Zee Salman- Project 12- Proposal

For my final proposal, I want to create a game inspired by a game I used to play when I was younger. I’ve really been interested in learning about arrays in class as well as objects. Even though they are both tough topics to grasp (for me), I think it would make a good challenge to use those and create a fun interactive game. I also wanted to tie this to my childhood with a game that I used to play when I was younger. I definitely want to put other spins to the game to make it more interesting. The objective of the game is to hit the bricks or rectangles with the ball. The bad would bounce of the platform to stay afloat while lines of bricks will come down at a contact rate which would gradually increase to make the game difficult. If the line of bricks touches the bottom of the screen or the platform, the player will lose. Or if the ball hits a bomb for example, the player will lose. I really want to incorporate bonuses or special bricks to make the game even more interesting. or create multiple balls for the player to use to their advantage.

sketch of game
Inspiration from this game, Balls Block.

Timothy Liu — Project 12 — Proposal

The original Frogger from 1981!

For my final project, I want to build an homage to Frogger. I’d like to try programming a game that involves a character trying to reach the end of the stage by making it through a series of moving obstacles and objects. This is an idea that really appeals to me, because

  1. I haven’t had the chance to try coding a game in this class and I think it’d be a really fun challenge to take on, and
  2. I’m excited to play around with the graphics, design, and gameplay in this project!
Some sketches of my initial ideas for my game. On the left is what the gameplay will look and feel like, as well as the keyboard controls used to move the character. On the right are some potential character ideas!

I’ve come up with a few ideas for gameplay and graphics which mainly involve animal characters moving across a terrain filled with natural obstacles. For instance, a penguin waddling across snow while dodging moving snowballs to try to make it to an igloo is something I’d love to build.

From a functional standpoint, my ultimate goals for this project are to build a smooth, well-oiled game with a soundtrack and irresistible charm. I want the arrow keys to direct the character’s motion and for the movement of the obstacles to feel natural, not mechanistic.

Artwork from the original Frogger that my game’s concept will be modeled off of.

In terms of art-style/design, I really admire video games that incorporate cel-shading and minimalism. I hope to utilize color palettes and shapes to establish a calming, consistent feel with my game, as I think it would add to the desired natural ambience.

The Legend of Zelda, Wind Waker utilizes cel shading and bright, cheerful color palettes. It feels fun and clean!
Monument Valley, a popular iPhone game, also uses really clean graphics, designs, and colors.

I can’t wait to get started!

Minjae Jeong- Project 12-Final proposal

For the final project, we want to create an information visualization map of the world that represents climate crisis by emphasizing either the rise of temperature around the world due to global warming, or the amount of electricity used around the world. To further elaborate on one of the idea we have proposed, the map could possibly show the amount of light (or even how big the city is) of each places. For instance, places like United States will be much brighter with more use of lights compared to third world countries. In the United States, depending on how many parts we divide it into, bigger cities like New York city or Los Angeles will light up much brighter than Wyoming. Moreover, the world map that displays the gradual increase of temperature on Earth may also be very attractive potential topic. We believe the matter of issue on global warming may be effective in order to visualize information because it is our reality that the Earth’s temperature is constantly increasing.

I will be collaborating with Jenny Lee on the final project, ylee1@andrew.cmu.edu Section C

Jenny will be responsible for coding to design the illustrative aspects of the map and Minjae will be responsible for coding the interactive aspect (of lighting up certain areas, for instance). We will both help each other to create this map art and fairly divide the work together.

Sarah Choi – Project 12 – Proposal

Gretchen Kupferschmid and I want to collaborate on an interactive 3D map of different areas of Pittsburgh including ambient noises showing different restaurants and coffee shops around. Similar to the photograph included below, we wanted to show contrasting places in Pittsburgh such as Lawrenceville, Squirrel Hill, Oakland, and Downtown Pittsburgh. Through an interactive map, we would allow our audience to click through these sections to find not only various places to eat and spend time but also include music that we feel is similar to the atmosphere of these various sectors all throughout Pittsburgh. 

We both strongly believe it’s important to explore more areas around you especially since Pittsburgh has so much to offer, and a lot of students go through their time here without putting themselves outside the campus. 

In order to evenly divide the work one of us would focus on actually building the 3D map of different areas of Pittsburgh while the other would work on making the map actually interactive and inputting these different areas across the city and towns as well as the music that follows along with them.

