Kevin Riordan Project-04-String-Art-Section C


/*Kevin Riordan
Section C
function setup() {

function draw() {
    var x1;
    var x2;
    var y1;
    var y2;
    //criss cross and grid lines
    for (var i=0; i<=800; i+=10) {
    //bottom left
    for (var length1=0; length1<=1; length1+=0.02) {
    //top left
    for (var length2=0; length2<=1; length2+=0.02) {
    //bottom right
    for (var length3=0; length3<=1; length3+=0.02) {
    //top right
    for (var length4=0; length4<=1; length4+=0.02) {
    //setting variables back to normal
    for (var lengthC=0; lengthC<=1; lengthC+=0.025) {
        line(2*x1-width/2,height/2,width/2,height/2-(y2*2));//top left
        line(width/2,(y2*2)-height/2,2*x1+width/2,height/2);//top right
        line(2*x1-width/2,height/2,width/2,height/2+(y2*2));//bottom left
        line(width/2,1.5*height-(y2*2),2*x1+width/2,height/2);//bottom right
    //inside curves setting variables back to normal
    //curves go in a clockwise direction around
    for (var lengthIm=0; lengthIm<=1; lengthIm+=0.03) {
        //dark gray lines
        line(x1,y1,width/2-x2,y2); //top left quadrant upper curve
        line(width/2,height/2-y2,x1+width/2,y1); //top right quadrant upper curve
        line(width/2+x1,height/2,width,height/2-y2); //top right quadrant lower curve
        line(width/2+x1,height/2,width,height/2+y2); //bottom right quadrant upper curve
        line(width/2,height/2+y2,width/2+x1,height); //bottom right quadrant lower curve
        line(x1,height,width/2,height-y2); //bottom left quadrant lower curve
        line(0,height-y2,x1,height/2); //bottom left quadrant upper curve
        line(0,y2,x1,height/2); //top left quadrant lower curve
    for (var lengthIn=0; lengthIn<=1; lengthIn+=0.03) {
        //doing lines going the other way now on the outside
        line(0,height/2-y2,x1,0); //top left
        line(width/2+x1,0,width,y2); //top right
        line(width/2+x1,height,width,height-y2); //bottom right
        line(0,height/2+y2,x1,height); //bottom left
    for (var lengthIo=0; lengthIo<=1; lengthIo+=0.03) {
        //doing even lighter lines in the center now
        line(x1,height/2,width/2,height/2-y2); //center left
        line(width/2,y2,width/2+x1,height/2); //center right
        line(width/2,height-y2,width/2+x1,height/2); //bottom right
        line(x1,height/2,width/2,height/2+y2); //bottom left

I started by doing each group of lines in its own for loop, and then resetting the variables after each loop. Once I finished the first four outside line curves, I realized I could just put the rest of the smaller curves inside one for loop, so I did that at the end. But that didn’t make it layer right, so I split the big loop up into three for loops to layer each differently colored group correctly. Overall, I got comfortable with for loops and the lerp function, which I did not understand at all before this project.

Kevin Riordan-Looking Outwards-04-Section C

Setup of Cycling Wheel performance in Taipei

For this week’s Looking Outwards, I chose to write about the Cycling Wheel, an installation/performance done in 2017, in Nuit Blanche Taipei. The creators Keith Lam, Seth Hon, and Alex Lai based their idea on Marcel Duchamp’s bicycle wheel sculpture, which is an upside down bicycle wheel mounted on a stool. The sounds are created by turning bicycle wheels that are lit up, and connected with strings as shown in the picture above. The sound produced is very similar to festival or techno music, but it is kind of hard to tell how the sound changes by turning the wheels in the performance, probably because there were three people controlling individual aspects of the overall sound. I could not find much about the algorithm to turn the wheel spinning into sound, but a custom made software was created using Processing, to control the light beams, led strips, and music. A picture of the interface is included, and I really admire how clean the interface looks, and how much work went into making such a unique project.

Interface for the Cycling Wheel performance

Sophia Kim – LookingOutwards-04: Sec C

Inspired by the production of electroacoustic music and the “Symphony – electronic music” composed by Bogusław Schaeffer, the panGenerator team created the “Apparatum” to purely produce analogue sounds. The panGenerator team used two 2-track loops and three one-shot linear tape samplers as primary mediums. Along with these primary mediums, spinning discs with graphic patterns were used to obtain noise and basic tones.

