project- 06 – clock


var circlecenter = 0;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);

function draw() {

    // variables for time, hour, minute, second
    var h = hour();
    var m = minute();
    var s = second();

    // variables for color mapping
    var colorR = map(h, 0, 23, 0, 255);
    var colorG = map(m, 0, 59, 0, 255);
    var colorB = map(s, 0, 59, 0, 255);
    // variables for lighter color mapping
    var lightcolorR = map(h, 0,23, 180, 255);
    var lightcolorG = map (m, 0, 59, 180, 255);
    var lightcolorB = map (s, 0, 59, 180, 255);

    // time keeping seconds
    var exactSecond = (h*60)+(m*60)+s;

    // background to change color as day progresses
    background(colorR, colorG, colorB);

    // interlapping pattern of circles that change color with the time
    for (var y = 0; y < height+50; y += width/2) {
        for (var x = 0; x < width+50; x += width/3) {
            fill(255-colorG,255-colorB, 255-colorR,30);
            ellipse(x, y, width/2, width/2);

    // tiny little dots
    for (var y = 0; y < height+10; y += 2) {
        for (var x = 0; x < width+50; x += 2) {
            ellipse(x, y, 1, 1);

    // mapping for exact second along the x axis 
    var secondMapX = (exactSecond, 0, 86400, 0, width);
    // mapping for exact second  along the y axis 
    var secondMapY = (exactSecond, 0, 86400, 0, height);

    // circle for current second
    fill(255, 255, 255);


I wanted to create a clock that emphasized how time is a fluid progression of movement, difficult to conceptualize at times. I decided to do this through a slow gradient of color, that shifts with the time. I wanted to create something that would emphasis both the fluidity of time, as well as how it can be broken into the tiniest of chucks. I did this through overlaying the smallest of dots on top of the work.

Ideally, I would like to make a clock that was rooted to the moon cycles of Lithuania, where my family is from. I think it would be interesting to show how our ancestry, what we adopt from those before us roots us especially in the way it affects our unconscious and when we sleep. I had some trouble figuring out how to embed API data into processing, but I would love to learn this sometime.

Charmaine Qiu – Project-06- Abstract Clock


/* Charmaine Qiu
  section E
  project 06, Abstract Clock */

function setup() {
    createCanvas(300, 300);

function draw() {

    // Fetch the current time
    var H = hour();
    var M = minute();
    var S = second();
    //variables that fits the time into certain coundaries
    var poolW = map(M, 0, 59, 70, width);
    var eyesH = map(H, 0, 23, 30, 1);

    //creating the elements of the girl that does not change over time
    fill(252, 73, 3);
    ellipse(width / 2, height, 130, 200);
    fill(255, 238, 227);
    ellipse(width / 2 - 40, height / 2 + 20, 30, 30);
    ellipse(width / 2 + 40, height / 2 + 20, 30, 30);
    ellipse(width / 2, height / 2, 100, 120);
    fill(245, 108, 66);
    arc(width / 2, height / 2, 110, 140, -180, 360);
    ellipse(100, 90, 50, 50);
    ellipse(200, 90, 50, 50);
    arc(width / 2, height / 2 + 50, 40, 50, -180, 360);
    fill(201, 150, 113);
    rect(0, 250, width, 70);
    fill(255, 238, 227);
    //("HANGRY", width / 2 - 23, 140);
    text("When is my FOOD coming?", width / 2 - 70, 40);

    //when it is midnight, "HANGRY" appears on the head
    if (H == 59){
      text("HANGRY", width / 2 - 23, 140);
    //drooling drops that falls down every second
    translate(160, 200);
    m = floor(millis()) % 1000;
    m = map(m, 0, 1000, 0, 200);
    fill(147, 206, 237);
    ellipse(0, m, 7, 7 + m * 7 / 200);
    //the pool gets gets larger as a minute goes by
    fill(147, 206, 237);
    ellipse(width / 2, height, poolW, 50);
    //the eyes becomes smaller as hours in a day pass by
    ellipse(width / 2 - 20, height / 2 + 15, 10, eyesH);
    ellipse(width / 2 + 20, height / 2 + 15, 10, eyesH);


This project is very interesting since I was able to design and compute a graphic that evolves around time. I took the idea of creating a literal clock further by creating a narrative to my work.

Alice Cai Project 6 Abstract Clock

I have always wanted to try living without knowing what the time is. How can I make a clock that doesn’t tell me the time? The way I started brainstorming for this was quite simple. Time would be represented through a greyscale spectrum. I wanted to go as abstract and clean as possible, which was at first, just three squares.

