When looking for 3D computer Graphics I found Fabricio Moraes and Guilherme Formeti’s project Slug Race that they were able to make from scratch. As someone who has a love for animals I found the project funny and compelling to look at. I really had no idea how something so realistic was possible, especially because it looked like the whole landscape was actually real and the light looked so realistic as well. I was able to watch a video on the making of it, and even without the words containing words it helped to know that the artists did field work and were able to find images of the background to work with after going out into the woods themselves. I thought this was very cool to see especially because from my experience people do not comprehend how hard it is to create images without reference. I thought the 3d sculpting that was done for the characters and the slugs especially was very detailed and time consuming. I like how whimsical this piece is compared to some of the artist’s typical works.