Jai Sawkar – Project 12: Proposal

This project will be done by Taisei Manheim, Carly Sacco, and myself.  Our project proposal is a smartphone and on the screen, there would be different apps.  You could click on the apps and they would each do different things. One of the apps would resemble snapchat and allow users to put a few filters on a picture of themselves (using the computer camera).  Another app would resemble a music app and allow user to choose different songs to play. There would also be an app that would resemble Instagram and allow users to scroll through images and like certain photos.  The last app would be the clock app which would allow users to see the time. We are thinking of working on the Snapchat app together, and then each of us working on one of the three remaining apps.

Sketch of our Idea
Initial Code Output of our Idea


// Jai Sawkar
// jsawkar@andrew.cmu.edu
// Section C
// Mock Up

function preload() {
    var snapURL = "https:i.imgur.com/Mc39iWj.png?" //picture of 4 people
    snapPic = loadImage(snapURL); //sets fam pic as the variable
    var musicURL = "https://i.imgur.com/m6NxUGy.png?"
    musicPic = loadImage(musicURL);
    var instaURL = "https://i.imgur.com/qTYtnyQ.png?"
    instaPic = loadImage(instaURL);
    var clockURL = "https://i.imgur.com/eX2G9P3.png?"
    clockBG = loadImage(clockURL);


function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 400);

function draw() {



    fill(60, 59, 59);
    rect(width/2, height/2, 159, 323, 15)

    fill(173, 177, 218);
    rect(width/2, height/2, 148, 308, 15);

    fill(60, 59, 59);
    rect(width/2, 48, 81, 11, 10);//notch

    fill(61, 60, 60);
    rect(239.5, 94, 1.6, 11.9);
    //Volume Up
    rect(239.5, 123, 1.6, 23.75);
    //Volume Down
    rect(239.5, 149, 1.6, 23.75);

    rect(400.5, 137, 1.6, 38)

    fill(88, 89, 91); //Notch Hardware (Left to Right)

    ellipse(289, 48, 5);
    ellipse(301, 48, 5);

    rect(width/2, 48, 19, 3.56, 40);

    ellipse(340, 48, 5);







function makeSnapchat(){
    translate(width/2 - 60, 85)
    image(snapPic, 0, 0)


function makeMusic(){
    translate(width/2 + 6, 85)
    image(musicPic, 0, 0)


function makeInsta(){
    translate(width/2 - 60, 160)
    image(instaPic, 0, 0)


function makeClock(){
    translate(width/2 + 6, 160)
    image(clockBG, 0, 0)

    translate(width/2 + 1.5, 155);



function clockMove(){

    var h = hour();
    var m = minute();
    var s = second();


    translate(200, 200);

    var hStart = map(h % 12, 0, 12, -90, 360);
    arc(0, 0, 220, 220, 0, hStart)

    var mStart = map(m, 0, 60, 0, 360);
    arc(0, 0, 240, 240, 0, mStart)

    var sStart = map(s, 0, 60, 0, 360);
    arc(0, 0, 260, 260, 0, sStart)


Sewon Park – Final Project Proposal

I think art is inspiring as it serves as a versatile instrument where artists can communicate their beliefs and ideas to their viewers. Such message may be very personal such as the sentiment of happiness or sorrow or even socially conscious, trying to bring about changes that the artist believes in.
Such socially conscious art projects are valuable as it finds an easy way to communicate messages to the public. Not only is it easier to understand, such projects tend to resonate with the audience if interesting.

As such, I decided to go ahead with Professor Dannenberg’s suggestion to make a project with the theme of global warming. My previous blog posts had two global warming projects with vastly different ways of communicating the message. In my project, I will use both sympathy and entertaining interaction to communicate my message.

In order to clearly depict the how the wrongdoings of human beings are causing climate change, I will reserve one section of the project where the user can add pollution to the atmosphere through the destruction of trees and creation of factories. As the number of factories grow, the sun on the right hand side to grow bigger causing the ice caps to melt until the bears and penguins eventually submerge.

The point of the project is to portray that our own actions can cause global warming and cause the poor animals to die. Through interesting interaction and pity felt during this “game”, I hope that my message will reach its audience.

Yoshi Torralva – Project 12 – Proposal

For my final project, I’m interested in exploring the opportunities in interactive advertising. Over the past decade, advertising has changed drastically from paper ads, social media posts, and now, more recently, interactive environments. As we approach winter, I wanted to focus on winter clothing and how I can manifest the textiles to be interactive to people passing a storefront. To achieve this, I plan on using the input from the camera do adjust a curve(s) on the screen. I plan on comparing pixels from the camera to determine specific actions that the curve takes. The actual output from the camera will not be used and will be layered over by a blank canvas, and the type of curve I decide to choose. To show the advertisement in action, I plan on placing the ad in a storefront mockup to support the posted WordPress file. Overall, I’m quite excited to understand how to use camera data to engage the audience.