First iteration: three squares.

Through this, I wanted to represent time in color, simply by changing the shade of the squares every second minute and hour.

I liked this solution because it was as clean, modern, and abstract as possible. You can’t actually know what second it is in any way; it is only dictated by a spectrum.

I began to further develop this solution by adding the factor of length so that the rectangle grows as time passes.

Finally, I added the concept of “time is a social construct”. “Time is” is always there in black, but the answer changes as time passes. In the beginning of the hour and minute, the shades of the second and minute are the darkest, and as time passes, they fade away. Inversely, the answer “a social construct” becomes darker as time passes.


//project6 abstract clock
//section E week 6

function setup(){

function draw() {
    //variables for time
    var s = second();
    var m = minute(); 
    var h = hour();

    //second rectangle grows per second and gets lighter, at 60 seconds it is white
    fill(255/60 * s);
    rect(width/4, height/2 - 50, 40,40 + 3 * s);
    //minute rectangle grows per minute and gets lighter at the pace of the second rectangle
    fill(255/60 * s);
    rect(width/2, height/2 - 50, 40, 40 + 3 * m);
    //hour rectangle grows per hour and gets lighter at the pace of the minute rectangle
    fill(255/60 * m);
    rect(width/4 * 3, height/2 - 50,40,40 + 3 *h);
    //time is... is always black, but "a social construct" gets darker by the second, inverse to the actual time rectangles. 
    text('TIME IS...', width/4, height/2 - 100);
    fill(255 - 255 / 60 * s);
    text('A SOCIAL CONSTRUCT', width/4, height/2 - 75);

Stefanie Suk – Project 06 – Abstract -Clock


//Stefanie Suk
//15-104 D
//Project - 06 - Abstract Clock

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);

function draw() {
    background(5, 0, 50); //background color

    fill(50); //color of buildings
    rect(10, 350, 120, 150);
    rect(30, 280, 30, 150);
    rect(80, 260, 60, 220);
    rect(80, 240, 20, 20);
    rect(360, 380, 110, 130);
    rect(385, 300, 60, 220);
    rect(405, 220, 20, 220); // buildings in background

    fill(238, 232, 37);
    ellipse(400, 60, 70, 70); //moon

    fill(218, 214, 85);
    ellipse(300, 50, 5, 5);
    ellipse(270, 74, 5, 5);
    ellipse(130, 50, 5, 5);
    ellipse(20, 80, 5, 5);
    ellipse(360, 100, 5, 5);
    ellipse(70, 160, 5, 5);
    ellipse(230, 140, 5, 5);
    ellipse(443, 170, 5, 5); //stars 

    var H = hour();
    var M = minute();
    var S = second();

    var buildingH = map(H, 23, 0, 280, 0);
    var buildingM = map(M, 59, 0, 280, 0);
    var buildingS = map(S, 59, 0, 280, 0);
    var change = 150/3;

    rect(155, 200, change, buildingH);
    rect(175+change, 200, change, buildingM);
    rect(195+2*change, 200, change, buildingS); //ticking building that represents time, referenced code given in the instructions 


I thought a lot about how I can represent time without making the clock too literal. I personally think the hardest part about this project was to think of how I can represent my clock than actually creating it. As I was thinking about what to create late at night, I looked outside the window and saw buildings across from my dorm. This struck me hard as I realized how much time I spend working at night. Every time I work at night, I tend to look outside the window once in awhile because I get tired as time passes by. I feel like I’m more aware of ‘time’ during the night than the day, which is why I decided to create a visual of a night cityscape I see outside the window and use the tall buildings as an indicator of time (building is forming as time goes).

Katrina Hu – Project-06 – Abstract Clock


/*Katrina Hu
Project-06-Abstract Clock*/

var h;
var s;
var m;
var posHour;
var posSecond;
var posMinute;
var starting = 0;
var hoursCount = [0.0417];
var secCount = [0.01667];
var minCount = [0.01667];

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);

function draw() {
    h = hour();
    s = second();
    m = minute();