I appreciate how sound design was fused with product design and communication design to make a personal experience for each user. At the end of each recording, your audio file is uploaded to a server and a ‘receipt’ is printed to show the sound patterns. The server is linked to a code/website to download the uploaded file. This experience allows the user to take something back home to remind them of this experience. I like how this machine gives freedom to people through customization of different types of sounds.

Sean McGadden Project-03

Dynamic Drawing

Sean McGadden


//Sean McGadden
//Section C @ 1:30
//Project-03-Dyanmic Drawing

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);
function draw() {
//Size and Position Variable
    var blackDot = 300;
    if (mouseX > 320) {
        blackDot = (320 - (mouseX - 320));
    if (mouseX < 320) {
        blackDot = ((320 - mouseX) + 320);
    //Orange Rectangles
    //Color Change
    if (mouseX < 340) {
        fill(129, 224, 20)
        rect(blackDot, mouseX, mouseY, mouseX);
        rect(blackDot, 100, mouseY, mouseX);
        rect(blackDot, 200, mouseX, mouseX);
        rect(blackDot, 300, mouseY, mouseX);
        rect(blackDot, 400, mouseX, mouseY);
        rect(blackDot, 150, mouseY, mouseY);
    //Color Change
    if (mouseX > 340) {
        fill(229, 79, 20);
        rect(blackDot, 250, 100, 100);
        rect(blackDot, 350, 250, 350);
        rect(blackDot, 350, blackDot,              blackDot);
        rect(blackDot, 350, mouseX,                blackDot);
        rect(blackDot, 350, mouseY,                blackDot);
        rect(blackDot, 350, blackDot,              mouseX);
    //Blue Rectangles
    fill(66, 134, 244);
    rect(mouseX, 240, blackDot, mouseY);
    rect(mouseX, blackDot, blackDot, mouseY);
    rect(mouseY, blackDot, blackDot, mouseX);

    //White Rectangles
    rect(blackDot, 60, blackDot, mouseY);
    rect(mouseX, blackDot, blackDot, mouseY);
    rect(mouseY, 400, blackDot, blackDot);
    // White Ellipses
    ellipse(mouseX, 100, 20, mouseX);
    ellipse(mouseX, 100, 20, mouseX);
    ellipse(mouseX, 100, 20, mouseX);
    //Orange Ellipses
    //Color Change
    if (mouseY < 250) {
        fill(129, 224, 20)
        ellipse(blackDot, mouseY, 30,                 mouseY);
        ellipse(mouseY, mouseY, mouseX,               100);
    if (mouseY > 250) {
        fill(229, 79, 20)
        ellipse(blackDot, mouseY, 30,                 blackDot);
        ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 20, 20);
        ellipse(blackDot, mouseY, 30, 30);
        ellipse(blackDot, mouseX, 100, 100)
    //Blue Ellipses
    fill(66, 134, 244)
    ellipse(blackDot, mouseX, 50, 50);
    ellipse((mouseX + 50), 300, mouseY, 20);
    ellipse(mouseY, blackDot, 40, 40);

This project was interesting to play with shapes and colors. There are many ways that mouse tracking can ultimately lend itself to input changes. I think I would’ve liked to have had slightly more control over the movement of the shapes, I think perhaps more diagonal or rotational movements would’ve been nice. This project is built from assignment 2A and as I layered more changes I seemed to have  lost track of some of these changes and I believe there is some redundancy from the layering. Overall, I learned more processes of javascript which is the goal.


Sean McGadden Looking Outward – 03

Computational Fabrication of the SF MoMA exterior panels.

Looking Outward

The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art has always been a staple culturally. After three years of closure the new facade adds a sparkling white addition to the Bay Area skyline replicating the rippling waters of the bay. It was fabricated by Kreysler and Associates in partner with Snohetta Architects who have experience with composite materials and acoustic design.  A large system of facade panels were attached with joinery directly on to the front facade of the building creating a fascinating undulating feature the moves in and out of shadows and space as you approach the building. Each panel was individually designed and fabricated using layers of Monterey sand, fiberglass and eventually sandblasted for finish.

