Ziningy1-Section C- Project 07 Curves

In this project, I chose the Astriod and Deltoid curve equations. I was originally trying to combine the two curves, yet I found it visually too clustered. So I made it alternating when mouse is pressed. Basically, the mouse movement will determine the the rotation speed, the size and form of the curves. I also modified the transparency so that the curves will be brighter when it is bigger in shapes and darker when is smaller, which I intended to create a sense of perspective in the space.


//Zining Ye 
//15104 lecture 1 recitation C

var t=1; 
var state; //set state for changes when mouse pressed 

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480) 

    state = 1; //start with state 1 

function draw() {
    background (0);
    var offset=0; 

    translate(width/2, height/2-offset); //move curve to center 

    t+=1+(mouseX+mouseY)/40;  //change rotation speed according to mouse position
    rotate(t); //rotate around center 
    pattern(); // call pattern function and draw the shape

function hypocycloid(){
    var a= 30; 
    var points=500; 

    var n = map(mouseX,0,width,70,150); //map the changing ranges  

    stroke(255,255,255,(mouseX+mouseY)/8); // change opacity with mouse movement 

    for (var i=0; i<points; i++){

        //map angle changing range to 0-360 degree
        var t=map(i, 0, points, 0, 359);

        //curve equation 
        var x=1/3*n*(2*cos(t)+cos(2*t));
        var y=1/3*n*(2*sin(t)-sin(2*t));



function astroid(){

    var points=500; 

    var a=map(mouseX,0,width,5,40); //map the size change range 

    stroke(255,255,255,(mouseX+mouseY)/8); //change opacity with mouse movement 

    for (var i=0; i<points; i++){

        //map angle changing range to 0-360 degree 
        var t=map(i, 0, points, 0, 359);
        //curve equation 
        var x=3*a*cos(t)-a*cos(3*t);
        var y=3*a*sin(t)-a*sin(3*t)



function pattern(){


    for(var i=0; i<100; i++){ 
        //set x,y position that it goes in draw the shapes in a circle
        var x=5*cos(3.6*i);
        var y=5*sin(3.6*i);

        translate(x,y) //change postiion to draw shapes 

        //determine which curve to present 
        if (state == 1){
        } else {

function mousePressed(){

    //when mouse pressed, the state changes, so the curve chaneges. 
    if (state == 1){
    state = 2;
    } else {
        state = 1;



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