//lime (hour)
    translate(-30, -27);
    fill(57, 120, 40);
    ellipse(150, 150, 245, 245);
    fill(220, 237, 190);
    ellipse(150, 150, 225, 225);
    fill(172, 219, 125);
    ellipse(150, 150, 207, 207);
    stroke(220, 237, 190);
    line(120, 50, 180, 250);
    line(65, 84, 230, 215);
    line(45, 150, 255, 150);
    line(65, 216, 235, 95);
    line(185, 50, 120, 250);
    fill(220, 237, 190)
    ellipse(150, 150, 60, 60);
//orange (seconds)
    translate(-100, -80);
    fill(255, 140, 0);
    ellipse(250, 450, 245, 245);
    fill(255, 244, 209);
    ellipse(250, 450, 225, 225);
    fill(255, 201, 54);
    ellipse(250, 450, 207, 207);
    stroke(255, 244, 209);
    line(220, 350, 280, 550);
    line(165, 384, 330, 515);
    line(145, 450, 355, 450);
    line(165, 516, 335, 395);
    line(285, 350, 220, 550);
    fill(255, 244, 209);
    ellipse(250, 450, 60, 60);
//watermelon (minutes);
    translate(-95, -35);
    fill(26, 156, 14);
    ellipse(450, 250, 245, 245);
    ellipse(450, 250, 225, 225);
    fill(255, 146, 140);
    ellipse(450, 250, 210, 210);
    ellipse(445, 260, 10, 15);
    ellipse(500, 200, 10, 15);
    ellipse(420, 180, 10, 15);
    ellipse(480, 245, 10, 15);
    ellipse(460, 310, 10, 15);
    ellipse(510, 280, 10, 15);
    ellipse(390, 250, 10, 15);
    ellipse(410, 300, 10, 15);
    ellipse(435, 220, 10, 15);

//hour clock
    translate(-30, -27);
    for(posHour = 0; posHour <= h; posHour++) {
        arc(150, 150, 250, 250, starting, starting + 2 * PI * hoursCount);
        starting += (2 * PI * hoursCount);
    if (posHour = h){
            starting = 0;

//seconds clock
    translate(-100, -80);
    for(posSecond = 0; posSecond <= s; posSecond++) {
        arc(250, 450, 250, 250, starting, starting + 2 * PI * secCount);
        starting += (2 * PI * secCount);
    if (posSecond = s){
            starting =  0;

//minutes clock
    translate(-95, -35);
    for(posMinute = 0; posMinute <= m; posMinute++) {
        arc(450, 250, 250, 250, starting, starting + 2 * PI * minCount);
        starting += (2 * PI * minCount);
    if (posMinute = m){
            starting = 0;


The lime represents the hour, and a slice is eaten every hour. The watermelon represents the minute, and a slice is taken every minute. Similarly, the orange represents the seconds and a slice is taken every second. The fruit resets every minute/hour/day.

This was a very fun project to do, both in drawing the actual fruits and figuring out how to take a slice from each every second/minute/hour. It was interesting to learn about the time functions and how to creatively implement them into the project. Finally, I was really happy with the way it turned out.

original sketch of the clock

Jai Sawkar Project 06 – Abstract Clock


//Jai Sawkar
//Section C
//Project 06: Abstract Clock

var prevSec;
var millisRolloverTime;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(300, 480);
    millisRolloverTime = 0;

function draw() {
    // Current time
    var H = hour();
    var M = minute();
    var S = second();
    var D = day();
    var M = month();

    var SecondColor = 100
    var Flicker = 255

    // Current millisecond if the second has rolled over
    if (prevSec != S) {
          millisRolloverTime = millis();

    prevSec = S;

    var mils = floor(millis() - millisRolloverTime);

    var hourBarYPosition   = map(H, 0, 23, 0, height); //mapped to fit y postion of hours
    var minuteBarYPosition = map(M, 0, 59, 0, width); //mapped to fit y postion of minutes
    var secondBarWidth = map(S, 0, 59, 30, width); //mapped to fit width postion of seconds
    var secondsWithFraction   = S + (mils / 1000.0); //creates fraction to interpolate smooth transition
    var secondBarWidthSmooth  = map(secondsWithFraction, 0, 60, 6.5, width/2 - 6.5); //mapping seconds to allow them to fit within desired bounds
    var dayXPosition = map(D, 0, 31, 7, width - 7) //mapped to fit x postion of days
    var monthXPosition = map(M, 0, 12, 7, width - 7) //mapped to fit x postion of month
    fill(126, 168, 130, 200)
        rect(dayXPosition, 7, 5, 15); //represents day
        rect(monthXPosition, 7, 5, height - 14) //represents month

        rect(width/2, hourBarYPosition,width - 13, 20); //represents hour

  if (S > 58) { // once the two second bars come together, it turns white to signal one minute
        SecondColor = 255

  push() //reverses the canvas for the second rectangle to mirror it on canvas
        rect(-width + 6.5, -minuteBarYPosition, secondBarWidthSmooth, -10); //represents seconds on right
        rect(6.5, minuteBarYPosition, secondBarWidthSmooth, 10) //represents seconds on left

    if (S % 2 != 0){ //if it is not odd numbered second, it will turn off
        Flicker = 0
        rect(2, height - 7, width - 4, 5) //represents second flashes
        rect(width-7, 2, 5, height - 4)

