
Big Bang (Icebox) by Ezra Masch

Big Bang (Icebox) is the third in a series of projects by the artist Ezra Masch. It consists of LED light poles installed in a space, which are activated by the input of a drummer and a drum set. As the drummer beats on the drum set, the LED light poles will light up in specific ways based on the tempo/beat/intesity of the drum. Masch is an artist who has a background in sculpture from RISD, but he has recently been experimenting with combining technology and art.

His work is incredibly disciplinary, combining visual art, music, and technology, and I think it mirrors the interdisciplinary spirit at CMU. I don’t know much about the algorithms that were used for his work, but his website states that his installations use custom electronics by 4MS Pedals.

If I were to critique this project, I’d love to see other instruments added to it. It could be expanded with more colors and arrangements.


A drummer talking about drumming in Big Bang:

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