and bottom right lines
    oppCount = 0;
    for(i = 300; i > 0; i = i - 10){
        stroke(red, green, blue);   
        line( i, 0, 0, oppCount);
        line( 300, i, oppCount, 300);
        oppCount += 10;
        blue +=10;

In this project, I wanted to experiment with how form, color and temporal speed can interact with each other to create something that feels electric. The algorithm was pretty simple; depending on the position, I increased/decreased the x and y positions at the same speed to create a consistent web effect. More detail can be seen in the file comments.

Joseph Zhang – Looking Outwards – 04

Demo of Weather Thingy

Quite contrary to its comical name, Weather Thingy is a custom built sound controller that modifies the sounds from musical instruments by utilizing data from real-time weather events.

This project was created by Adrien Kaeser, a current Media and Interaction Design student at ECAL in Switzerland. The device is able to amplify or minimize the data from any one of its four sensors and add that information into any musical composition to distort it. The device was made primarily with Arduino products and coded with Arduino, and MIDI protocol.

The internal hardwiring of the device’s components

I find this project very fascinating because of its ability to take such qualitative data and make something so empathetic from it all. People often distinguish science and emotional art; Adrien was able to combine both.

Margot Gersing – Looking Outwards – 04

The sound art I was inspired by this week is a project called Apparatum by panGenerator Collective.

Video of the Apparatum project

This project is a machine with an interactive digital interface that only makes analog sounds. It is inspired by Polish Radio Experimental Studio which created the first electroacoustic music. The musical inspiration is from Symphony – Electronic Music composed by Boguslaw Schaeffer.

graphic score

My favorite part about this project is the combination of a graphic image, sound and a digital interface. I also really liked the interactive component of the project. The machine is based on magnetic tape and optical components that are controlled by a graphic score which was made on the digital interface. The software used to create the interface is electron (node.js) and teensy 3.2. 

Interface for machine
machine and speakers

Article 1, panGenerator

Angela Lee—Looking Outwards—04

Adrien Kaeser, the creator of “Weather Thingy,” using his own device.
The interface of the device, which allows users to amplify or reduce the composition.

“Weather Thingy,” designed by Adrien Kaeser controls musical instruments using real time climate-related events that are collected/measured by a rain gauge, wind vane, and anemometer. Users also have some control over the piece, and can choose to amplify or reduce some of the output through the device. What I enjoy about this piece is that it allows people to take in information through the sense of hearing. I also appreciate how the visual design was intuitive through its use of colors and form because it shows how he thoughtful he was in considering how the user would interact and perceive the device itself. As a design student, I’ve created data visualizations and know how challenging they are, and this reminds me of a data visualization but done in an audio form. I’m not sure how Kaeser structured his algorithm, but I think it would make sense if he had defined variables that helped determine how chaotic or serene the composition based on the climate in real time. 

Mihika Bansal – Looking Outwards – 04

The project that I think is incredibly interesting for this sound art, which is the Eternal Birth and Death of Infinite Parallel Universes, which is also the multiverse. This project focused on the development of a black hole. The project itself has a generative sound system.

The actual physics are a little bit above my head to truly understand the graphics. The way that the program works creates generative art that adapts that cycles throughout the life cycle of the art itself, which means that it is constantly changing and adapting to the art. The installation was staged in the first time for Borgo de Colonne 28, a church.

The exhibit itself consists of a vertical projection of 7.5 meters high and two large mirroring surfaces that generate an infinite reflection of the image towards the sky and the center of the earth. The project itself was created by  Lee Smolin, an American theoretical physics.

Link to Project:

Caroline Song – Looking Outwards 04

The piece I chose to focus on this week is called Sonic Playground, by Yuri Suzuki Design (as they collaborated with High Atlanta). Essentially, Sonic Playground is an sound installation based outside which is made up of a collection of colorful sculptures which transmits as well as modifies sound in different and intriguing ways.

Sonic Playground by Yuri Suzuki Design

This interactive sound display is used by sound being manipulated and changed based on where one is standing. For example, talking through one end of the sculpture will twist the sound of the voice as it travels to be received by another person standing and listening at the other end of the sculpture.