I was trying to decide what to make my abstract clock about, and I read into Rietveld Shroder; his designs included a lot of different proportioned rectangles. I decided to use this as inspiration. For this project, I wanted to use rectangles to create a succession of movements, creating a dynamic, truly abstract clock

Sketch of Idea

Angela Lee – Project 06 – Abstract Clock


 * Angela Lee
 * Section E
 * Project 6 Abstract Clock

 function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 400);

 function draw() {

    // background
    var top = color(249, 237, 201); // pale yellow color
    var bottom = color(237, 165, 117); // peach color
    setGradient(top, bottom); // background gradient

    // time
    var hours = hour();
    var minutes = minute();
    var seconds = second();
    var milli = millis();

    // halo changes color with milliseconds

    // the shadow grows longer with hours
    // the drink color changes with minutes
    // the foam bubbles move with milliseconds
    // the drink color changes with minutes
    // the straw moves with the seconds

function setGradient(color1, color2) {
    for(var a = 0; a <= height; a++) {
      var amount = map(a, 0, height, 0, 1);
      var back = lerpColor(color1, color2, amount);
      line(0, a, width, a);


function halo(milli) {
    big = 300; // big circle size
    med = 245; // medium circle size
    small = 185; // small circle size
    x = width/2 // x position
    y = height/2 - 30; // y position

    r = 15 * sin(milli / 1000.0);
    g = 15 * sin(milli / 1000.0 + HALF_PI);
    b = 30 * sin(milli / 1000.0 - HALF_PI);

    fill(249 + r, 240 + g, 155 + b);
    ellipse(x, y, big, big);

    fill(250 + r, 237 + g, 130 + b);
    ellipse(x, y, med, med);

    fill(252 + r, 240 + g, 84 + b);
    ellipse(x, y, small, small);

function setting(hours) { 

    // table
    fill(133, 88, 51);
    rect(0, 2/3 * height, width, height/3);
    // shadow
    fill(112, 67, 34);
    shadowW = map(hours, 0, 24, 160, 240);
    ellipse(240, 321, shadowW, 65);

function behindGls(minutes) {
    // glass
    glsX = 119.799; // glass x-coordinate
    glsY = 148.193; // glass y-coordinate
    glsW = 160.403; // glass width
    glsH = 169.456; // glass height
    glsEllipseH = 50.513; // glass ellipse height

    fill(231, 239, 242);
    rect(glsX, glsY, glsW, glsH);
    ellipse(glsX + glsW / 2, glsY + glsH, glsW, glsEllipseH);

    // drink
    var clrChange = map(minutes, 0, 60, 0, 40);
    Green = color(197 - clrChange, 201 - clrChange, 125 - clrChange);
    drnkX = 128.906; // drink x-coordinate
    drnkY = 148.193; // drink y-coordinate
    drnkW = 142.071; // drink width
    drnkH = 165.456; // drink height

    drnkEllipseY = 313.65; // bottom of glass ellipse y-coordinate
    drnkEllipseH = 40.477; // bottom of glass ellipse height

    rect(drnkX, drnkY, drnkW, drnkH);
    ellipse(drnkX + drnkW / 2, drnkEllipseY, 
        drnkW, drnkEllipseH);

function frontGls(minutes) {
    clrChange = map(minutes, 0, 60, 0, 50);
    fill(231, 239, 242);
    ellipse(glsX + glsW / 2, glsY, glsW, glsEllipseH);

    fill(166 - clrChange, 180 - clrChange, 76 - clrChange);
    ellipse(glsX + glsW / 2, glsY, drnkW, drnkEllipseH);

function foam(milli) {
    foamH = 41.592;

    // body of the foam
    fill(246, 249, 220);
    rect(drnkX, drnkY, drnkW, foamH);
    ellipse(drnkX + drnkW/2, drnkY + foamH, drnkW, drnkEllipseH);
    ellipse(164.455, 203.479, 34.55, 25.72);
    ellipse(206.343, 210.407, 62.807, 26.791);
    ellipse(239.538, 202.514, 34.55, 25.72);

