

//Robert Managad
//Section E
//Project 02 - Section E

//body dimensions
var bodX = 241.2;
 	bodY = 500;
	bodW = 145.8;
	bodH = 218.7;
	curve1 = 15;
	curve2 = 15;
	curve3 = 15;
	curve4 = 15;

//eye dimensions
var eyeW = 25.5;
    eyeH = 8.1;
var eyeLX = 200.7;
var eyeRX = 283.9;
var eyeY = 454;
var nosecurve1 = 15;
	nosecurve2 = 15;
	nosecurve3 = 15;
	nosecurve4 = 15;

//nose dimensions
var noseW = 42;
var noseH = 34;
var noseX = 242.3;
var noseY = 486;
var noseW2 = 22;
	noseH2 = 13;
	noseX2 = 242;
	noseY2 = 502;

//ear dimensions
var earLX1 = 185.4;
	earLY1 = 393;
	earLX2 = 196.4;
	earLY2 = 374;
	earLX3 = 207.5;
var earRX1 = 273.6;
	earRX2 = 284.6;
	earRY2 = 374;
	earRX3 = 295.2;

//ground dimensions
var darkgroundW = 199.1;
    darkgroundH = 71.8;
    darkgroundX = 240.1;
	darkgroundY = 410.8;
var midgroundW = 136.6;
	midgroundH = 73.8;
var midgroundLX = 153.3;
var midgroundRX = 330.3;
	midgroundY = 399.2;
var lightgroundW = 138.9;
    lightgroundH = 53.235;
var lightgroundRX = 310.6;
var lightgroundLX = 174.1;
	lightgroundY = 373.7;

var darkgroundR = 74;
	var darkgroundG = 74;
	var darkgroundB = 63;
	var midgroundR = 121;
	var midgroundG = 122;
	var midgroundB = 97;
	var lightgroundR = 155;
	var lightgroundG = 154;
	var lightgroundB = 124;
	var bodycolorR = 234;
	var bodycolorG = 229;
	var bodycolorB = 209;
	var earcolorR = 239;
	var earcolorG = 119;
	var earcolorB = 99;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 640);

function draw(){
	background (245, 245, 240)

	//lightground in the back
	fill(lightgroundR, lightgroundG, lightgroundB);
	rect(lightgroundLX, lightgroundY, lightgroundW, lightgroundH, curve1, curve2, curve3, curve4);
	rect(lightgroundRX, lightgroundY, lightgroundW, lightgroundH, curve1, curve2, curve3, curve4);

//if else statements were added to simulate the motion of the dog...
//popping its head above the ground.

	fill(earcolorR, earcolorG, earcolorB);
	triangle(earLX1, earLY1, earLX2, earLY2, earLX3, earLY1);
	triangle(earRX1, earLY1, earRX2, earRY2, earRX3, earLY1);
	if (earLY1 > 220) {earLY1 = earLY1 - 1;
	} else {earLY1 = 221}; //it will continue to rise as long as it's placement is below its original.
	if (earLY2 > 201) {earLY2 = earLY2 - 1;
	} else {earLY2 = 202};
	if (earRY2 > 201) {earRY2 = earRY2 - 1;
	} else {earRY2 = 202};

	noStroke ();
	fill (bodycolorR, bodycolorG, bodycolorB);
	rect (bodX, bodY, bodW, bodH, curve1, curve2, curve3, curve4);
	if (bodY > 328) {bodY = bodY - 1;
	} else {bodY = 328};

	rect (eyeLX, eyeY, eyeW, eyeH, curve1, curve2, curve3, curve4);
	rect (eyeRX, eyeY, eyeW, eyeH, curve1, curve2, curve3, curve4);
	if (eyeY > 281) {eyeY = eyeY - 1;
	} else {eyeY = 282};