Workers in white suits carving a white undulating panel

This project is very interesting because it shows how computational design implemented with an economic and efficient construction and installation process makes full scale computationally designed structures a conceivable notion. Using a series of geographic, culturally and economic nodes around the museum, Snohetta designed a parametric form that tries to push and pull its surroundings in a natural overlapping of activity and interaction. The wave form on the front facade reflects this idea extremely well.


Sean McGadden

Alexandra Kaplan -Project 3

/* Alexandra Kaplan
Section C
Project 03 */

var bigCircleR = 150; //gold part of pocket watch radius
var smallCircleR = 140; // face part of pocket watch radius
var centerCircleR = 7; //center of hands radius
var topEllipseW = 20; //width of top ellipse
var topEllipseH = 15; //height of top ellipse
var minuteHand = smallCircleR / 4; // starting location of minute hand

function setup(){
	createCanvas(640, 480);

function draw(){
	background(30, 20, 80);
    var boundedTextSize = min(mouseX / 5, width);
    fill(mouseX / 3, mouseX / 2, mouseX + 150);
    text('you are getting sleepy', width / 2, height / 2 + 100);

	var circleX = 0; //x starting position of pocket watch
    var circleY = height / 1.3; // y starting position of pocket watch
    var swing = mouseX; // when mouse x is positive, swings left, when mouseX is negative, swings right

    if (mouseX > 90){
        swing = -swing - 180; //watch changes direction so it doesn't go off the canvas
    if (mouseX > 270){
        swing = mouseX + 360; //watch changes direction so it doesn't go off the canvas
    if (mouseX > 450){
        swing = -mouseX - 540; //watch changes direction so it doesn't go off the canvas
    if (mouseX > 630){
        swing = mouseX + 720; //watch changes direction so it doesn't go off the canvas
    print(mouseX); //to help me debug

    translate(width / 2, 0); //translates origin to center of width

	rotate(radians(-swing)); //rotates everything around translated origin (0,0)

    stroke(200, 150, 30);
	line(0, 0, circleX, circleY);//line connecting watch to origin


	fill(200, 150, 30);
	ellipse(circleX, circleY, bigCircleR, bigCircleR); //draws outside of watch
	fill(200, 150, 30);
	ellipse(circleX , circleY - bigCircleR / 2, topEllipseW, topEllipseH);//draws top nubbin of watch
	ellipse(circleX, circleY, smallCircleR, smallCircleR); //draws face of watch
	ellipse(circleX, circleY, centerCircleR, centerCircleR); // draws center of watch

	line(circleX, circleY, 30, circleY - 30); //hour hand

	translate(circleX, circleY); //translates origin to center of watch
	line(0, 0, minuteHand, minuteHand); //draws minute hand



This project has definitely been the most challenging for me so far. I enjoyed the premise of it, things just got really difficult when I ran into the problem of how to make the pendulum stop spinning and change directions to swing the other way. Thank you so much to the TA’s who helped me on how I could think through the problem!

LookingOutwards-03 Sophia Kim-Sec C

One of Sean Ahlquist’s doctoral works that used Java based framework showing mutli-layer membrane systems.

This piece is one of many pieces in Sean Ahlqiust’s “Textile Morphologies.” Sean Ahlqiust did the scientific research while there were many collaborators for the design of the project, using Javascript and 3D printing. Among all the different computational fabrication projects, this one stuck out to me the most because it fuses design, science, and coding. I like this one specifically in the “Textile Morphologies” because it reminded me of the DNA molecules I learned in high school. I thought this piece focused on creating a relationship between all viewers and biology by showing wires connecting these “membranes” together. Using all his scientific research, Ahlqiust was able to approach all people with different skills/knowledge.


Textile Morphologies

Robert Oh-LookingOutwards-03

Caption: “Awesome 3D Printed Flexible Shoes” – RCLifeOn

I believe that one of the coolest and most interesting machines that utilizes computational digital fabrication is the 3D-printer. I personally have a 3D printer in my house, and playing around with it is incredible fun. My dad and I were able to create numerous little trinkets, ranging from door handles to fidget spinners.

And so, what intrigued me most about this project is how practical 3D printing has become. In this project, YouTuber RCLifeOn has 3D printer his own pair of colorful shoes! I admire the fact that 3D printing may be able to replace ever having to buy certain products again!