    // big bubbles
    fill(197, 201, 125);
    bigBbl = 5; // size of big bubbles
    bigBblX = [143, 163, 180, 216, 219, 245, 253]; // big bubble x values
    bigBblY = [174, 195, 194, 208, 190, 200, 183]; // big bubble y values
    change = sin(map(milli, 0, 60, 0, 1)); 
    // the big bubbles move left and right depending on milliseconds
    for (var i = 0; i < bigBblX.length; i++) {
        ellipse(bigBblX[i] + change, bigBblY[i] + change, bigBbl, bigBbl);

    // small bubbles
    fill(216, 216, 160);
    smlBbl = 5; // size of big bubbles
    smlBblX = [156, 170, 212, 239, 245]; // small bubble x values
    smlBblY = [203, 181, 194, 203, 177]; // small ubble y values
    // the small bubbles move left and right depending on milliseconds
    for (var i = 0; i < smlBblX.length; i++) {
        ellipse(smlBblX[i] - change, smlBblY[i] - change, smlBbl, smlBbl);

function straw(seconds) {
    strX = map(seconds, 0, 60, 141, 218.587); // straw x-coordinate
    strY = 210.407; // straw y-coordinate
    strW = 12.49; // straw width
    strH = 94.115; // straw height

    strEllipseH = 4.065; // ellipse straw height
    rect(strX, strY - 150, strW, strH);
    ellipse(strX + strW/2, strY - 150 + strH, strW, strEllipseH);
    ellipse(strX + strW/2, strY - 150, strW, strEllipseH);

    // shadow within the straw
    fill(232, 232, 232);
    ellipse(strX + strW/2, strY - 150, strW - 2, strEllipseH - 1);

As I was sitting down to plan out my abstract clock, I was craving a matcha latte so I decided to make that the main visual of my clock. I wanted to create a piece that represented time in a more abstract manner, so I decided to make parts of my matcha latte move or change in accordance to different time variables. To plan out my piece, I first sketched out my matcha latte.

As I began to code the composition, I realized that I wanted more contrast between the latte and the background. So, I added a couple of halo-like ellipses to establish a focal point around the latte.

Hyejo Seo- Project 06: Abstract Clock


Hyejo Seo
Project-06-Abstract Clock
var balloonW;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(400, 400);

function draw() {
    var secs = second();
    var mins = minute();
    var hr = hour();  
    var balloonY = 250;
// mapping 
    var secsM = map(secs, 0, 59, 0, 150);
    var minsM = map(mins, 0, 59, 0, 220); 
    var hrM = map(hr, 0, 23, 10, 100);
    background(234, 239, 211);

// balloon pump 
    rect(345, 170, 10, 70);
    quad(330, 240, 370, 240, 360, 300, 340, 300);
    quad(343, 300, 358, 300, 354, 350, 347, 350);
    fill(47, 41, 99);
    rect(320, 20 + secs, 60, 150);

// pipe 
    fill(147, 181, 198);
    rect(347, 350, 7, 30);
    rect(100, 373, 250, 7);
    rect(93, 350, 7, 30);
    ellipse(335 - minsM, 376, 40, 20); // circle representing the air movement

    balloonW = 90;
    rect(92, balloonY + 70, 10, 28);  
    ellipse(97, balloonY + 98, 10, 5); 
    ellipse(95, balloonY, balloonW + hrM/2, 150); // increases size by the hour 
    // showing the hour on the balloon  
    text(int(hr), 68, balloonY + 15);

sketching my idea for this project

It took me awhile to think of something fun to represent time. I focused on the increasing factor of time, which led me to think of a balloon inflating. I decided to control the movement of the balloon pumper with seconds, and the air bubble moving through the wire with minutes. Then, the balloon inflates every hour. 

Yoshi Torralva – Project 06 – Abstract Clock


// Yoshi Torralva
// Section E
// Project-06-Abstract Clock
function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);
function draw() {
    background(255, 188, 0);
    var H = hour();
    var M = minute();
    var S = second();
    fill(0, 104, 47);
    rect(0,405,480, 75);
    // tree 
    fill(107, 38, 0);
    rect(376,50, 63, 300);
    fill(5, 73, 39);
    ellipse(410, 50, 300, 300);
    //Sun for Hour
    fill(255, 211, 26);
    ellipse(125, 200, 200, 200);
    fill(249, 206, 0);
    ellipse(125, 200, H * 5, H * 5);
    // plants 
    fill(5, 73, 39);
    rect(0,260,480, 145);
    //fence backing 
    fill(173, 66, 11);
    rect(0,  280, 480, 20);
    rect(0,  350, 480, 20);
    //horizon line grass
    fill(7, 63, 31);
    rect(0,400,480, 10);

