
Marius Watz is an artist that uses generative software processes to create visual abstraction. Many of his digital artworks contain hard edged geometrical shapes and vivid colors. Some of his art works are in the public space and physical objects are produced through digital fabrication technology.

Project “UCracking” is a generative visual based on subdivision algorithms applied to 2D and 3D triangles. It was created in 2014 for Absolut Exchange show. In order to find the true beauty of his work, one needs to know the definition of Subdivision Algorithms.


The Subdivision is a technique in computer aided geometric design for the approximation of a smooth surface by a sequence of increasingly faceted polyhedra.

After knowing the definition of Subdivision it is astonishing how these shapes are created. However, this artwork could have been improved if the viewer can interact with the artwork itself. Giving movement to the artwork could have been more intriguing rather than being a static image. However, the artist definitely gave an intense feeling about hard edged geometrical shapes and vivid colors.

Since Marius Watz began his career by designing psychedelic computer renderings that could have influenced his work until today. He is also interested in dynamic geometric shape so he applies that to his work.

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