As for the algorithm, I know that there is a certain software that 3D printers use in order to print these objects out (you have to model the object in the software). In the video, the YouTuber claims to have used 3 different types of materials for the shoes: TPU, FilaFlex and NinjaFlex. I believe the creator’s colorful and creative imagination was able to bring this cool concept into life (who would’ve thought of 3D printing shoes?).

This only leads me to wonder, what other useful daily life items will we be able to 3D print in the near future?

Project-03 Sophia Kim – Sec C


// Sophia S Kim
// Section C 1:30
// Project-03: Dynamic Drawing

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);
function draw() {

    var bR = 140 + mouseX * .6; 
    var bG = 255 + mouseX * .2;
    var bB = 100 + mouseX * .3;
    //variables for background color change

    background(bR, bG, bB);

    var size1 = mouseX * .4; 
        //changes size of text for mortal/immortal
    var size2 = mouseX * .15; 
        //changes size of text for forever/dead
    var size3 = mouseX * .1;
        //change size of text for talk/silent
    var size4 = mouseX * .17;    
        //change size of text for fake/real
    var textColor = 255-(mouseX*255/640); 
        //change of for any RGB color value 

    ellipse(mouseX-50, mouseY-100, 140, 140);
    /*changes position by following the mouseX and Y
    (image element)*/

    ellipse(mouseX+100, mouseY, 70, 70);
    /*changes position by following the mouseX and Y
    (image element)*/

    ellipse(mouseX+200, mouseY-40, 100, 100);
    /*changes position by following the mouseX and Y
    (image element)*/

    ellipse(mouseX+240, mouseY-180, 120, 120);
    /*changes position by following the mouseX and Y
    (image element)*/

    fill(6, textColor, mouseX*255 / 640);
        //changes color of texts (image element)  
    textFont('old english'); 
    textSize(size1); //changes text size (image element)
    if (mouseX < 200)
        text("MORTAL", mouseX, mouseY);
        text("IMMORTAL", mouseX, mouseY); 
        //changes text when mouseX < 200 (image element)
        /*changes position by following the mouseX and Y
        (image element)*/

    fill(255, textColor, mouseX*255 / 640); 
        //changes color of texts (image element)
    textFont('old english'); 
    textSize(size2); //changes text size (image element)
    if (mouseX < 320)
        text("FOREVER", mouseX - 100, mouseY - 100);
        text("DEAD", mouseX - 100, mouseY - 100); 
        //changes text when mouseX < 320 (image element)
        /*changes position by following the mouseX and Y 
        (image element)*/

    fill(textColor, mouseX*255 / 640, 140);
        //changes color of texts (image element)
    textFont('old english');
    textSize(size3);//changes text size (image element)
    if (mouseX < 300)
        text("TALK", mouseX - 150, mouseY - 50);
        text ("SILENT", mouseX - 150, mouseY - 50);
        //changes text when mouseX < 300 (image element)
        /*changes position by following the mouseX and Y
        (image element)*/

    fill(160, mouseX*255 / 640, textColor);
        //changes color of texts (image element)
    textFont('old english');
    textSize(size4);//changes text size (image element)
    if (mouseX < 200)
        text("FAKE", mouseX + 200, mouseY - 140);
        text("REAL", mouseX + 200, mouseY - 140);
        //changes text when mouseX < 200 (image element)
        /*changes position by following the mouseX and Y
        (image element)*/

I was inspired by one of the links that were offered in the Deliverables (Moving Art at Figures). I had a really hard time with conditions, but after awhile, I was able to make the text change using different conditions.

Robert Oh Project-03-Dynamic-Drawing


//Robert Oh
//Section C

//assigning variables
var i = 0;
var eyes_dir = 0;
var a = 0;
var b = 0;
var col = 0;

//function to make the panda figures
function panda(x, y, eyes, a) {

    ellipse(x - a*25, y - a*30, a*40, a*30);
    ellipse(x + a*25, y - a*30, a*40, a*30);

    ellipse(x, y + a*60, a*100, a*100);
    ellipse(x, y, a*90, a*80);
    ellipse(x, y + a*60, a*80, a*80);
    quad(x - a*5, y + a*55, x - a*3, y + a*55, x + a*5, y + a*65, x + a*3, y + a*65);
    quad(x + a*5, y + a*55, x + a*3, y + a*55, x - a*5, y + a*65, x - a*3, y + a*65);

    translate(x - 20, y - 5);
    ellipse(0, 0, a*30, a*20);
    translate(x + 20, y - 5);
    ellipse(0, 0, a*30, a*20);
    ellipse(x - 15 + eyes, y - 10, a*5, a*5);
    ellipse(x + 15 + eyes, y - 10, a*5, a*5);

