Shannon Ha – Project 05 – Wallpaper


//Shannon Ha
//Section D
//Project 05

function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 400);
    background(237, 197, 17);
function draw() {
  var ox = 15; // x origin
  var oy = 40; // y origin
  var sizeAX = 30 //width of green ellipse
  var sizeAY = 20 //height of green ellipse

  for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) {
    for (var x = 0; x < 12; x++) {
//green ellipse
      fill(191, 227, 205);
      ellipse(ox * x * 10, oy * y - 20, sizeAX + 10, sizeAY);
//purple ellipse
      fill(166, 120, 222);
      ellipse((ox - 10)* x * 20, oy * y - 20, sizeAX-15, sizeAX-10);
//blue ellipse
      fill(16, 9, 92);
      ellipse((ox - 10) * x * 10, oy * y - 20, sizeAX-20, sizeAX-20);
//overlapping red circles
      stroke(237, 57, 17);
      ellipse(ox * x * 10, oy * y + 20, sizeAX + 100, sizeAX + 100);



For this project, I looked at how patterns and shapes could alternate through tiles and so I make a series of ellipses that were abstract by itself, but combined together in the middle column to form an eye pattern.

Shannon Ha – Looking Outwards – 05

Image taken from

In this series of works, Pascal Dombis uses arbitrary geometrical or typographical patterns create complex and “less reasonable” environments. He would project abstract signs and patterns on to walls or canvases and computationally reproduce the same uncomplicated warped pattern in excess. And throughout the generation of patterns, there are instances where a geometric shape such as a square would emerge from this randomness. 

I think a lot of abstract art these days does not effectively communicate the artist’s intentions, but what I appreciate about Dombis is the fact that he is able to use basic data to generate random elements, yet more importantly, he is still able to create a sense of balance between chaos, structure and order through the growth of a geometric shape amidst these abstract patterns. 

Mari Kubota- Project- 05- Wallpaper


/*  Mari Kubota
    49-104 Section D 
    Assignment 5

var spacing= 100; //space bewtween elements

function setup (){
    createCanvas (400,400);

//draws wallpaper
function draw(){
    background (150,200,200);


//function that creates patterns
function Wallpaper(){ 

    for (var x = 50; x<=width; x += spacing) {
        for (var y = 50; y <= height; y+=spacing) {
            stroke (154,205,50);
            ellipse(x+15, y+15, 20, 20);
            ellipse(x,y+15, 20, 20);
            ellipse(x+15,y, 20, 20);

    for (var a = 100; a<width; a += spacing) {
        for (var b = 100; b < height; b+=spacing) {
            quad(a-10, b, a, b+15, a+10, b, a, b-15);


In this project I made a wallpaper with cactus and diamonds on a turquoise background. By relying on nested loops, I was able to create orderly rows of the pattern interchangeably. The challenge of this project was creating a function called Wallpaper which contained the pattern that had to be called in a draw function without looping repeatedly.

Cathy Dong-Looking Outwards-05

“Despicable Me” Computer Animated Character

I am really interested in 3-D computer animation used in film making. “Despicable Me,” distributed by Universal Pictures, was animated by a French animation studio-Mac Guff. Characters in the movie has smooth motions and lively facial expressions. What I admire the most is that the producers give every minion its own personality and characteristics. Minions not only have various body feature, such as height, eyes, and hair, but also have different expressions. The process from the first sketch of the minions to story-boarding, layouts, animation, and final production is complex and appealing.

Minions with distinctive expressions
Storyboards, Layout, Animation, and Final Result

Cathy Dong-Project-05-Wall Paper


/* Cathy Dong
   Section D
   Project 5-wallpaper

var ox = 50;
var oy = 75;
var xSpace = 80;
var ySpace = 120;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(420, 600);
    background(244, 239, 223);

function draw() {
	for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
		for (var j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
			//avocado outer variable
			var outX1 = ox + i * xSpace - 33;
			var outY1 = oy + j * ySpace;
			var outX4 = ox + i * xSpace - 25;
			var outY4 = oy + j * ySpace - 30;
			var outX2 = ox + i * xSpace - 8;
			var outY2 = oy + j * ySpace - 60;
			var outX3 = ox + i * xSpace;
			var outY3 = oy + j * ySpace + 35;

			stroke(29, 59, 16);
			fill(203, 223, 180);
			curveVertex(outX4, outY4);
			curveVertex(outX2, outY2);
			curveVertex(outX2 + 7, outY2 - 2); //center point
			curveVertex(outX2 + 16, outY2);
			curveVertex(outX4 + 50, outY4);
			curveVertex(outX1 + 66, outY1);
			curveVertex(outX3 + 20, outY3 - 10);
			curveVertex(outX3, outY3);
			curveVertex(outX3 - 20, outY3 - 10);
			curveVertex(outX1, outY1);