Ammar Hassonjee – Project 12 – Final Project Proposal

For the final project, I plan to collaborate with Lee Chu to make a series of interactive camera scenes that use the webcam as a background, similar to the concept of snapchat and instagram filters. Our idea is that in each state of the canvas, our program will be able to identify the person’s body or head, and therefore start to draw and animate objects that move relative to the person’s body with some level of randomness. We imagine for one scene, the person can repel an object that moves around the screen with their hand. Another could just be simply drawing objects on top of certain parts of the picture using color analysis. The idea is that the user will be able to cycle through different scenes. Through this exploration, we hope to create a fun and interesting program that users can interact with for a while without getting bored.

Possible sketch of one scene animated on top of a webcam.

lee chu – project 12 proposal

I plan to collaborate with Ammar Hassonjee on the final project. We are thinking about creating a webcam overlay that could detect faces and project a filter over it, much like snapchat or instagram filters. Ideally, by detecting the colors in the frame of the webcam, we can identify and track a face. While tracking the face, sounds may be triggered by a specific action, and the entire filter could be dynamic depending on the user’s movements and actions. We will most definitely need to look into how face tracking generally works, as well.

Monica Chang – Project 12 – Final Project Proposal

For this final project, I wanted to develop a game called “Capture Red”. In this game, the player or virtual “photographer” will be responsible for capturing birds with the virtual camera by pressing the spacebar. The problem is the birds fly by way too fast but the players have to capture as many as 100 “photos. Birds of different colors will also appear and if the player accidentally captures they will lose points.

My sketch of default screen

In the default/beginning screen, there will include a frame that resembles what the player would see looking through the lens but in a more exaggerated way. I will also include field audio to incorporate the sounds of the environment. The lens will be looking towards the sky where the player will also see moving clouds(I am also thinking of changing the sky throughout the game with different weather patterns and different weather sounds like wind, rain, thunder, etc.). UPDATE: I have also incorporated rain as a weather element and default screen and rainSounds as the background noise. When the player clicks the screen, the weather will change from raining(gloomy) to blue skies(with clouds).

My sketch of when bird Appears!
When the player/photographer takes captures the bird.

Whenever the player “captures” a bird, the screen will flash and a camera flash sound will also play. When the player “captures” the bird, in the top corner, they will see that they have gained a point.

The player gains a point!

Once the player has captured enough to have a “CAPTURED” count of 100 the game will end and the player must refresh to start again.

Jasmine Lee – Project 12 – Proposal

For my final project, I’d like to do an interactive audiovisual animation. The cursor would be followed by flowing graphic lines that change color based on what nodes have been activated and what sounds are playing. The intention is to create an animation that users can interact with to relax. The nodes are created by clicking anywhere on the canvas. I envision the node to be “invisible” (maybe a white circle on a white background) with the same flowing colorful lines circling around it, to create a more stylistic approach. When there are multiple nodes activated, the nodes become connected, with the lines starting to weave around all of them instead of just one node. The music that is playing would be various soothing sounds, ranging from white noise, to rain, to fire crackling.

The canvas without any nodes activated.
The canvas with multiple nodes activated and sound playing.

Paul Greenway – Project 12 – Proposal

This project will be a collaboration between Shariq Shah and I. We plan to create a dynamic data visualization to represent the patterns of weather and their effects on landscapes. As of now, the weather effects we will be focusing on will be wind and water. These effects will be driven by properties based on real world data and will react to the topography image map. This map will be a gradient based height map of a topography and will potentially change when the user interacts with the visualization, subsequently shifting the patterns of the weather effects. We also plan to use color gradients and other properties such as movement speeds and direction to further convey the environmental effects. Some precedents we have been looking at while coming up with the design are the works of Refik Anadol, Earth by Cameron Beccario, and Drawing Water by David Wicks.

Sean Meng-Project 12-Proposal

For my final project, I am interested in making a sound visualization. In order to transfer the invisible sound into something visible. I intend to incorporate the project with a series of designed visual elements. By creating a scene based on artist Kanye West’s album cover <808s & Heartbreaks>, the project recomposes the visual features of the album art and display it based on different sound frequency and amplitude. (e.g: the heart shatters as the song goes)