    //nose + mouth
    ellipse(x, y + 7, a*5, a*5);

    //what happens when the mouse hovers over a panda face
    if (dist(mouseX, mouseY, x, y) <= a*40){
        fill(255, 147, 147);
        arc(x, y+15, a*20, a*20, 0, PI);
        fill(255, 53, 53);
        ellipse(x - 30, y + 15, a*15, a*15);
        ellipse(x + 30, y + 15, a*15, a*15);
    quad(x - a*1, y + a*7, x + a*1, y + a*7, x + a*1, y + a*15, x - a*1, y + a*15);
    quad(x - a*1, y + a*15, x , y + a*16, x - a*7, y + a*20, x - a*8, y + a*20)
    quad(x + a*1, y + a*15, x , y + a*16, x + a*7, y + a*20, x + a*8, y + a*20)

//function to make the panda figures upside down
function panda_down(x, y, eyes, b) {

    ellipse(x - b*25, y + b*30, b*40, b*30);
    ellipse(x + b*25, y + b*30, b*40, b*30);

    ellipse(x, y - b*60, b*100, b*100);
    ellipse(x, y, b*90, b*80);
    ellipse(x, y - b*60, b*80, b*80);
    quad(x - b*5, y - b*55, x - b*3, y - b*55, x + b*5, y - b*65, x + b*3, y - b*65);
    quad(x + b*5, y - b*55, x + b*3, y - b*55, x - b*5, y - b*65, x - b*3, y - b*65);

    translate(x - 20, y + 5);
    ellipse(0, 0, b*30, b*20);
    translate(x + 20, y + 5);
    ellipse(0, 0, b*30, b*20);
    ellipse(x - 15 + eyes, y + 10, b*5, b*5);
    ellipse(x + 15 + eyes, y + 10, b*5, b*5);

    //nose + mouth
    ellipse(x, y - 7, b*5, b*5);
    //what happens when the mouse hovers over a panda face
    if (dist(mouseX, mouseY, x, y) <= b*40){
        fill(255, 147, 147);
        arc(x, y - 15, b*20, b*20, PI, 0)
        fill(255, 53, 53);
        ellipse(x - 30, y - 15, b*15, b*15);
        ellipse(x + 30, y - 15, b*15, b*15);
    quad(x - b*1, y - b*7, x + b*1, y - b*7, x + b*1, y - b*15, x - b*1, y - b*15);
    quad(x - b*1, y - b*15, x , y - b*16, x - b*7, y - b*20, x - b*8, y - b*20)
    quad(x + b*1, y - b*15, x , y - b*16, x + b*7, y - b*20, x + b*8, y - b*20)

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);

function draw() {
    background(146, col, 171);
    //drawing all the pandas
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        //how to make eyse look at the bamboo!
        eyes_dir = (mouseX - (175*i + 60))/100;
        //these are the factors I'm multiplying all my values by
        a = mouseY / 300;
        b = (480 - mouseY) / 300;

        if (mouseY >= 300){
            b = 0;
        if (mouseY <= 180){
            a = 0;
        panda(175*i + 60, 400, eyes_dir, a);
        panda_down(175*i + 60, 80, eyes_dir, b);

    //drawing the bamboo
    fill(48, 153, 84);
    rect(mouseX - 6, mouseY - 30, 12, 19);
    rect(mouseX - 6, mouseY - 10, 12, 19);
    rect(mouseX - 6, mouseY + 10, 12, 19);
    fill(97, 255, 76);
    translate(mouseX + 18, mouseY - 25);
    ellipse(0, 0, 20, 8);

    //changing the color of the background
    col = mouseY / 2;

When I read the prompt for this project, I knew right away that I wanted to do something with eyes. I felt that having a group of eyes staring at your mouse would add some excitement and personality to my project. After figuring that out, I figured I would just add some lovely pandas, and based the rest of the project off of that!