
A piece called Sunflowers made in 2013 by Rob and Nick Carter made an impression (sorry for the pun) on me. The work is a 3D replication of Vincent Van Gogh’s painting of the same name.  The duo recreated the painting by translating the 2D brushstrokes into 360 degree perspective. They then used 3D printing to cast the sculpture in bronze. I admire the work because of the way it brings Van Gogh’s painting to life. It is a precise piece that displays the signature way in which Van Gogh painted. The movement and energy of his brushstrokes is seen in the sculpture. The algorithms for the base of the sculpture were not that refined. The great detail came in with the use of zbrush.



Carolyn L. Kane’s book written in 2014, Chromatic Algorithms: Synthetic Color, Computer Art, and Aesthetics after Code, fleshes out the phenomena of how color existed in the past and how human understanding of color continues to change today. I admire the interdisciplinary approach the book takes. It discusses established philosophical and scientific ideas about color and newer technological approaches to color. Her novel breaks boundaries that say color should be a certain way. For instance, blue is a cool color and red is a warm color. Kane shows her readers that this statement can be false. Some key ideas about harmony and balance between colors were based off of nature and artists deemed them correct. However, in science there are times that blue is the warm color and red is the cool color (bunsen burners and stars). Kane did not create the algorithms, but she explores the algorithms of synthetic colors used in today’s technology in her novel.  link    



//Anna Anderson
//Section D

var mouth = 15;
var nose = 10;
var eyes = 25;
var brows = 10;
var faceHeight = 230;
var faceWidth = 200;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(640, 480);

function draw() {
  background(130, 211, 168);

  fill(249, 231, 126);
  ellipse(320, 240, faceWidth, faceHeight);

  fill(240, 125, 140);
  ellipse(320, 315, mouth * 2, mouth)
  curveVertex(280, 290);
  curveVertex(300, 309);
  curveVertex(320, 316);
  curveVertex(340, 309);
  curveVertex(360, 290);

  triangle(315 - nose, 270, 320, 250 + nose, 325 + nose, 270);

  ellipse(275, 230, eyes, eyes * 1.5);
  ellipse(365, 230, eyes, eyes * 1.5);

  line(260 - brows, 180 + brows, 290, 180);
  line(350, 180, 400 - brows, 180 + brows);

function mousePressed() {

  mouth = random(5, 20);
  nose = random(5, 20);
  eyes = random(15, 35);
  brows = random(5, 20);
  faceHeight = random(220, 300);
  faceWidth = random(190, 250);

I really enjoyed creating this interactive face! I made many dumb errors in the course of creating it, but eventually it came together.



function setup() {

  createCanvas(400, 400);
  background(184, 176, 245);

  fill(243, 224, 189);
  ellipse(200, 200, 165, 200);

  fill(243, 224, 189);
  rect(185, 300, 30, 35);

  ellipse(165, 210, 40, 30);

  ellipse(235, 210, 40, 30);

  ellipse(165, 210, 30, 30);

  ellipse(235, 210, 30, 30);

  triangle(190, 250, 200, 235, 210, 250);

  fill(241, 173, 168);
  arc(200, 265, 30, 20, 0, PI, OPEN);

  line(145, 180, 183, 175);

  line(217, 175, 255, 180);

  fill(226, 108, 108);
  rect(150, 335, 100, 65);

  quad(105, 145, 200, 95, 200, 125, 105, 200);

  quad(200, 95, 295, 145, 295, 200, 200, 125);

  rect(105, 190, 20, 100);

  rect(275, 190, 20, 100);

  point (162, 243);


function draw() {

I am pleased with my finished project even though it is not the most beautiful I have ever seen. It was a time-consuming process for me because I tend to be a perfectionist, but I am happy with it.

Anna Anderson
Section 1
Project 1


I admire the Forest Friends project because it allows children to have some happy moments during otherwise harrowing times. The children get to pick their own special animal companion which will appear with the scan of their hospital bracelets. The animals interact with the children and distract them from their illnesses. Potion Design collaborated with Ohio State’s Wexner Medical Center James Cancer Hospital and Solove Research Institute. The project took 2 years to create. To the best of my knowledge, the software could be custom because Potion Design is an innovative company. The project could have been inspired by the joyful way that kids react to phone/video games. This project points to an increase in methods of making patients comfortable and new ways that technology can better the hospital experience for the patients, nurses, and doctors. When the kids are less stressed, it makes it easier to administer their treatments. Link

Link 2