	fill(earcolorR, earcolorG, earcolorB);
	rect(noseX2, noseY2, noseW2, noseH2, curve1, curve2, curve3, curve4);
	if (noseY2 > 329) {noseY2 = noseY2 - 1;
	} else {noseY2 = 330};
	fill(lightgroundR, lightgroundG, lightgroundB);
	rect(noseX, noseY, noseW, noseH, curve1, curve2, curve3, curve4);
	if (noseY > 313) {noseY = noseY - 1;
	} else {noseY = 314};

	fill(midgroundR, midgroundG, midgroundB);
	rect(midgroundLX, midgroundY, midgroundW, midgroundH, curve1, curve2, curve3, curve4);
	rect(midgroundRX, midgroundY, midgroundW, midgroundH, curve1, curve2, curve3, curve4);

	//darkground in the front
	fill(darkgroundR, darkgroundG, darkgroundB);
	rect(darkgroundX, darkgroundY, darkgroundW, darkgroundH, curve1, curve2, curve3, curve4);

	//invisible clipping layer
	fill(245, 245, 240);
	rect(242.4, 542.7, 240.7, 194.5)

//random assignment of value are within the "mousePressed" function,
//randomizing the values between a given parameter 
//every time the mouse is clicked.

function mousePressed () {
	bodycolorR = random(210, 240);
	bodycolorG = random(210, 245);
	bodycolorB = random(200, 210);

	earLY1 = random(393, 393)
	earLY2 = random(374, 394);
	earLX1 = random(188, 190);
	earLX2 = random(193, 199);
	earLX3 = random(203, 210);
	earRY2 = random(374, 394);
	earRX1 = random(269, 276);
	earRX2 = random(280, 288);
	earRX3 = random(291, 299);
	if (earLY1 > 220) {earLY1 = earLY1 - 5;
	} else {earLY1 = 221}; 
	if (earLY2 > 201) {earLY2 = earLY2 - 5;
	} else {earLY2 = 202};
	if (earRY2 > 201) {earRY2 = earRY2 - 5;
	} else {earRY2 = 202};
	// changed the speed of ears so they "flop" out at the top.

	eyeH = random(4, 16);
	eyeW = random(14, 24);
	eyeLX = random(195, 210);
	eyeRX = random(273, 288);
	eyeY = random(453, 453);
	if (eyeY > 281) {eyeY = eyeY - 15;
	} else {eyeY = 282};

	noseW = random(20, 45);
	noseH = random(20, 35);
	noseX = random(235, 248);
	noseY = random(486, 486);
	if (noseY > 313) {noseY = noseY - 15;
	} else {noseY = 314;}

	noseW2 = random(20, 24);
	noseH2 = random(12, 14);
	noseX2 = random(236, 246);
	noseY2 = random(502, 502);
	if (noseY2 > 330) {noseY2 = noseY2 - 15;
	} else {noseY2 = 330};

	bodW = random(130, 160);
	nosecurve1 = random(5, 25);
	nosecurve2 = random(15, 25);
	nosecurve3 = random(15, 25);
	nosecurve4 = random(15, 25);
	bodY = random(500, 500);
	if (bodY > 328) {bodY = bodY - 15;
	} else {bodY = 328}


//have (variable) += dir * speed;
//if ((variable) = height/2) {dir = 0 * dir;
//	}

In approaching this project, I took into consideration the movement elements learned in class — how could I incorporate them into a program that randomly generated values? My first idea was to create a program that popped up an ID card, but I wanted more of a surprise element — this prompted a switch to an animal popping its head out of a hole, and I ultimately decided on keeping ambiguity behind the species as a “to-be-decided” depending on what the random function generates.

I primarily used Illustrator as aid in creating this program in order to obtain coordinate values, size values, and color values. To get the animal to animate, I used a motion technique (x = x – 1) in conjunction with conditional statements to restrict the animal from moving too high. Because I focused on keeping the body parts aligning correctly during the animation, I wasn’t able to play too much with variation in the random generation of y-coordinates — all end-animation y-coordinate-placements were the same as the original image, and I’d like to experiment later in modifying that value as well.

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