			//avocado inner
			fill(235, 234, 188);
			curveVertex(outX4 + 10, outY4 - 5);
			curveVertex(outX2 + 10, outY2 + 10);
			curveVertex(outX2 + 17, outY2 + 8); //top center point
			curveVertex(outX2 + 20, outY2 + 10);
			curveVertex(outX4 + 40, outY4 - 10);
			curveVertex(outX1 + 60, outY1 - 10);
			curveVertex(outX3 + 15, outY3 - 15);
			curveVertex(outX3, outY3 - 5); //bottom center point
			curveVertex(outX3 - 20, outY3 - 15);
			curveVertex(outX1 + 10, outY1 - 10);

			// avocado shell
			if ((i % 2 == 0 & j % 2 == 1) || (i % 2 == 1 && j % 2 == 0)){
			// avocade without shell
			if ((i % 2 == 1 & j % 2 == 1) || (i % 2 == 0 && j % 2 == 0)){

function drawShell(i,j) {
	//avocado center
	stroke(131, 98, 66);
	fill(198, 140, 102);
	ellipse(ox + i * xSpace, oy + j * ySpace, 34, 36);

	//avocado center mid
	fill(215, 158, 124);
	ellipse(ox + i * xSpace, oy + j * ySpace, 20, 23);

	//avocado center light
	stroke(240, 217, 174);
	arc(ox + i * xSpace, oy + j * ySpace, 20, 20, 0, QUARTER_PI);

function drawNoShell(i,j) {
	//avocado center
	stroke(248, 241, 224);
	fill(227, 217, 114);
	ellipse(ox + i * xSpace, oy + j * ySpace, 35, 38);

	//avocado center light
	stroke(202, 198, 75);
	arc(ox + i * xSpace, oy + j * ySpace, 20, 20, 0, HALF_PI);


My project is about avocado patterns. To help coding, I first calculated important point x and y axis, using shell center as the origin.

Avocado Points

Monica Chang – Project 05 – Wallpaper


//Monica Chang
//Section D

function setup() {
  createCanvas(600, 400);

function draw() {
  background(191, 145, 45);


function drawGrid() {
  // noprotect
  //base of design
  for (var y = 0; y < 450; y += 10) {
        for (var x = 0; x < 650; x += 10) { //repeating ellipses          
            fill(0, 255, 38);
            ellipse(x, y, 6, 10);
// repetitive quads overlapping the ellipses    

  var xr = 20;
  for (var b = -50; b < height + 50; b += 20) { //quad rows
      for (var a = -50; a < width + 50; a += 20) { // quad columns
          fill(0, 255, 38);
          quad(a, b, b + xr, b - sqrt(3) * xr / 4,  a + 2 * xr, b, a + xr,  b - sqrt(3) * xr / 4); // manipulating the quads so that they for mini-waves.

For this project, I was inspired by the idea of green mesh details covering a nude fitting(design for fashion.)

It’s nice to know that loops can do so much work for us. I had a lot of trouble getting the quads to create a subtle wave but I managed to calculate the values that would help create that small detail.

Lauren Park – Project-05 – Wallpaper


var px =50;// x of first circle design
var py = 50;// y of first circle design

function setup() {
  createCanvas(500, 400);

function draw() {
  for (var y = 0; y < 10; y++) {
    for (var x = 0; x < 11; x++) {
      var sx = px + x *50;//x of circle pattern 
      var sy = py + y *50;//y of circle pattern
      //circle flower pattern
      arc(sx-50, sy-50, 97, 97,0, PI, HALF_PI+QUARTER_PI);
      arc(sx-50, sy-50, 97, 97, PI, 0.1*QUARTER_PI,PI);
      //flower center
      ellipse(sx-50, sy-50, 15, 15);

For my wallpaper pattern, I was thinking about a floral design initially. However, I wanted to use other geometric elements like the ellipse to create a more abstract pattern that shows repetition, floral aspects, and other different forms that come together. I then incorporated my favorite color and wanted to include smaller, yellow circles to make the design stand out more. I mainly found it challenging when I adjusted these arcs to create a flowing pattern, so that each intricate detail shows. But, overall I enjoyed this project, in trying to create a design that I would wear.