    //fence for loop
    for(var i = 0; i < 59; i++) {
            fill(173, 66, 11);
            rect(i * 8.2,  250, 7, 155);
            ellipse(i * 8.2 + 3.4, 250, 7, 7);
    //filled in fence for variable M
    for(var i = 0; i < M; i++) {
            fill(137, 42, 0);
            rect(i * 8.2,  250, 7, 155);
            ellipse(i * 8.2 + 3.4, 250, 7, 7);
    //calling dog into canvas
    dachshund(S * 1, 0);
    //clock in the tree
    fill(0, 104, 47);
    text(H, 300, 40);
    text(M, 320, 120);
    text(S, 390, 150);
function dachshund (x, y) {
    translate(x, y);
    line(46, 360, 20, 385);
    rect(50, 357, 80, 32);
    ellipse(50, 373, 32, 32);
    ellipse(130, 373, 32, 32);
    //back leg
    rect(34, 370, 13, 35);
    //front leg
    rect(120, 370, 10, 35);
    ellipse(130, 402, 6, 6);
    ellipse(47, 402, 6, 6);
    //black fur front chest
    arc(130, 373, 32, 32, 3 * PI / 2, PI/2, CHORD);
    fill(73, 33, 7);
    rect(130, 340, 16, 30);
    ellipse(138,370, 16, 16);
    quad(145, 340, 180, 350, 175, 365, 145, 370);
    ellipse(155,350,6, 6);
    ellipse(156,349, 4, 4);
    arc(100, 357, 40, 40, 2 * PI, PI, CHORD);
    arc(70, 389, 30, 30, PI, 2 * PI, CHORD);
    ellipse(48,370, 15, 15);

Initial Sketch

With this project, I wanted to create an abstract clock set in a scene with my dog. Planning was important before I could start making this scene with p5.js as I would need to know what shapes I would use to create my dog. In the sketch, I illustrate the shapes I will have to create. In my editor, I made my dog a function I could call to free up space in the function draw(). In terms of inserting time-based motion, the dog moves by seconds, the fence changes color to minutes, and the sun increases in size to hours. I used a loop to replicate the base fence and another for the minutes’ fence to fill in.

Sammie Kim – Project 06 – Abstract Clock


//Sammie Kim
//Section D
//Project 06 - Abstract Clock

function setup(){

function draw(){
    //variables for time
    var s = second();
    var m = minute();
    var hr = hour();

    //Shining stars and black night background
    for (var i = 0; i < 100; i ++) {
        var eSize = random(1, 5);
        var x = random(0, width);
        var y = random(0, height);
        ellipse(x, y, eSize, eSize);

    //Mapping time to shape components
    var secIncrease = map(s, 0,59, 0, height);
    var minIncrease = map(m,0, 59, 50, height/2);
    var hrIncrease = map(hr, 0, 23, 100, height * 3/4);

    //Every minute, the blue sky background will decrease, slowly revealing the space
    fill(102, 153, 255);
    rect(0, 0, width, height - minIncrease);

    //Rocket flies upwards every second
    fill(78, 78, 252);
    triangle(225, 525 - secIncrease, 190, 570 - secIncrease, 260, 570 -secIncrease);
    fill(252, 84, 78)
    rect(190, 570 - secIncrease, 70, 100);
    ellipse(225, 600 - secIncrease, 30, 30);
    fill(252, 153, 78);
    triangle(190, 670 - secIncrease, 225, 730 - secIncrease, 260, 670 - secIncrease);
    fill(170, 110, 196);
    triangle(190, 670 - secIncrease, 190, 710 - secIncrease, 230, 670 - secIncrease);

    //Pink circle is the sun, which is changing color every hour
    //The sun also goes down every hour
    fill(hrIncrease, 180, 220);
    ellipse(100, hrIncrease, 60, 60);

This project was challenging as I had to analyze how to incorporate the time concept into my canvas, letting each element pace by a specific rate of time. I imagined a rocket flying up by each second, and the sky slowly disappearing along as the rocket goes further up. The sun would also go down at the same time by every hour. With this, I got to review the map function once more, as I got to think about the range that is needed to limit the movement of the rocket. Also it took some time figuring out how to move the rocket in second increments up, which I eventually did by subtracting “secIncrease,” since the coordinates get smaller as it gets nearer to the top.