Jinhee Lee; Project Proposal

Undertale Piano


I propose making an interactive piano project, playing to a selected keyword. The respective chords would play a melody in tandem with the appropriate key presses and indicate which keys on the piano are being pressed. Whether the keys can be played individually by choice remains to be seen. The white keys I could simply map to the number keys, but I would have to put more thought into how to map the black keys, as the keyword “determination” already occupies the three rows of letters on the keyboard.

The melody is inspired from Undertale, a popular indie game released in September 2015. Various characters and visuals will pop up with each key press, and since they’re sprite-animated, I could possibly make helper functions for the sole purpose of drawing the characters on each key press. I may even use sprite sheets to animate the characters during the key presses.


All material and rights of Undertale are reserved to its creator, Toby Fox.

Final Project Proposal

My initial idea for my final project stemmed from my interest to explore synesthesia between music and color. I have perfect pitch and although I’m not sure if my synesthesia stems from this, I have a specific color associated with every note. I don’t specifically “see colors” when I listen to music, but I think it would be really cool to visualize what this would like, since I think there are some patterns between combination of notes and color (i.e. in chords).

In order to explore this visualization, I want to create a “music video” (i.e. through some sort of generative landscape) that uses line forms to represent the different melodies in a song. I’m thinking about doing a video to Mirror Maru by Cashmere Cat or Kusanagi by Odesza and will probably use Audacity to shorten it since a four-minute song might be a lot of work. The lines will go higher in the canvas with a higher note, and lower in the canvas with a lower note. Each line will represent a different notes in real-time and will change color according to my own note color scheme.

A very basic example of what the line forms could look like. Unfortunately, I did not have other colors at the time…

I’m also thinking about incorporating shapes as well, but for now I will stick to line forms. I am also open to suggestions for improvement, so feel free to let me know if you have any!

Andrew Wang – Final Proposal

I will be trying to implement a drawing application that simulates Microsoft Paint. There will be functionalities to allow for erasing, box draw, circle/sphere draw, text input, and changing specific font, color, and weight settings. I will also be implementing the ability to capture and save the image that is drawn. If time allows, I was also thinking about adding the ability to hit start, stop, and record a video of the drawing sequence.

To create this I’m planning on drawing white over the canvas for erase, box, circle/sphere, and text input can be handled using the p5.js framework along with screen-capture. I was thinking about having the video function be created by taking constant screen-captures and and at the end calling some library to help create a gif out of the pictures. I’m not sure if p5.js handles this capability, but I’m sure a lot of libraries exist out there to help with this type of issue.

Example wireframe:


Final Project Proposal

For my final project I would like to make an animation of a robot planting a plant, and then sitting and watching it grow through all kinds of weather. Below I have included some sketches of what I hope to create.




The robot would also change depending on the weather, for instance if it rained it would have an umbrella, or if it snowed it would have a scarf. The weather would cycle through several times while the tree continued to grow, and the robot would just sit there and watch it. It’s eyes would also progressively follow the tree’s height.

James Katungyi – Project 12 Proposal


How can climate data be packaged to make a visual impact, for example, in determining when to use air conditioning in a building? In this project, I propose to represent temperature variations by the hour for each month of the year for a location. At a glance, a comparison of average temperatures at a given hour of each month will be comparable. This will be an example of climate data representation limited to temperature variations and comfort. Other templates could be made for relative humidity and comfort and so on.

The temperature variations will be set against a background that is calibrated from extreme hot (red) to extreme cold (blue). A horizontal band in the middle of the platform will mark the range of temperatures where comfort is possible.

The coloured image below shows an attempt to project this information by excel in my earlier research work. It is a static image that requires elaborate explanation. I intend for the project to improve of the presentation technique.

I propose to use 12 bar objects with a functions that relate their height to a temperature. I hope to be able to link the temperature data into the file without time consuming retyping – this is one area that I am not yet sure about.



mreyes-Project Proposal – chat bot

In another class I am making a suriel virtual pet type game using the p5.play library. What I am currently working on is for the “pet” to have needs witch you have to cater to and the pet responds depending on how you interact with it (such as getting board, and a button to click that allows you to play with it). I would like to expand on this current project by allowing the player to talk to the pet and based on the sound levels in the player’s voice the pet will respond in a diffrent way. Additionally I would like to have a sound/ vocab bank of things the pet can say witch progressively gets more sophisticated the more you talk to it (similar to a furby).

