Noise Turbulence Doodles by Raven Kwok is a fun interactive piece that allows the user to draw generative patterns. I really like this piece because of its fluidity and randomness. I think Kwok could have taken this a step further by allowing the user to decide what direction the generative art could go (since it goes to the upper right corner at the moment.
Emoji Portraits by Yung Jake uses simple emoji’s to create portraits of well known figures by using I really like that Jake uses very common images to construct his portraits. I think that these pieces could be improved if they were interactive and showed Jakes drawing process.
I think for my final project I would like to incorporate elements of the two pieces by ensuring that my project is both interactive, and utilizes very recognizable images. I think this could be done creating a drawing tool for people who like to see images unravel before their eyes.