Sarah Kang – Project Proposal

For this final project, I will be collaborating with Kimberlyn Cho to create an interactive dumpling making game. We were inspired by the game, cooking mama, and wanted to recreate something similar in the form of an interactive storyboard going through the steps of making dumplings. So far, we have tentatively six boards planned out with interactive actions involving keys, mouse press and mouse drag and some ideas for how we’d want to illustrate the scenes, either with imported images or some coded graphics. We also plan to add more interaction through speed, drag, and meter gauges to engage the user and make a fun experience.

Kimberlyn Cho- Project 12- Proposal

I will be working with Sarah Kang for the final project to create an interactive cooking software that makes dumplings. While considering the various types of foods to make, we decided to make dumplings because we found many interactive aspects in the dumpling making process that we hope to incorporate in our project. There are 6 stages to the game with user interactions for each stage besides the final plating. We simplified the process into mixing the ingredients, rolling the dough, cutting the dough, folding the dumpling, frying the dumpling, and the final plating of the finished dumplings.

We will be using imported images we find online with images we code directly on p5js, as well as images we draw on illustrator and import to animate the game. The user will be able to interact with the game using the mouse cursor as well as specific keys such as the space bar.


Steven Fei & Mike Jin-Project 12-Proposal

For this project, We are going to create a scene with the theme of an interstellar pianist. The background will be a 3D view of the galaxy and the viewport will be manipulated through changing the mouse position. The foreground will be an array of piano keys that can be connected by the keyboards. Once a short tune is played, a star is given birth. There can be a maximum amount of the stars. Once the maximum is reached, the oldest star will be eliminated. The stars that are given birth to will be presented in a 3D form and different colors to differentiate from the galaxy in the background. Depending on the different tunes that the user played, different type of stars can be generated.

Proposal Image, An interstellar Pianist

Katrina Hu – Project 12 – Proposal

I will be collaborating with Chelsea Fan for Project 12. We plan to create a fun game relating to climate change. The objective of the game is to catch little polar bears that are falling. To do this, the user will slide a block of ice back and forth at the bottom of the screen. If the polar bear is caught with the block of ice, a positive tone will ring. If the user is unable to catch the polar bear, it will fall into water and a negative tone will ring.

We will also keep a number tally of all the polar bears that are caught and that drown. Every time a polar bear isn’t caught an drowns, the water level a small amount. The game is over when the water level reaches the top of the screen.

To make the game more challenging, we will also have two sizes of polar bears. Small baby polar bears will fall at a faster speed than the larger polar bears.

Simple drawing of our game

Jamie Park – Final Project Proposal

I always liked drawing since I was a child. This project was inspired by Disney’s Magic Artist Studio, my childhood drawing game, and etch-a-sketch. Although I was never good at it, I was always intrigued by the idea of completing a drawing with a single line. To help those who are also interested in one-line drawings but are not good at it, I want to create a program that allows a user to create single-line drawings.

I will create an interactive program that draws turtles using keys W, A, S, and D. Because this idea seems relatively simple, I am planning on adding sound (background music?) and allowing the user to manipulate color and stroke weight while drawing on the program. I am also considering adding an image overlay to frame the canvas and provide a hotkey to erase the drawing. I am excited to see what this would look like in the end.

Idea Sketch of the project

Sammie Kim- Project 12- Proposal

Global waste crisis is a problem we can no longer avoid. With continuous overproduction and overconsumption practices, we are in need for safe disposal practices. As such, recycling is one of the easiest ways we can all contribute to protect our environment, and I believe this should be further encouraged to become a social and collective effort.  Thus, for the final project, I propose to create an interactive environmental game related to the issue of waste management.

I am planning to set up a realistic environment (this could be a forest background or even a city scene), which comprises of various wastes all dispersed. With this, the point of the game is to find the trash and properly sort them by dragging into the correct recycling bin. If it is possible, I hope to incorporate further information if the user accidentally puts the trash into the wrong bin.

This is relevant to our real world as not a lot of people are actually mindful about properly sorting waste by plastic, paper, food, and etc, despite the presence of recycling and trash bins. And apart form solid natural waste, there are other artificial wastes (chemical, e-waste, etc) that are extremely hazardous to our environment. So in a way, this game would be educational for not just showing proper sorting, but also the extreme range of different types of trash. 

Sean Leo – Project Proposal

Often during installations as a media designer, you work in unique environments where the technical demands of a system are very specific. I’ve come to find that many programs supply their own stock branded test card that doesn’t reflect the complexity or scope of the project. As I’ve built custom systems and done shows with multiple outputs I’ve realized a need for more customization with the test cards I use.

For my final project in 15104, I’d like to create a test card generator of my own design. Essentially this entails creating a responsive template that accounts for size, and having custom inputs; text, color, maybe even image. My list of features for this project are:

  • Custom resolution as an input field.
  • Custom color palette
  • Scalable grid sizing
  • Text input
  • Export as an image file.