Looking Outwards-02-sehenry

Reading this page about what truly represents algorithmic art, really gave me a better understanding of the subject. For one, I did not know that computer generated art has been in the works since the 1950s. Many artists have preferences for what they consider art in the computer realm. For many, CAD programs, paintbrush programs, and picture modifiers do not count as art. The real art to them comes from scratch. Literal scratch. Coming up with the numbers and equations that together make up something beautifully complex and simple. Something that I continue to see as I read through these articles and websites, is that many of these artists compare their works to a musical score sheet. Being in an orchestra and studying various forms of music, I myself have been able to see that creating music is something of itself. Making art from nothing. If you think about it, the score in a melody or song is actually an algorithm. Artists that create computer generated art have just transferred the concept over into the programming realm. And in my opinion, it is beautiful. Here is the link to the website as well as some pictures from it.


(Copy and paste into url)

Project-02-Variable-Face- sehenry

While I was making this project, I became very interested in the way that the random function works. A simple but complex concept that I will try to use in a majority of my projects. I didn’t sketch any drafts for this one like the Family Composition. I also tried to randomize a triangle nose within my sketch but it became very difficult and I was forced to switch to an ellipse nose.


//Seth Henry

//Section B (Tuesdays 10:30)


//Assignment-Variable Faces

var eyeSize = 50
var pupilSize = 20
var headHeight = 200
var headWidth = 170
var noseHeight = 30
var noseWidth = 20
var mouthHeight = 30
var mouthWidth = 100
var browHeight = 10
var browWidth = 40
var earHeight = 50
var earWidth = 40

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);
    text("p5.js vers 0.5.2 test.", 10, 15);

function draw() {
	background(102, 102, 202);

	//hair: Becomes randomized when headwidth is randomized
	rect(width / 2, 150, headWidth, 150);

	//nose: Center of Face (Triangle Nose Test. THIS WAS ONLY A TEST)
	var leftpointW = width / 2 - 10
	var leftpointH = height / 2 + 40
	var rightpointW = width / 2 + 10
	var rightpointH = height / 2 + 40
	triangle(width / 2, height / 2, leftpointW, leftpointH, rightpointW, rightpointH);

	var leftEarW = width / 2 - headWidth / 2
	var rightEarW = width / 2 + headWidth / 2
	fill(163, 121, 7);
	ellipse(leftEarW, height / 2, earWidth, earHeight);
	ellipse(rightEarW, height / 2, earWidth, earHeight);

	//head: Middle of Canvas
	fill(163, 121, 7);
	ellipse(width / 2, height / 2, headWidth, headHeight);

	var leftEye = width / 2 - headWidth/3.25
	var rightEye = width / 2 + headWidth/3.25
	ellipse(leftEye, height / 2, eyeSize, eyeSize);
	ellipse(rightEye, height / 2, eyeSize, eyeSize);

	//pupils: center of eyes
	fill(random(10, 200), 20, 120);
	ellipse(leftEye, height / 2, pupilSize, pupilSize);
	ellipse(rightEye, height / 2, pupilSize, pupilSize);

	//nose: Center 
	ellipse(width / 2, height / 2 + 20, noseWidth, noseHeight);
	fill(235, 70, 177);
	ellipse(width / 2, height / 2 + 70, mouthWidth, mouthHeight);

	//brow: centered over eyes
	rect(leftEye, height / 2 - 50, browWidth, browHeight);
	rect(rightEye, height / 2 - 50, browWidth, browHeight);


	function mousePressed(){ //11 Random Aspects
		headWidth = random(150, 200);
		headHeight = random(180, 220);
		mouthHeight = random(20, 50);
		mouthWidth = random(40, 150);
		eyeSize = random(30, 70);
		pupilSize = random(10, 40);
		browWidth = random(20, 70);
		earHeight = random(30, 80);
		earWidth = random(20, 60);
		rightpointW = random(height / 2 + 30, height / 2 + 50); //A PART OF THE TRIANGLE NOSE TEST
		noseheight = random(10, 200);
		noseWidth = random(10, 40);



Looking Outwards “Infinite Space” -sehenry

This article peaked my interest in design and raised it to a new level. Art that is made by technology can sometimes be superseded by the fact that its clear that technology is behind the experience. One of the owners of Nonotak Studios, Takami, talks about how their light sculpture, “Infinite Space” is meant to immerse a person in art and in a state of fascination so that it is hard to imagine that technology is behind the sculpture. Takami and his partner, Noemi, have been trying to relate architecture, space, and sound, and fuse them into one piece of art. There seems to be 3 people working on the project currently along with Toyota and the Creators Project as well as a team of engineers. The things they used to put the piece together was a mixture of custom software scripts and probably some of the “off-the-shelf” software. The development of this project shows that the evolution of technology may well break the barrier between reality and the virtual. Currently they have one prototype called ‘Plume Version One’. Although I am unsure what they may have been influenced by to make this sculpture, it is still so fascinating to see that people are taking steps to do what many don’t try and can’t imagine.

Self Portrait-sehenry-01

While completing this project, I wanted to grasp the features of myself that I believe make me stand out. I have a high top fade that shows a lot of my hair and I have big lips, so I wanted to make my mouth large. I wanted to add an ear into my portrait but I had a very hard time making it look realistic so I just accepted that half a circle would do for now! When I post this picture to my blog, some of the lines on my eyes and my nose become thicker than what they were originally and I don’t know why but I still think the picture looks good for one of the first projects!

-Seth Henry
Section B
Assignment-Self Portrait


//Seth Henry

//Section B (Tuesdays 10:30)



function setup() {
    createCanvas(500, 500);

function draw() {
	background(121, 202, 237);
    rect(120, 30, 260, 220);

    fill(232, 83, 37);
	ellipse(250, 600, 530, 420);
	fill(212, 178, 144);
	 triangle(172, 400, 250, 450, 328, 400);
 	fill(212, 178, 144); 
	ellipse(250, 250, 300, 350);
	fill(255, 255, 255);
	ellipse(200, 200, 40, 40);
	fill(255, 255, 255);
	ellipse(300, 200, 40, 40);
	line(240, 215, 225, 230);
	line(225, 230, 250, 230);
	line(240, 215, 240, 200);

	fill(122, 81, 4);
	ellipse(200, 200, 20, 20); 
	fill(122, 81, 4);
	ellipse(300, 200, 20, 20); 
	point(200, 200);
	fill(240, 113, 185);
	point(300, 200);
	fill(50, 30, 30);
	line(180, 140, 230, 140);
	line(300, 160, 350, 160);
	fill(212, 178, 144); 

	arc(365, 250, 80, 60, 5, 1.142, PI+QUARTER_PI, CHORD);
	fill(255, 255, 255);
	arc(220, 300, 140, 140, 0, PI, CHORD);
	line(215, 400, 215, 420);
	line(230, 405, 230, 425);
	line(245, 410, 245, 430);
	line(160, 330, 280, 330);
	line(190, 300, 190, 360);
	line(220, 300, 220, 370);
	line(250, 300, 250, 360);
	line(160, 280, 210, 280);
	line(230, 280, 280, 280);
