


Custom Jewelry – Nervous System

All of Nervous System’s (a generative design studio) projects are intriguing and inspired by natural phenomena, but their custom jewelry in particular caught my eye. These beautiful rings are truly one of a kind, as each fuses together art, science, and technology. Nervous System’s rings are inspired by natural phenomena such as cells and coral, and they are first 3D printed in wax then cast in metal.

What I admire most about Nervous System’s work is how many of their jewelry pieces are co-created with the client, meaning the client had a large role of co-designing via Nervous System’s app, Cell Cycle. Not much information is given on their process and the algorithms used to build their pieces, but their generative work is always grounded by their fascination of organic shapes and unconventional geometries, as stated in their biography. They design a system that generates these natural forms to create all sorts of pieces of art, and as generative art is, each piece is different than the last.

When I look at all of Nervous System’s work, it’s clear that they take a liking to certain patterns – a lot of their work look like nerves or coral – yet each is distinctive. That’s the beauty of generative artwork.

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