
In many of the technology classes and programs I have attended in the past, we used computer programs to create 3D representations of what we intended on building. One of the most notable computer programs we used is Autodesk Inventor. The program allows the user to build a product utilizing 2D shapes to begin a design. Then the creator has the ability to “extrude” their design to suddenly make it appear three dimensional. The final design can then be viewed in both a 2D and 3D view and can even be 3D printed with the correct equipment. Autodesk Inventor is extremely important and helpful for creating parts, designing complex structures, and creating intricate art and sculptures.

2D and 3D views of a product generated by Autodesk Inventor

Bruce Beasley, an artist, took Autodesk Inventor to the next level. Renowned for his sculptures that have been premiered in the Guggenheim and the Museum of Modern Art, his latest project utilized Autodesk Inventor to create the “Coriolis Series.” This is a series of sculptures that were designed on the computer, then 3D printed with liquid plastic.

Coriolis XXIII – Bruce Beasley

The advantage of using Autodesk Inventor is the precision one may achieve when the design is dependent on subtle digital calibrations. Intricacy does not always occur in sculpting with other mediums such as stone or bronze, which are difficult to manipulate to a fine degree. In addition, when one makes a mistake on a computer program, it is easily fixed with a simple command to go back a step or multiple steps. When one makes a mistake with stone, there is no “control z,” and one would have to completely start over or work with the mistake to try to disguise it. It is also possible to view the final design before the printing product in a 3D rendered form to know what it will look like from every angle, which is very important for sculptures as it is desired to have the work be interesting from every possible viewing point. In conclusion, creating and viewing sculptures on the computer is helpful for artists and creatives for designing and even printing works of 3D art.

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