Lauren Park – Looking Outwards – 05

“Flowing City Map” (2014) by Chaotic Atmospheres

Artist by the name of Chaotic Atmospheres created a series of images for an exhibition that was held in Venice on December 2014. This series focused on how cities and its occupants influence their surroundings, portrayed by fluid-like patterns. I really admire how this artist takes different locations and give each of these cities more individuality in a way that shows how they impact what is around them. The lined patterns also give not only the geographical aspect of maps, but also visualizes these impacts.By using World Machine, a tool to help create 3D terrain, the artist used city maps and procedural terrains to produce this flow of erosion. The artist then used photoshop afterwards to continue working and to identify each city.The artist was very successful in providing visuals of historical significance by using the lines from the erosion flow to show cities’ influences. The images are not merely geographical maps, but tell a story through the colors and bodies of lines that also give movement to each city.

Sarah Choi – Project-05 – Wallpaper

For this project, I was inspired by abstract lines. I wanted to create colorful wallpaper against a dark blue background, as I was intrigued by rooms with dark-colored walls with lighter designs on top after going to multiple home furniture design showrooms during the summer. I wanted to light up the room by using lighter colors like white, light yellow, and lavender. I have always liked abstract wallpapers using only symmetrical lines combining to create something more “chaotic” to pair with simple furniture.


//Sarah Choi 
//Section D

function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 400);

function draw() {
    background(0, 0, 153);
    for (var y = 0; y < height+25; y += 50) {
        for (var x = 0; x < width+25; x += 50) {
            rect(x + 33, y, 10, 400)
    for (var i = 0; i < 400; i += 4) {
        stroke(252, 255, 122);
        line(i, i * 20 - 30, 600, i + 400);

    for (var a = 0; a < 400; a += 7) {
        stroke(204, 153, 255);
        line(a, a * 10 + 350, 700, a - 100);
    for (var b = 0; b < 600; b += 50) {
        line(b, 0, b, 400);

Stefanie Suk – Project 05 – Wallpaper


//Stefanie Suk
//15-104 D
//Project 05 - Wallpaper

var spacing = 25;

function setup() {
    createCanvas (500, 500);
    background(222, 211, 170);

function draw() {

    for(var a = 25; a < width; a += 50) {
        for(var b = 15; b < width; b += 100) {
            tri(a, b);

    for(var e = 25; e < width; e += 90) {
        for(var f = 45; f < height; f += 140) {
            dia(e, f);

    for(var g = 57; g < width; g += 95) {
        for(var h = 60; h < height; h += 120) {
            cir(g, h);

    for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) {
        if(y % 2 == 0){
            for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) {
                fill(120, 107, 37);
                ellipse(spacing * x, spacing * y + 25, 4, 4);

 //   for(var j = 60; j < width; j += 80) {
 //       for(var k = 70; k < height; k += 110) {
 //           rec(j, k);
 //       }
 //   }

//    for(var c = 25; c < width; c += 50) {
//        for(var d = 15; d < width; d += 100) {
//            tritwo(c, d);
//        }
//    }


function tri(a, b) {
    fill(252, 103, 103);
    triangle(a - 20, b + 10, a, b + 40, a + 20, b + 10);

function dia(e, f) {
    fill(97, 223, 213);
    circle(e, f, 20, 20);

function cir(g, h) {
    fill(254, 123, 250);
    ellipse(g, h, 10, 25);

//function rec(j, k); {
//    fill(225, 199, 57);
//   rect(j, k, 10, 10);

//function tritwo(c, d) {
//    fill(252, 103, 103);
//    triange(c - 20, d + 35, c, d - 40, c + 20, d + 45);

For this project, I was inspired by ethical patterns I have in my handkerchief. This handkerchief consists of simple shapes like circles and triangles, but are organized in a beautiful pattern. This is why I used different triangles and circles in my wallpaper, layout them in a simple yet artistic pattern. I also explored different bright neon colors to each shape to make the design pop and lively. I really like the colors I used for this project because the background color and the shape colors really go well together.