According to the article, Luca Dellatorre used Grasshopper to develop the pieces in this sculpture piece, which is a “parametric design plug-in in Rhinoceros”. Dellatorre wrote a plug-in which is a 3D raytracing tool which lets the audience choose a source of sound and send that in a precise direction. He used this method in order to test the different sounds that could be made and therefore, evaluate certain shapes for the mirrors and the bells.

I am intrigued by this piece mainly because of its interaction between the physical space around it and the users. The way the bells are positioned around the different sculptures are interesting in that the users who are experiencing this piece will have to maneuver their heads and their bodies certain ways to properly interact with the sculpture.

Zee Salman- Project- 03


//Zee Salman

function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 400);
//     rectMode(CENTER);

function draw() {

	ellipse(width/2, height * .67, 100, 150);
	ellipse(width/2, height * .5, 80, 100);
	ellipse(width/2, height * .68, 82, 96);
	ellipse(width/2, height * .5, 10,14);
	ellipse(320, height * .47, 20,20);
	ellipse(290, height * .47, 20,20);
	ellipse(320, height * .47, 10,10);
	ellipse(290, height * .47, 10,10);
//goes up

	if (mouseX < 300) {
		width = width + 2

	if(mouseX > 299){

		width = width - 2
//goes down
	if (mouseY < 200){
		height = height +2
	if (mouseY > 199){
		height = height - 2


For this project I combined the two mouse feature to make the eyes move on way and the body move another so that when the mouse is positioned just right, it creats a pengiun.

Project 03 – Dynamic Drawing


// Deklin Versace Section E
var eyeX = 700;
var eyeY = 250;
var diameter = 75;
var r = 100;
var g = 50;
var b = 50;
var handY = 500;
var handX = 375;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(900, 900);
    r = random(0, 255);
    g = random(0, 255);
    b = random(0, 255);

function draw() {
  background(r, g, b);
  fill(r - 60, g - 60, b - 60);
  quad(width / 2 - 150, eyeY, width / 2 + 150, eyeY, 485, 900, 415, 900);
  fill(r - 60, g - 60 ,b - 60);
  ellipse(width / 2, eyeY, eyeX + abs(700 - eyeX), abs(450 - eyeX / 3));
  headH = abs(450 - eyeX / 3);
  headW = eyeX + abs(700 - eyeX);
  ellipse(eyeX, eyeY, diameter, diameter);
  ellipse(width - eyeX, eyeY, diameter, diameter);
  if(mouseX > 650 || mouseX < 250 || (mouseX > 400 & mouseX < 500)){
    eyeX = eyeX;
  }   else{
      eyeX = mouseX;

  fill(r - 100, g - 100, b - 100);
  bezier((width / 2) - (headW / 5), eyeY + 50, (width / 2) - (headW / 5), eyeY + (headH / 2) - 50, (width / 2) + (headW / 5), eyeY + (headH / 2) - 50, (width / 2) + (headW / 5), eyeY + 50);

  stroke(r - 50, g - 50, b - 50);
  line(width / 2 - 100, 420, width / 2 - 250, 420 + ((handY - 420) / 2));
  line(width / 2 + 100, 420, width / 2 + 250, 420 + ((handY - 420) / 2));
  stroke(r - 40, g - 40, b - 40);
  line(width / 2 - 250, 420 + ((handY - 420) / 2), handX, handY);
  line(width / 2 + 250, 420 + ((handY - 420) / 2), 900 - handX, handY);
  if(mouseX > 100 & mouseX < 410)
  handX = mouseX;
  handX = handX;
  if(mouseY < 700){
    handY = mouseY;
  } else{
  handY = 700;
function mousePressed() {
  r = random(0, 255);
  g = random(0, 255);
  b = random(0, 255);

Looking Outwards – 03

A piece of digital fabrication that interests me is the FIBERBOTS program at MIT. Given that I am new to the world of coding and have had little exposure to it prior to this year, my view of its possibilities were more limited to the digital scale. As this semester first challenged what I thought code was possible of doing in the 2D scale, reading about FIBERBOTS. What this tool is capable of is shocking to me, and seeing the artful, yet practical forms they are designed to create opens me up to possibilities and functions in programming that I had never applied to art or design before.