I have only ever tested the mic function using the P5 text editor. It might not be able to work using sublime or index even when the terminal is edited. This means it would require the person grading it to download the P5 text editor and play with it that way.

Here is what the program currently looks like. I will try to post the code itself once it is more refined.


Final Project Proposal

For my final project, I am intending to make some kind of game/interactive particle system. I have a few inspirations that I discussed in my looking outwards for this week. I want to have particles move towards a cursor controlled by the mouse, making the user have to avoid the particles for as long as possible to avoid ending the game. I have a number of code examples from past notes, assignments, and labs that I can pull from, combine, and finally use as a template to start my project. These examples range from Flock, to Mouse Particles, Generative Landscape, Jitter Points, Phyllotactic Spiral, and Animation step to circle. My biggest hopes are that I can create a meaningful representation and relation to the particles that appear as well as making more complex elements of game structure functional (such as points, levels, etc.)

Example codes and thumbnails


Michal Luria – Final Project Proposal

For my final project I would like to create a data visualization project of plays. My idea is to look at famous plays in new ways, by presenting various aspects of their structure. I will use the actual text of the play to generate data, and then present it in ways that only consider the structure, not the content. I hope this will present the characteristics of an era or genre, regardless of the play content.

Since all plays are based on character dialog, I would like to show who is on “stage” at every given movement. To represent the dialog itself, each character would have a “circle generator” on the canvas (image below). Each time a character would say a sentence, a circle will be generated, and will expand slowly until faded.

Since the project requires analyzing real texts, a large portion of the challenge would be to convert the text into data that can be used for a visualization project.

This visualization would allow overviewing a play in fast forward mode, and to show the dialog dynamics between characters, their relationship and dominance, and what character is on stage the most or least.

According to complexity and time limitations, a few more ideas on how the project can evolve are:

  1. Compare two plays from different eras and allow viewing how their structure varies in parallel.
  2. Have the character that speaks the most centered – the least a character talks, the further they are to the edge.
  3. Adapt the circle generator to create circles that stay on screen according to their length.

Attached is a sketch of how the screen might look like, while “playing” the play in fast forward:


Isabella Hong – Final Project Proposal

For my final project, I want to create an audiovisual mixer like Daito Manabe’s “Arigato Skating.” In his production, Manabe used cameras to capture the movement of the junior skaters on the ice and used projectors to project visuals on to the ice in line with the movements. In the end, it looked like twinkling lights and lines were emerging from the skaters’ blades as they performed on the ice.

My idea is to have shapes and patterns emerge from the user’s mouse. The different objects that will be drawn as the mouse moves will depend on the song’s (which I have yet to choose) current rhythm. This way, the visual is in accordance to the audio, hence an audiovisual mixer.

These are some preliminary sketches and ideas that I have for the audio and visuals. They will become solidified once I choose the exact portion of one of the songs I have in mind.



Final Project Proposal – Simin Li

For the final project, I want to make an interactive animation. I have always loved gardening games because of the joy of harvesting and would like to make one myself. The player would be asked to plant one seed in the soil. Then with each attempt to water the plant the seed would grow leaves and eventually fruit of their own. The number and distribution of leaves and fruit would be generated randomly while following the rules of nature like having more leaves than fruit and not cramming too many leaves on one branch. The extent to which the plant grows will depend on how many times it is watered, but watering the plant too much would cause a sudden and unexpected death. The amount of times of watering that would kill the plant is random and different each time. So it is kind of like a betting game: you want to water the plant as much as possible, but it is up to the player to decide when it might be dangerous to keep watering. Keep your current plant or have a dead one. After you have decided to stop watering, it is harvesting season. The player clicks on a button called “Harvest!” and  can harvest the fruit by clicking on the fruit and the number of fruit harvested will be displayed on the screen.
